Mission files can be found in the ZIP file NL40TAC.ZIP included with this NL.
If anyone has any questions regarding where to find specific mission files,
please contact the Tactical Office at Bamwolf@aol.com
-No installer with this NL. Many members have stated that the
installers don't work on their systems. A method I used before the
installers came along was to copy the EH mission files directly to the
original mission of your choice in the TIE\MISSION or TIECD\MISSION directory.
For example, if you wanted to play HMRB17M1.TIE as Battle 2 Mission 2 of TIE
Fighter, you would type:
then hit Enter. This allows you to keep your Hammer missions organized by
name and you can copy multiple files by using the F3 key, which writes out
the previous command so you don't have to type so much. Using F3 and
Backspace will allow you to change parts of the previous command easily.
For instance, if you wanted to copy HMRB17M2.TIE to a TIE mission after
typing the above command (for HMRB17M1), you could hit F3, then backspace
so the screen looks something like:
then type 2, hit F3 again, and do the same for the mission you want to copy
over. Using this method or the renaming method both work, so it's up to you.
-MISSION COMPENDIUM. ** Has been updated and is ready for
distribution. Contact CA:XO AD Compton
(LoveWilKil@aol.com) for details.
-MISSION DESIGNERS! - Designers of all new EH Battles must submit
a plotline that includes a suggested medal name along with the missions for
the battle.
Unfinished missions/battles - Before you make your own battle, how
about picking one of the incomplete Hammer battles and design missions for
it's plotline? You will still get credit for it and you may exercise a
little latitude if you wish to edit the approved plotline as long as you
stick to the original story. Check the Battle Board for any unfinished
Battles, then contact the Tactical Officer for permission to start work.
-Note to Tie CD players. Disable in flight speech when you play the
edited missions or you will hear the speech from the original TIE missions.
I have also been getting messages from members that have trouble flying the
EH missions if they chose "Minimum Install". Try "Recommended Install".
-GAME LOCK-UPS! If you run into a lock-up during a briefing, try
the mission in the Combat Chamber. Some missions submitted to the Tactical
Office do NOT have edited briefings. Also, you may have a briefing but not
a map. Just skip the briefing room map option.
If a mission locks after a new ship or group of ships enter, you're just not
killing them fast enough......the TIE game engine only allows ~30 active
ships at once.
If you get the "Error to read CD" error when trying to play EH missions,
choose "FAIL".
copy HMRB17M
-BUGS. No mission corrections with this NL.
Contact us with any mission problems. We'll work on them.
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