The Fleet Order of Battle
Herein are presented the Capital Ships of the Fleet as recognized by the Fleet Commander. Online version is at ONLY those Capital Ships presented below in BOLDFACE are assigned Emperor's Hammer Members as crew, pilots, etc. Other Capital Ships in the Fleet are assumed to have 'standard Imperial crews' (i.e. non-players). The SubGroup vessels presented below are also manned with their respective SubGroup Members. Emperor's Hammer Members desiring more specific information on the capabilities of each of the Emperor's Hammer capital ships should review the EH Fleet Manual at
SSSD Sovereign (SSSD Sov)
M/FRG Phoenix (Aggressor Wing)
BattleGroup I
ISD Colossus (ISD Col)
ISD Vanguard (ISD Van)
VSD Formidable
VSD Monitor
M/FRG Imperator
M/FRG Ardent
M/FRG Onamo
ESC Iron Fist
3 Strike Cruisers
7 Carrack Light Cruisers
10 Corvettes
20 Assault Transports
dozens of dedicated transports, tugs & freighters
BattleGroup II
ISD Challenge (ISD Chal)
ISD Relentless (ISD Rel)
VSD Ravager
VSD Stalwart
M/FRG Invader
M/FRG Fogger
M/INT Harpax II
TFC Roxanna
M/CRV Phantom (Deep Recon)
4 Strike Cruisers
12 Carrack Light Cruisers
6 Corvettes
18 Assault Transports
dozens of dedicated transports, tugs & freighters
Auroran Home Guard Battlegroup
The majority of the Auroran Home Guard ships can be found either in the Aurora System (see the EH Systems Manual) or on extended patrol nearby...The Homeworld of the Emperor's
Hammer Strike Fleet is always defended in these uncertain times...
Torpedo Sphere, Empress Teta (TS Emp Teta)
ISD Intrepid (ISD Int)
ISD Hammer (ISD Hamr)
ISD Warrior (ISD Warr)
VSD Bombard
VSD Rapier
VSD Crusader
VSD Shield
VSD Aggressor
M/INT Fairchild
3 Modified Frigates (hospital/tender M/FRGs)
5 Strike Cruisers
5 Escort Carriers (TIE Fighter shuttles)
5 Modular Taskforce Cruisers (one w/each module type)
8 Dreadnaught Cruisers
13 Carrack Light Cruisers
17 Corvettes
25 System Patrol Craft
60 Skipray Blastboats
120 Assault Transports
hundreds of dedicated transports, tugs & freighters
Auxiliary (SubGroup) Vessels
Dark Brotherhood
SSD Avenger (SSD Avr)
ISD Subjugator (ISD Sub)
Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion
DREAD Retribution (DREAD Ret)
The Guild
Star Galleon IvanHoe (SGAL Ivan)
Infiltrator Wing
MC-90 Bismarck (flagship)
M/FRG Elan
MC-80 Renegade
M/FRG Krayt's Claw
M/FRG Oriskany
Intelligence Division
Imperial Dungeon Ship Lichtor V (DGN LichV)
FRG Stormwind (FRG Storm)
Corporate Division Picket Fleet Flagships
INV Invincible (Corporate Division Flagship)
MilCom 1st Task Force
VSD Unstoppable
INT White Tiger
M/ESC Wyvern
DREAD Crescent
STRIKC Imperishable
STRIKC Inferno
M/CRV Blood Moon
M/CRV Harvester
CorCom Picket Fleets
Galthain - Inclesis Fleet Systems
VSD Redemption's Fist
Alvaakian Drives Inc.
VSD Shadow's Revenge
M/CRV Conqueror
M/CRV Striker
STRIKC Harbinger
M/CRV Menarai I
ESC Tester
DarkTech Industries
FRG Crusader II
CRV Dictator
Bases of Operations
Aurora System
The FAC Triad (Support PLTs for the SSSD Sovereign)
Dark Hall on Eos (Dark Brotherhood HQ/Homeworld)
PLT Stiletto (Headquarters of the Intelligence Division)
Phare System
M/PLT Daedalus (Assault Platform/Pilot Training Center)
M/PLT Haven (IW Command Platform/EH Recreation Center)
PLT Revenge (Headquarters of the Corporate Division)
Lyarna System
Lyarna Station - M/PLT (Guild Station/Outpost)
Heir System
PLT Cerlun - M/PLT - FAC (Guild HQ)