"I time to live... a time to die..." The story of Major General Caso One rainy afternoon on Coruscant, a young woman had gone into labor. She was one month early, so it was a deadly time. Six months earlier, she had wed with a young frieghter pilot. He was hansom and skilled. He had also died two months later when his freighter fell under attack by several ships from the Kessel Fleet. She was alone... alone with her unborn child... an unborn child who was screaming to be brought into this world of deception, destruction, and death. She was finally at the end of labor... she grasped at her new child. She named him Chris Caso; a child destined for victory and power. It was at that unfortunate moment, that, due to complications, she "expired". She spent those last breathes of air holding her new child; the one who she could never possibly imagine what would lie ahead in his future. He was adopted by a peaceful family on Alderaan, where he lived till he was 15. Then, due to the fact that he seeked adventure, he ran away. He had stowed away on a spice freighter en route to Corellia. When he arrived, he was forced to live on the streets. He learned how to hijack a land speeder, and he acquired his first T-47 Skyhopper. That was when he first experienced what it would be like to glide in the air. Less than five months later, a robed man approached him and convinced him that he had great powers... powers that he would not yet understand, but would learn to use in time. He then moved in with another young boy that he had met. This young boy was a hot-shot Corellian named Wedge Antilles. Wedge had decided to join the Rebel Alliance when he was 18, and convinced Chris Caso to do as well. At this time, Chris Caso was only 17, so he had to lie about his age to join the Alliance. They flew a few missions together as wingmen in X-Wings, but were soon separated before the battle of Yavin IV. The last time Chris Caso and Wedge Antilles saw each other was two months before the battle of Endor, and they were doing escort duty for a Rebel Alliance freighter. Not too long after, Chris Caso was on vacation on the pleasure planet of Ancheron VI. There, he met one of the Empire's best pilots; a young Alderaanian female commader named Brooke Shepherd. She was in command of a shipping unit for transporting Imperial goods. They met on friendly terms when an old Corellian gambler assaulted her on an attempt of rape. Chris Caso saw the man attacking her in the back of a shuttle platform, so he ran over to assist her. Unfortunately for the gambler, life was at an end. She expressed her thanks by offering him a possitian in the Empire, but, when he told her that he was a member of the Rebel Alliance, she thought otherwise. Then, she realized that it didn't matter who he was with, she owed him possibly her life, so they became friends. After that, they got closer and closer together. Then, they finally became lovers... seeing each other whenever they had the chance. They were closer than a pilot to his ship. Shey were inseperable. Finally, Chris Caso had the guts to ask her to wed. She agreed and they plans were made for the wedding to be held in exxactly six months time. Five months later, she was called out to duty to command a bulk freighter en route to Bispattih, an Imperial shipping center. All that she told Chris Caso was that she was flying a shipping unit to a classified destination, so he didn't know where she would be. He was already getting the final steps for the wedding completed. Just a week later, Chris Caso was placed into an elite strike squadron of X-Wings assigned specifically for heavy assault missions. He was called immedietally out to intercept and destroy an Imperial convoy carrying weapons. His squadron immediatelly left and set course for the interception point. WHen they arrived, they were right on time... the convoy had their shields down and were unprepared. His wingmen started locking on the freighters and firing torpedoes. Then, he remembered about his lover... she was supposed to be commanding a group of freighters en route to a classified destination. Then it hit him! This was HER convoy they were assaulting! He then started identifying all remaining freighters before they were destroyed. Finally, he identified what he thought to be the last one, and was relieved when it didn't have her on it. Then, on the very far end of his sensor array, he noticed a blip... an unidentified freighter! He turned sharply and did a high-speed dive for the freighter. He targeted it... was withing range... and no sooner than he identified it, a torpedo was on its way to destroy the freighter; the one that identified his lover on board. The second it hit, he was filled with rage... a kind of rage that not even the Dark Lord of Sith, Exar Kun could experience! He then assaulted his own squadron with such force that even the Emperor himself would have been impressed! He took out six of his eight wingmen, while the other two made a jump to hyperspace like cowards! Then, out of nowhere, an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer appeared. A swarm of TIE Fighters appeared out of her hangar bay and escorted the X-Wing back aboard the Star Destroyer for interogation. When aboard the ISD, Chris Caso told Lord Vader himself that he would get revenge for the murder of his lover. The Dark Lord was impressed at his performance against his own wingmen, and decided to spare his life. Then, the Dark Lord senced something special about him... he held powers in the Force! He would be a valuable asset to the Empire if he could be turned to the Dark Side! The Dark Lord had him sent off to an Imperial training academy for TIE Fighter pilots, where, Chris Caso graduated to top of his class. He was then assigned a position in a TIE Defender aboard the Star Destroyer Chimaera, and all in a months time. He was aboard the Star Destroyer Chimaera during the battle of Endor, and witnessed the destruction of the Death Star, and felt the losses of both the Dark Lord and the Emperor. Four years later, the Star Destroyer Chimaera was crowned the new flagship for the last (Or supposed last) of the Grand Admirals... Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn admired his tactics, so he was placed on a special ops unit for the most important missions only. He was also aboard the Chimaera when the mad Jedi clone, Joruus C'Boath took command of the entire crew... the entire crew except for Grand Admiral Thrawn, Captain Pellaeon, and him. Joruus C'Boath never detected him, since he knew that the mad Jedi would do who knows what to him, so he always had a ysalamir frame attatched to himself to prevent the mad Jedi from detecting his powers. He was also one of the last people to speak with Grand Admiral Thrawn before his untimely death, when he was being briefed for a last-ditch assault before they retreated. Thrawn was murdered by his Noghri bodyguard, Ruhk, not five minutes after he had left Thrawn's chambers. After the death of Thrawn, Chris Caso was promoted to General for his excellent record of service to the Empire. He was called out on patrol duty one day, when, unexpectedly, he fell under attack by pirates. They attacked his TIE Defender with a Lancer-Class Frigate, and he had no choice but to make a jump to lightspeed or die by puthetic pirates... he had to flee like a coward from combat. When he dropped out of hyperspace from a blind-jump, he noticed he was in the Aurora System... a little-known, and mainly un-explored sectore with nothing more in it than a dead planet from what he knew of it... but as fate played its hand, he was wrong. He turned out to be at the base of a huge fleet which had a Super Star Destroyer in it, several Star Destroyers, some frigates, some cruisers, some platforms, and who knew what else! What was this?! A mind trick of some kind! This was an impressive fleet for an Imperial officer who served during the glorious days of the Emperor! How could this be? Was it an illusion of some sort? He couldn't figure out heads nor tails of the situation. Then, out of nowhere, a group of some new type of TIE Defenders came up along side of him and ordered him to land on the next platform for questioning. He was brought into a room, where he was interogated on who he was, where he was from, why he was here, etc. He demanded to be brought to the leader of this fleet, and they brought him aboard the Super Star Destroyer they called the "Avenger". He recalled the name from the battle of Endor, but the Avenger was an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer, not a Super-Class Star Destroyer! Could someone have somehow upgraded the Avanger to a Super-Class? He entered a room where a man in a white uniform sat. He identified himself as Grand Admiral Ronin... truely the last of the great Grand Admirals. He identified himself before the Grand Admiral as General Caso, a TIE Defender pilot for Captain Pellaeon of the Star Destroyer Chimaera. He explained how he arrived here and why, and then demanded an explenation of this place. He was told that is was the Emperor's Hammer, an elite, top secret fleet of the Emperor's. He also informed General Caso that not even the remenants of the Empire know of its existance. Then, General Caso asked for a way in. He was placed in the Flayer Squadron, aboard the Star Destroyer Subjugator. He was the 3rd wingman in flightgroup I. He had now served under two separate Grand Admirals... something that he had never heard of being done. He felt good about it. He would soon experiance several more victories for the Empire in the near future. Promotions were also destined. He would soon join the Dark Brotherhood, where he would learn to understand and control his special powers in the Force. He would meet another lover... a young, beautiful waitress named Lisa Esterly, who was four years older than him. He would most certainly bring victiry to the Grand Admiral. He would die for his cause... the cause to bring peace and order back among the Galaxy! The Empire would soon return in command of the Galaxy... it would be only a matter of time... It was only a few months later that his squadron commander, BG Jordan was promoted to LG... and only a few weeks after that, that his squadron commander was promoted to commadore of the Frigate Storm Wind. It was around this time that GN Caso was promoted to BG, as well as he was transfered over to Wing I, aboard the SSSD Sovereign, and was given command of Delta Squadron. His days in Delta Squadron were long and hard, yet they were fun. He would spend many enjoyable days in Delta Squadron, and he would meet some new and good friends. He would also be able to see many new worlds, on many of Delta Squadrons deep-space recon operations. He loved it, but he still didn't have the power he had wanted... he yerned for more. He soon became power-hungry, and that thirst for power would only continue to grow. He became good friends with LG Devin, the Wing Commander of Wing I... maybe he wasn't perposfully doing it, maybe so, but he was sucking up at every chance trying to get more and more promotions. Nothing would stand in his way on the road to power. Soon, therafter LG Devin was promoted to the Command Attache of the Fleet Commander, Grand Admiral Ronin, and Wing I was without a WC, and they needed one bad. Naturally, BG Caso took the opportunity to his benefit... he began to attempt to gather all his friends in thee EH to recommend him for the position. It was a tight race to become WC of the original first Wing in the Emperor's Hammer, and alot of people wanted the job too... but he HAD to get it... he HAD to have more power. Then, one morning, he woke up with a letter sitting at his door... it was from Admiral Zlatan, the Command Attache of the Flight Officer. It stated congradulations, and said that he was now an LG, as well as the new Wing Commander for Wing I. He was now the WC of Wing I, and he liked it. He was in command of over six full squadrons... he got off on having the power of god at his finger tips, and up until now, this was the closest hes ever gotten. He could start a war with what he had now, but he wouldn't. He knew what his duty was, and he'd carry that duty out... he would serve the EH until the New Republic was erradicated, and then he still may continue his service in the EH. His life had gone from tragedy, to glory, to confused, to powerful... he enjoyed it. It was only a matter of weeks that he'd get promoted to Major General, and he'd be sent out on many missions to bring glory to the Empire. That was his job... the job of a member of the Emperor's Hammer... the galaxy's most elite, powerful and feared fleet since the glorious days of Emperor Palpatine.