Medal Board

Hey Squadron has been awarded the Wing Commanders Award.

Until the award is given out again, Hey Squadron has the right to call

itself..."The Commander's Own".

Recommendation sent by: Lieutenant General Marco(WC/LG Marco/Wing III/SSSD Sov)

Other Awards, Battle Completions:

Vice Admiral Harconan(CA:SCO/VA Harconan/CA-10/SSSD Sov.) DB Battles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Free Missions HAVOK

General Bridge(CMDR/GN Bridge/Aleth/Sov.) Battle 38

General Howie(CMDR/GN Howie/Hey/Sov.) Battle 01

General Syl(FM/GN Syl/Hey-I/Sov.) Battles 2, 3, 4, 10, 19, 20, 22, 24, and 25.

General Scimitar(FL/GN Scimitar/Daleth-II/Sov. ) Battle 38

General Qiliang(CMDR/GN Qiliang/Daleth/Sov. ) Free Mission-Mflux2

Lieutenant General Marco(WC/LG Marco/Wing-III/Sov. Base) Battles 10, 11, 13, 15,

Admiral Talon(TO/AD Talon/CS-6/SSSD Sov) Battles 4, 16, 17, 32, 34, 35, 39, Aurora CAB-2, and Phare CAB-3.

General Claw (CMDR/GN Claw/Thunder Sqn/ISD Chal.)

-Battle 2-Strike at Calamari

-Battle 3-New Dimensions

-Battle 4-Recapture Zaarin's Technology

-Battle 5-Pirate Uprising

-Battle 6-Destruction

-Battle 7-Zaarin's Missile Boats

-Battle 9-Tracking the Defectors

-Battle 10- Battle for the Death Star

-Battle 27- (X)-Wings of Glory

-Battle 34- Encounter at Charybdis

-Battle 38-Deepspace Syndicate

General Morgoth (FM/GN Morgoth/Thunder-I/ISD Challenge)

-Battle 7- Zaarin's Missile Boats

-Battle 10- Battle for the Death Star

-Battle 16- Dacian Downfall

-Battle 27- (X)-Wings of Glory

-Battle 34- Encounter at Charybdis

-Battle 38- Deepspace Syndicate

-Battle 45- Traitor

General Gyssler(FL/GN Gyssler/Lambda-2/SSSD Sov)

Battles: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, CAB's 1 and 2.


Brigadier General EmpReach(FL/BG EmpReach/Omega-3/SSSD Sov) Free Missions JA24 and Battles 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Vice Admiral Giese(CA:SEC/VA Giese/CS-9/SSSD Sov) Free Missions Dactyl 1&2 and Battle 16.

Rear Admiral Deathwatch(WC/RA Deathwatch/Wing I/SSD Avenger) DB Battle 5

Vice Admiral Devin(CA:FC/VA Devin/CA-1/SSSD Sov.) Battles 4, 10, and 17.

Rear Admiral Caine(COM/RA Caine/ISD VANGAURD) Battle 47

General Stephen(CMDR/GN Stephen/Pi/ISD COL) Battle 47

Congratulations to all these fine pilots and squadrons!

Executive Officer, Sector Admiral Havok

Executive Officer's Attache, Vice Admiral Dev

Science Officer's Attache, Vice Admiral Harconan