By now, you should know how to use custom missions... place the file included in this zip - 8B01G02.TIE in the COMBAT folder Edit Rebel.lst, Imperial.lst, and mission.lst add 3 blank lines at the end of the file in the 1st blank line put in the #16 (or whatever the next number in the sequence would be) on the 2nd blank line type in the TIE file name... 8B01G02.TIE on the 3rd blank line type in the description... ISD Duel - BlackSkull vs. Hellfury save the file do that for all 3 files One bug i haven't been able to fix deals with the Ion Pulse Missiles... When arming your missile launcher in flight, it will say 'space bombs'. Also if setting them to dual fire it will say 'space bomb fired' You can ignore that... Maybe I'll figure out how to fix it I modified the frigate duel mission to reflect a mission like those in TF:DOE... One side get's Ion Pulse Missiles, and the other gets Energy Beams. Try em out, tell me what you like don't like, or otherwise think. I can be found quite frequently on the IRC at #XVT. You gotta fly the t/a for the Energy beam on the Imp side... and you gotta fly the t/b on the reb (thief) side for the IonPulse Missile... Hope ya like it, if ya do, I'll make more... including ClusterMines (a countermeasure used to get a guy off your butt), Clusterbombs (lotsa little spacebombs) and other stuff... Disclaimer: If this locks up or damages your computer, or otherwise ruins your day... Tough. I have thoroughly tested it on my machine and it works. I accept no responsibilty for this mission files' use. I.E. use at your own risk. GnboatKid