Battle 82: Shadow's Revenge

Mission 1:

In this Mission you will need to disable a Rebel Escort Carrier. It is carrying a Wing of T-Wings needed for General Dodonna Task Force. You will first disable the ESC and after that a flight Group of Z-95 Gold after that a flight of X-Wings from Red Squadron. After you attack them the rebels will launch a flight from Orange Squadron.You need to destory 50 of all X-Wings and 100% of all Z-95's.

Mission 2:

In this Stage of the Mission you will be excepted to destroy the Rebel DreadNaught Doom which had been attack by Condor Squadron from the Renegade. The firts attack was to take the Dread's Shields down to 50% and wittle down the Starfighter defenses.The first group will be X-Wing's from Red Squadron then a Flight from Purple Squdron and then a Flight from Yellow Squadron. There are ship already on the way to reinforce the position a group of SPC and M/CRV from flight Revenge and Gold. You must destoy 50% of Purple,Red and Gold Starfighter Squadrons and 50% of Gold SPC and 100% of M/CRV Revenge.

Mission 3:

In this stage of the Mission you will be expected to destroy the Rebel Victory Star Destroyer. The Ship is also part of General Dodonna's Task Force. You are to disable the Escort Shuttle Purple which is carrying the officer from the ship.After the ship has been disabled Assualts Shuttle from Repo will come to capture the Escort Shuttles.They have stolen Imperal TIE Fighter and TIE Bombers. Which will go after the M/FRG Insidious. YOu will have to destroy them before they launch their ammunition at the Insidious. You have to destroy 50% of Red and Blue Squadrons to complete the missions.

Mission 4:

This is the final stage of the Mission you will be expected destroy The Mon Calamari Cruiser Republic's Pride that is the flagship of General Dodonna's Task Force. It is escorted by 2 Strike Cruisers from Protector Flight Group. There are 4 full strength Squadrons aboard the CRS on of each type(Z-95,X-Wing,A-Wings and Y-Wings). You need to destroy all of the Capital Ship and 100% of the Z-95's and 50% of all other fighters.

Medal name: Shadow's Redemption

WC/LG Riker/Wing I/SSSD Sov,Dragoon,IWATS,BS,ISM,MoT-gh(4),Sith Warrior(Sith)


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