News for Dark Sentinel 46

Record of Announcements Made Since NL45 


* Announcements for March 21, 1998 *

1) For those of you who have not heard, Grand Master Jac, the Lord Chamberlain, has resigned from the Emperor's Hammer and Dark Brotherhood... We're all sorry to see him go, as he helped turn the DB around from a previous state of disorder. And for all of you who are wondering, the position of Lord Chamberlain is NOT up for application. :)

2) MAA Thedek will be leaving for 3 weeks, during which time Master Royal will be handling the DB roster... Please send any roster emails to him.

3) He doesn't know this yet... :) But I hereby elevate Sith Warlord Crimedog to the rank of Dark Side Adept for his work as Sith High Warrior in setting up a Battle Archive, SHW homepage with some very useful information on making DB battles, and his renovation/release of old and new DB Battles.

Congratulations, DA Crimedog :P

4) And finally, I'd like to STRONGLY encourage all of you to frequent this channel at other times in addition to the Saturday meetings... No reason to have this channel just sit here :)

* End* Questions/Comments/Suggestions: 


[ --- Announcements for 28 March 98 --- ]

1. Master Blazer has created a new homepage for the Grand Master's Royal Guard!

Located at: I suggest you all visit. It's very well designed.

2. Congratulations to the Commodore of the SSD Avenger, Admiral Darth Vader, on his promotion to Lord Ambassador to command a new group within the EH, the Advanced Guard!

And taking his place as Commodore of the SSD Avenger will be Admiral Hades, a very dynamic and well-organized officer who will help the Avenger continue her recently renewed traditions of Honor, Dignity, and Glory..

3. As you all know, by the Grand Master's Decree, I've asked people to start using the DB channel more often. One person in particularly has done an outstanding job of frequenting the channel and encouraging others to as well. Therefore, I hereby award Kumba the Grand Cross of the Dark Side... Congratulations!

[ --- End Announcements --- ] 


Announcements made for 4-11-98

1) First, I wish the best of luck to Herald/DA Reinthaler who is resigning the office of Brotherhood Herald. I wish him good luck with his other duties and persuits...

2) Second, I'd like to congratulate DA BlackHawk who will be taking his place as Brotherhood Herald.  BlackHawk has done wonders for the office of the Herald, including new templates and other accessories found at the Office of the Herald webpage.  Good luck to BH, and welcome to the Dark Council.



--- Announcements from the GM for 18 April 98 ---

1) Congratulations to the new Quaestor of Independent House Naga Sadow, Sith Warrior Taage(!

2) Also, congratulations to the new Quaestor of Independent House Arcona, Sith Warrior Tiger(!

3) Congratulations to KHP Royal, who I've recently elevated to the rank of Dark Jedi Primarch for his longstanding and outstanding service to the Dark Brotherhood!

4) For those of you asking, the deadline for Dark Voice submissions is around the same time to GJW ends. More information on that later. Also, those who applied to write for the Dark Voice, don't worry... I'm going to get in touch with you soon.

--- End Announcements from GM --- 


-----New Events from the Grand Master for 02 May 98

1) Congratulations to the new Headmaster of the Shadow Academy, Dark Side Adept Wrath!

He has served as Praetor to the Headmaster for a considerable amount of time and I thought him to be the most qualified for the job, despite the MANY qualified members who applied.

2) I am not prepared to announce the Deputy Grand Master at this moment. It is proving to be a very difficult decision.

3) Thanks to everyone who is participating in the Great Jedi War.. Keep up the great work!



Announcements from the Grand Master for 09 May 1998

1) I will be posting the announcement of the new Deputy Grand Master later this weekend.. Keep an eye on the Message Boards.

2) I'm redoing the DB Homepage (for the 8th time or so), and I'm looking for some cool, "dark" sounding midis... If you have one you want to send me, please do. (

3) As always, my door is always open for questions, comments, and complaints.