About this mission ================== This mission is a brand new, non-editted mission. It was created entirely from scratch using technology only The Bothan Spy Network possesses. For the safely of the Rebel Alliance, this classified technology cannot be allowed to be made public at this time. More missions will be forthcoming, so keep your comm channel fused to this frequency. Distribution ============ Feel free to post this new mission on as many sites as you wish. The only stipulation is that the ZIP file remain intact with no changes, and credit be given to The Bothan Spy Network. Contacting the Author ===================== The Bothan Spy Network has many undercover operatives. In order to maintain the safety of our network and operatives, we have no public line of communication at this time. To do so would be to compromise our efforts to bring you the best custom missions. We monitor MANY web message boards, so just post a message to our attention, and rest assured we'll get it. Disclaimer ========== This mission is provided as is, and the author claims no responsibility for any funky things that happen to your computer, the game, or your homework. How to install this Custom Mission ================================== 1) Copy the mission file 1FALCON.TIE into your TRAIN directory. 2) Copy the file 1FALCON.LST into your WAVE directory. 3) Create a NEW FOLDER in your WAVE directory called FALCON. Next, copy all the .WAV files from this ZIP file (1.WAV - 14.WAV) into the new FALCON directory. ***IMPORTANT NOTE!!!*** The directory MUST be named "Falcon" or the custom voice messages will not play! 4) In the TRAIN directory, edit the REBEL.LST file and add the following entry, so the first few lines look like this: // [Rebel Training - Single Player] // 29 1FALCON.TIE Defend Millennium Falcon 0 1TA02BZ.tie Gunnery Training 1 1TA05BY.tie Proton Torpedoes That's all there is to it! Enjoy the mission. And remember... many Bothans died to bring you this mission! -The Bothan Spy Network