Security Issues from around the Empire

New CA: New HI: Hacker Problems Addressed
Read on for more


With the promotion of my CA, VA Chuck, to GMF as the SG commander of the EH Directorate on 04/02/1997, I named a new CA. The new CA:SO is VA Tycho ( I request that everyone CC him when you mail me with any security related issued.


VA Tycho’s CA:SO webpage became fully operational with info and background information on him. It is at

You can also reach it from my office at


VA Tycho was granted non-op access on ##Emperor’s_Hammer.


BG Oberst/CMDR Phoenix/IW ( was named a Security Assistant.


Former CA:SO, GMSTR Royal was awarded the EH Grand Order of the Emperor (GoE) by GA Ronin for outstanding service to the Empire through his works in the BHG.


Due to real life altercations beyond his control, HI Paladin gave up his position of High Inquisitor to INQ Yoni ( Please make note of this.


A Star Wars Movie Poster section was added to my homepages. You can find pictures and information on some of the best movie poster artwork of all time there. Visit it from my main Imperial Pages at


HI Yoni passed his first judgment as High Inquisitor upon recommendation by myself. His communiqué as follows:

GN Armand is hereby found guilty of Conduct Unbecoming an Officer, a class II offense. In light, however, of the fact that there was an *exchange* of insults, and in the hopes that Armand's apology is sincere, the sentence has been reduced.

SDIR Rogue, FA Blake: GN Armand is to serve a two week suspension from the fleet, ending on May 15. During this time, he is to be banned from all EH IRC channels. He will be ineligible for participation in any fleet activity or contest until the term of the suspension is over. Sarina Blackmoon: Sarina (APPR/Sarina Blackmoon/Center wing/Cadre 2/5 -A) failed to display the proper restraint, and is hereby issued a warning. It is, to the best of my knowledge, her first. See to it that it is your last, as well, Sarina.

GN Armand: Your behavior in this episode was intolerable. If you step out of line again, you will be expelled. The Emperor's Hammer has no tolerance for harassment of any individuals. It is the court's hope that you will return from your suspension having missed the fleet. Perhaps this will be enough to remind you that we are all here to have fun. If you return and follow the rules, I think you will continue to enjoy yourself. Always remember, though, that every other member has the right to an equally enjoyable experience.

Any sentence that the court passes is subject to appeal to the Fleet Commander. Letters of resignation may be mailed to the office of the Flight Officer. There are no other avenues of recourse.


A letter of warning was sent by GA Ronin to the FC of the NR, FC Mort ( His email is as follows:
---- Your Office www site is a blatant plagiarism of my Office of the Fleet Commander www Site...your URL is Please revise so that at least the wording is different under the Command Nexus Section...


INQ Doomsday proposed an amendment to the EH Articles of War. The change would make the Class III Offense of Treason punishable by being hanged, drawn, and quartered. The amendment was denied. (This of course was a joke on Doomsday’s part). :)


I brought the idea up to the other COs and GA Ronin about how easy it was to edit the new game, TIE Fighter vs. X-Wing. I demonstrated this by making an edited datapad that had the inscription "The Emperor’s Hammer." I also noted how easy it was to edit the sounds, and also pointed out (both by me and HI Yoni) that the FC personally could record sound clips to place into the TvX directory.


HI Yoni named FA Garret(davew3@IDT.NET) as an Inquisitor of the Emperor’s Hammer.


VA Tycho was officially promoted to Admiral at my request. The roster was updated accordingly.


I obtained an AOL email address from my place of work. It is I will only use it when I need to post messages to the AOL message board(s). Normally my CA will make posts for me, but in any case, this is not my official email address, and it should not be used as a substitute of my current email.


The following information was supplied to me by LG Rob D/Lynx/ISD Intrepid (

As you of course heard, there have been several WinNuke attacks on the EH, I have got the solution . . .

First a little background, WinNuke is a program that opens port 139 of a Windows machine that is connected to the internet, it then sends some information to that port thus, at least, crashing your internet connection and forcing you to reboot, and at worst, crashing your entire system loosing any unsaved information.

There have been 2 attacks that I know about . . . But it cannot be proven who did it, thus enter the first program, PLISTEN.ZIP, this program just listens to a specific port and essentially writes down who/what ever tries to connect to that port. So you can report the attacks to 1: Their ISP, 2: IRCops

The 2nd program, REGCLN41.EXE, patches your Windows 95 Registry, note: Some people do not trust this, it has worked on my computer so far. This patching of the Win95 Registry fixes the vulnerability to WinNuke Attacks.

Security Officer’s Note: An attack was made on me by this hacker. Because of this, this has created great anger, and whoever caused this will have to pay for this outrageous act. The following was sent to me by a very reliable source:

Blake here are the different addies.. of the three main hackers/slicers or whatever they are called..
->shediac is * you and me
->F**khead is * blah
->Fckinlame is * blah
->Aar0nDeEp is * blah
->WATashIWa is ~iamjapane@ * Watashiwa
->Fox_Muldr is e-mail@ * 40 oz in my lap and it's freezing my balls
->Trendkill is e-mail@ * 40 oz in my lap and it's freezing my balls
Trendkill on ##Emperor's_Hammer
Trendkill using SaltLake.UT.US.UnderNET.Org
[] ArosNet UnderNet Server
End of /WHOIS list.

Fox_Muldr was the one that used the Nuke thingy.. He would send this msg..
Welcome to ##Emperor's_Hammer My 25 directory, 30,000
picture Fserver is up and Running. Send me 2 NUDE ADULT FEMALE pics, and I
will give you LEECH ACCESS on my Fserver. After Completing Sending 2 pics,
type !beer in the main channel to get my server.
Session Close: Tue May 20 23:38:35 199

You can see that Fox_Muldr and Trendkill are one in the same.. Trendkill was in the EH earlier today.. Thurs. May 22.

Aar0nDeEp was the one that was sitting in the EH channel and was msging nasty msgs. using another copy of mirc and different nicks.. (which you can see above the different names.)

If you have any information that could lead to the apprehension of this (these) renegade(s), email me and my CA immediately!

For more information and patches on WinNuke, visit Excerpt from that website:

Windows 95® and Windows NT® both have a serious bug involving the Dial-Up Networking / RAS connectivity. The problem stems from the inability of these services to handle an out of band (OOB) packet. The result is the famous "Blue Screen of Death" which states that a "Fatal Exception has Occurred". The only way to recover from the attack is to reboot your system. PLEASE BE AWARE that no damage is done by this attack. It is merely a childish prank that causes minor inconvenience.

If anyone has any information that they would like to contribute to this submission, please email me at

You need to read this

Any violations of EH Bylaws or IRC Codes of Conduct are to be reported directly to me. Any EH Members found to have violated the EH bylaws, IRC Codes of conduct, or AOL Terms of Service (AOL members) will be given ONE email warning by the EH Security Officer (myself) unless there is need to send the member under question directly to the High Court of the Inquisitors (this is up to the Security Officer)...A second offense /violation will result in a "court martial" by the High Court of the Inquisitors in accordance with the Emperor's Hammer Articles of War, as originally created by High Inquisitor Paladin (

If you would like to view the EH Bylaws, IRC Codes of Conduct, or the EH Articles of War...go to my office on the web at It can also be reached from (my Imperial Homepages). Also, visit the CA:SO’s page at


Fleet Admiral Blake Wylie
Security Officer
Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Fleet
SO/AD Blake/CS-9/SSSD Sov
[GOE] [SSx2] [BS] [MoI]
Chancellor of the Dark Brotherhood (ret.)
Dark Adept Dark Dante [Sith] [House of Arbroath]

SW Imperial pages:
Security Office:


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