Letter of Achievement Awardee List from NL 40

COM/RA Tycho/DGN Lichtor V/P-IWATS

Admiral Garret

The Dean of IWATS

COM/RA Angel Raptor/CRS Renegade/IW/EH

FL/GN Jupiter/Cyclone-3-1/ISD Chal (x2)

CMDR/BG Asobinin Masaki/Delta/Wing I/SSSD Sov

FL/BG Oan/Tau/Dark Hall-Eos

FM/GN Lacey/Tau 2-2/Dark Hall-EOS and FM/GN Brie/Tau 2-3/Dark Hall-EOS (x2)

FM/GN Shadow/Tau 2-4/Dark Hall-Eos

FM/GN Jaygar Kal Torak/Tau 3-3/Dark Hall-Eos

CMDR/LG Kaerner/Tau/Dark Hall-Eos

FL/LG Wrath/Praetorian2-1/DGN Lichtor V

FM/BG Assassin/Trapper 2-4/Wing I/SSD Avr

CMDR/BG Kawolski/Hammer/Wing XI/ISD Rel and GN TayHota


For every NL submission you make, whether it be a picture, story, pilot background, whatever...you get one (1) Letter of Achievement (LoA). Although LoAs do not appear on your Full ID Line, they can be recorded on your Imperial Pilot Record. The more LoAs you have, it can be assumed that you are very active.

Congratulations to all of this months recipients!
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