Other Reports/Announcements

New FileArea on the EH IRC Channel Bot

I am currently building a file area of EH and other interesting files, for more help on that see your local friendly channel operator on ##Emperor's_Hammer

New ICQ Number for the Recon officer

I can now be paged at 1297679 via ICQ. If you haven't tried or don't know what ICQ is. Please check out this site

Error! Bookmark not defined.

WinNuke Protection

There is a netbios bug in windows 95®. This bug can be exploited by sending data to port 139 of your machine where windows panics because it cannot handle OOB data. If you are paranoid about other people crashing your machine, take these precautions.


Special Thanks to VA Lsky (Error! Bookmark not defined.) the EH Now has a FTP Site!

If you have any questions about it or wish to upload something, please contact Error! Bookmark not defined. or myself at Error! Bookmark not defined.


EHMud is fully operational…Special thanks to all the coders and helpers who have dedicated all their time to make a multi-user dungeon.

Also, don't forget to check out the EHMud Homepage at


The Mud Server can be reached by telnetting to

Mud.the-empire.net port 4000

(An ANSI-compatible telnet client is MOST recommended)

For more information

See Error! Bookmark not defined.

Note: Some really old browsers (it works with lynx, so you can breathe a little easier) like MSIE 2.0 or AOL 3.0 may have problems with this site. Please contact Error! Bookmark not defined. or Error! Bookmark not defined. to arrange for an alternate site if you can't be bothered keeping up with the times --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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