CAB Battle I - Assault On the Hast Shipyards

STATUS: Plotline approved (NLs #22 and #24)

Designer: RA Terran (COM/RA Terran/CRS Ren) (Inactive Member)
Mission 1 - completed/posted (NL #24)
High Scores:
Mission 1 - xxxxxx pts

Designer: GA Ronin (FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSD Avr)
Mission 2, 3, 4 - completed/posted (NL #24)
High Scores:
Mission 2 - 60,649 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 3 - 56,247 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 4 - 65,656 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)

Designer: RA Sths Tor (COM/RA Sths Tor/DGN LichV)
Mission 5 and 6 - completed/posted (NL #24)
High Scores:
Mission 5 - 44,623 pts (TAC/FA Talon/CS-3/SSSD Sov)
Mission 6 - 128,512 pts (TAC/FA Talon/CS-3/SSSD Sov)

Designer: FA Paladin (HI/FA Paladin) and
RA Sths Tor (COM/RA Sths Tor/DGN LichV)
Storyline/After Action Report - Posted (NL #24)

Medal: Hast Shipyards CAB1 Medal (NL #24)

CAB Battle II - Assault Of Aurora

STATUS: Plotline approved (NL #25)


All TIE Missions designed by the risigned FO/FA Pyr/CS-4/SSD Avr and all X-Wing missions were submitted by Pappy (COM-IWFA Renegade/CRS Despot) and have been posted as approved by the TAC in NL #25. However, an updated version of aur2-2.tie has been released with NL #26.

Stage I
Mission 1 - 56,874pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)

Stage II
Mission 1 - 94,593 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 2 - 55,788 pts (TAC/FA Talon/CS-3/SSSD Sov)

Stage III
Mission 1 - 59,908 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 2a - 133,581 pts (TAC/FA Talon/CS-3/SSSD Sov)
Mission 2b - 132,391 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 3 - 91,905 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 4 - 61,377 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 5 - 49,407 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)

Stage IV
Mission 1a - 61,564 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 1b - 66,049 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 1c - 30,723 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 2a - 149,030 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 2b - 151,812 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 2c - 93,366 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 2d - 49,829 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 2e - 62,927 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)

IW Stage
Mission 1 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 2 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 3 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 4 - xxxxxx pts

Stage IV
Mission 4a - 60,284 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 4b - 44,249 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)

Stage V
Mission 1 - 94,878 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Medal: Aurora (NL #26)

CAB Battle III - Secure the Phare System

STATUS: Plotline approved (NL #29)

Designer: FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sov
Mission 1 through 4 - completed/posted (NL #30)
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 75,590 pts (TAC/FA Talon/CS-3/SSSD Sov)
Mission 2 - 21,213 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 3 - 44,364 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 4 - 29,964 pts (TAC/FA Talon/CS-3/SSSD Sov)

Designer: FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sov
Mission 5 - completed/posted (NL #30)
High Scores:
Mission 5 - 82,178 pts (TAC/FA Talon/CS-3/SSSD Sov)
Medal: Medal of Phare

CAB Battle IV - Battle for Kronos

Status: Plotline approved/all missions posted (NL#33)
Designer(s): CMDR/BG Syl/Gimmel 1/SSSD Sov

STAGE I - New Rebel Strik Fleet (5 missions)
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 41,618pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 2 - 41,524 pts (CMDR/BG Scimitar/Daleth/SSSD Sov)
Mission 3 - 81,058 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 4 - 28,132 pts (CMDR/BG Scimitar/Daleth/SSSD Sov)
Mission 5 - 52,118 pts (CMDR/BG Scimitar/Daleth/SSSD Sov)

STAGE II - Carrier Engagements (5 missions)
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 35,091 pts (CMDR/BG Scimitar/Daleth/SSSD Sov)
Mission 2 - 48,320 pts (CMDR/BG Scimitar/Daleth/SSSD Sov)
Mission 3 - 41,870 pts (CMDR/BG Scimitar/Daleth/SSSD Sov)
Mission 4 - 52,061 pts (CMDR/BG Scimitar/Daleth/SSSD Sov)
Mission 5 - 50,820 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)

STAGE III - Never Die (6 missions)
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 21,088 pts (CMDR/BG Scimitar/Daleth/SSSD Sov)
Mission 2 - 33,765 pts (CMDR/BG Scimitar/Daleth/SSSD Sov)
Mission 3 - 30,260 pts (CMDR/BG Scimitar/Daleth/SSSD Sov)
Mission 4 - 33,311 pts (CMDR/BG Scimitar/Daleth/SSSD Sov)
Mission 5 - 24,141 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 6 - 75,834 pts (CMDR/BG Scimitar/Daleth/SSSD Sov)
Medal: Medal of Kronos


DB Battle I - Midnight Requisition (5 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL #27)
Missions 1 - completed/posted (NL #27)
Missions 2 to 5 - completed/posted (NL#34)*
Designer: HI/FA Paladin
*TO/AD Katarn/CS-6/SSSD Sov
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 63,790 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 2 - 69,887 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 3 - 84,173 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 4 - 70,745 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 5 - 135,743 pts (FM/GN Jupiter/Cyclone 1-3/ISD Chal)
Medal: Medal of Arrival

DB Battle II - The Krath Haj (5 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL #28)
Designer: HRLD/AD Melan Pyr/Eos (Inactive Member)
Mission 1 through 5 - completed/posted (NL #28)
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 41,101 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 2 - 31,442 pts (FM/GN Jupiter/Cyclone 1-3/ISD Chal)
Mission 3 - 50,997 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 4 - 56,257 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 5 - 67,258 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Medal: Medal of the Empress Teta

DB Battle III - The Light Jedi (4 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL #28)
Designer: COM/VA Crona/SSD Avr
Mission 1 through 4 - completed/posted (NL #28)
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 47,386 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 2 - 22,789 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 3 - 38,262 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 4 - 34,934 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Medal: Medal of Extermination

DB Battle IV - Baptism of Fire (5 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL #29)
Designer: FO/FA Pyr/CS-4/SSD Avr (Inactive Member)
Mission 1 through 5 - completed/posted (NL #29)
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 79,114 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Mission 2 - 104,132 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 3 - 54,779 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 4 - 45,414 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 5 - 89,361 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Medal: Medal of Graduates

DB Battle V - Destruction (5 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL#32)
Missions 1 through 5 - completed/posted (NL#32)
Designer(s): TO/AD Katarn/CS-6/SSSD Sov
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 85,968 pts (CA:XO/AD Compton/CA-2/SSSD Sov)
Mission 2 - 61,543 pts (FM/BG Dev/Tau 2/SSD Avr)
Mission 3 - 22,111 pts (FL/LG Lord Exar/Tau 2/SSD Avr)
Mission 4 - 60,651 pts (FM/BG Dev/Tau 2/SSD Avr)
Mission 5 - 23,087 pts (FL/GN Phatguy/Iota-3/ISD Col)
Medal: Medal of Annihilation

DB Battle VI - Darkest Blood
Status: Plotline approved (DV #9)
All missions completed/posted (DV #9)
Designer(s): FL/LG Wrath/Praetorian/DGN Lichtor V
High Scores:
Medal: Medal of Darkest Blood


IW Battle I - Welcome (5 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL #22)
Missions 1 to 5 - completed/posted (NL#34)
Story: CMDR/GN Sabre/Beta-1/SSD Avr (Inactive Member)
Designer: TO/AD Katarn/CS-6/SSSD Sov
High Scores:
Mission 1 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 2 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 3 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 4 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 5 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 6 - xxxxxx pts
Medal: TBA

IW Battle II - Capture Renegade Moff (4 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL #26)
Missions 1 to 5 - completed/posted (NL#34)
Designers: Plot by: Fleet Admiral Renegade (COM-IW/FA Renegade/CRS Desp)
Missions by: COM/RA Draught/FRG Ka'Tal/IW
High Scores:
Mission 1 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 2 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 3 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 4 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 5 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 6 - xxxxxx pts
Medal: TBA

IW Battle III - Attack the Tokara System (6 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL #26)
Mission 1 through 6 - completed/posted (NL #27)*

Mission 1 through 6 - completed/posted (NL #28)**
* - Clone TIE Fighter Missions submitted by WC/LG Rojas/CRS Desp
Designer: COM-RTO/FA Renegade/MPLT Haven

High Scores:
Mission 1 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 2 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 3 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 4 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 5 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 6 - xxxxxx pts

** - XWing Missions submitted by COM-RTO/FA Renegade/MPLT Haven
High Scores:
Mission 1 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 2 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 3 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 4 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 5 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 6 - xxxxxx pts

Medal: TBA

IW Battle IV - Steal the Rebels' Journals (7 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL #28)
Designer: OPS/RA Anakin/CS-7/SSSD Sov
Mission 1 through 7 - completed/posted (NL #28)*
High Scores:
Mission 1 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 2 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 3 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 4 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 5 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 6 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 7 - xxxxxx pts
Medal: TBA

IW Battle V - Renegade Imperials in the Fallias System (6 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL#32)
Missions 1 through 6 - completed/posted (NL#32)
Designer: COM-RTO/FA Renegade/MPLT Haven
High Scores:
Mission 1- xxxxxx pts
Mission 2 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 3 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 4 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 5 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 6 - xxxxxx pts
Medal: TBA

IW Battle VI - Savior (6 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL#33)
Missions 1 through 6 - completed/posted (NL#33)
Designer(s): Briefings by COM/RA Dogger/CRS Ren/IW
Missions by COM/RA Draught/FRG Ka'Tal/IW
High Scores:
Mission 1- xxxxxx pts
Mission 2 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 3 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 4 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 5 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 6 - xxxxxx pts
Medal: Savior's Medal

IW Battle VII - Eagle Tour of Duty (6 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL#35)
Missions 1 through 6 - completed/posted (NL#35)
High Scores:
Mission 1- xxxxxx pts
Mission 2 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 3 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 4 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 5 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 6 - xxxxxx pts
Medal: TBA

IW Battle VIII - Shadow Squadron (4 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL#35)
Missions 1 through 4 - completed/posted (NL#35)
Designer: COM/RA Draught/ FRG Ka'Tal/IW
High Scores:
Mission 1- xxxxxx pts
Mission 2 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 3 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 4 - xxxxxx pts
Medal: TBA

IW Training Missions IWTrain-1 - completed/posted (NL#32)
Designer: COM-RTO/FA Renegade/MPLT Haven
High Score: xxxxxx pts


ID Battle I - Intel Joins the Fleet (6 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL#32)
Missions 1 through 6 - completed/posted (NL#32)
Designer(s): SDIR/AD Sarkis/DGN Lichtor V
COM/RA Rouge/DGN Lichtor V
High Scores:
Mission 1 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 2 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 3 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 4 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 5 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 6 - xxxxxx pts
Medal: TBA

ID Battle II - Secure Endor (6 missions)
Status: Plotline approved (NL#33)
Missions 1 through 6 - completed/posted (NL#33)
High Scores:
Mission 1 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 2 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 3 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 4 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 5 - xxxxxx pts
Mission 6 - xxxxxx pts
Medal: TBA


Dark Forces Assault Levels approved for use by the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion are posted below. Please be advised that the DF levels received to date originate from public domain downloads and are posted "as is" for EH Members as most non-EH authors would be offended by any modifications of their hard work. In addition, the EH in NO WAY takes credit for creating these files and the EH only uses them as hallmarks for level completions and advancements within the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion.

HF Battle I - Assault on a TIE Defender Base
Status: Approved (NL #28)
Medal: Medal for Assault I - Assault on a TIE Defender Base

HF Battle II - Island Invasion
Status: Approved (NL #29)
Medal: TBA

HF Battle III - The Jundeland Mission
Status: Approved (NL #39)
Medal: TBA

Back to the Battle Board.