Battle 89

Operation Name : "TIGER AND WOLF"
Task : Get a spy into Rebel or Bothan command staff
Reason : Investigate suspicion of major Rebel/Bothan
operation against Emperor's Hammer

Our Intelligence boys have gotten us some maps from a Bothan officer captured in the "Whale" Operation. Analysis shows that the Bothans and Rebels may be planning a major operation against us. They are preparing medium-class starships in a position totally illogical to the operation they are currently conducting against us. This must be investigated. One of the Bothan maps contained detailed plans concerning an attack on the Katoh people in the Brouani sector. After thorough investigation, Intel has discovered that the Bothans are committing genocide on the Katoh people; almost 99% of the Katoh have been killed. The survivors have organized a resistance group with their charismatic leader, Ojama. Ojama is currently on the run, attacking Bothan convoys and stealing all the equipment he can find in order to strengthen his fleet. He intends to strike back at the Bothans. Of course, the Rebels, as the Bothans' allies, are also after him, putting him in a desperate position.

After a while, we discovered Ojama's position. A scout was ordered to offer Ojama Imperial fighters and weapons. Ojama agreed to have a diplomatic meeting on his ship. During the meeting, the scout found out that he wants assault craft the most because he, as he said, "wants to kill all the flies with one blow."

That can mean only one thing ... He knows where and when all the Bothan command staff will gather.

GA Ronin has decided that this is an excellent chance to put a spy in the Bothan command staff. He has called all his command officers to make that idea a reality.

VA Dogger already has an infiltration plan.

We will trade fighters for information on where we can find the Bothan command staff and infiltrate them.

This is how are we going to do it:

- We have already agreed to send diplomats to negotiate the amount of equipment we will trade. They must get the information at the lowest possible cost and make an ally of the Katoh people if possible.

- Convince Ojama to let us attack the Bothan commanders instead of him. Or, if he refuses, to delay him long enough to conduct

- Destroy the Bothans' place of meeting, but let the commanders escape, and swap one of their escape ships with our spy's ship.

Intel gave us a list of most of the Bothan commanders. VA Dogger has prepared an agent about the size of Bothan RA Pahanga from M/FRG Ninkongo. We are currently locating himm and will commence the attack as soon as he is found. Then our spy will undergo an operation to alter his appearance and be put in. From the staff of the captured M/FRG, we will learn everything about Pahanga and operations aboard the Ninkongo.

Battle made by: GN Beli, Tornado squadron


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