TO: ALL Emperor's Hammer Members

FROM: Flight Officer Jac Cotelin

RE: Flight Office

Fellow Officers and Pilots,

Over the last month I have noticed some problems in the way the Flight Office has been running. We have had problems with me being gone and mail being lost....I have consulted with my CA and we have created a reasonable plan....The changes are as follows...

NOTE: When you see me typing in caps I am not yelling...I am marking important words/sentences....

EVERYTHING that has ANYTHING to do with the Flight Office is to be sent to BOTH, I mean BOTH, Zlatan ( AND I ( (this goes for pilot applications, promotions, AWOLs, recomendations...etc. etc). NO exceptions. This will make it so both of our rosters are identical, and to some degree will prevent the loss of mail... This will also make it so both of us will be able to reply...The two of us will "divy-up" the duties, but everything MUST be sent to BOTH of us.

Also there will be a few changes in our "rules". These are listed below.


ALL promotions are to be told to the Flight Office ( CA AND I) BEFORE or AS the promotion is being given. This especially goes for CMDR positions since my CA and I promote a lot of CMDRs.....As for FLs...I will not act kindly to you if you promote someone from another squad to FL in your squad. CMDRs...PLEASE promote people in YOUR squadron to your open FL positions. Also....When promoting someone you are to contact their old AND new squad members, WCs, COMs, and BGCOMs (if applicable). Make sure you put in their old and new ID line...


If you wish to be transferred or wish for someone to be transfered just askand I will gladly move that person. The Flight Office controlls the roster and WILL NOT TOLERATE THE MOVEMENT OF PILOTS WITHOUT PREVIOUS NOTICE!!! Also, CMDRs...There will be NO movements WITHIN THE SQUAD! Unless it is from FM to FL no pilot should be moved around.


The GA has stressed this, and I'm going to stress this even more...CMDRs a pilot is only AWOL if you have not heard from him in OVER A MONTH!! No earlier....


Nothing much new here...just make sure you state what you're complaining about...:^)


This is the hardest part of my job. I want everyone to know that recommendations and promotion requests will be REVIEWED AND CONSIDERED. NO PROMISES. In a fleet of 1,195 people it is a good chance that someone else will get the job. If you requested someone, but they did not get promoted the rec. will be PUT ON FILE. We will come back to it when a new position opens. Make sure you include the pilots' e-mail addy, AND ID line...


CMDRs....My CA and I will place pilots where they are needed....We know very well that your squad may need a few, so DON'T BADGER US....I have too much mail already....


CMDRS, WCs, and is YOUR responsibility to keep a roster of your ship/wing/squad. It's NOT my responsibility to give you one every time you need an addy. LOOK IN THE LATEST NL....The roster doesn't change THAT much...


I would like everyone to know that I do NOT controll the sub-group rosters. They are controlled by that group and sent to me for NL inclusion. If you want a particullar SG roster ask the SG Commander...Sub-groups....If you want to see your roster in the NL SEND IT TO ME!!

I guess that's about it....Just remember to USE ID LINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a reminder....Send ALL mail regarding the F-Office to BOTH my CA

(, AND I (

Also...Those of you with web pages I would ask that you change anything regarding joining the EH to say "Send to the Flight Office ( AND" or something like that...

Thank you all....<SALUTE>


Inquisitor AD Yoni


The following base form will be utilized to submit scores for Aggressor Wing (see EH NL #31)...In addition, the Fleet Commander may use it for submission of upcoming Minos Cluster (EH vs Rebel Squadrons) mission performances...!

Request mission scores

Mission success/failure (on individual basis):

Player's craft destroyed/survived:

Total # of craft destroyed:

Every Primary Goal Complete/Incomplete:

Player's Craft Destroyed/Survived:

Cap ships destroyed (by name), # of starfighters:

WC/LG Yodavin/W-5/SSSD Sov




All members in the fifth wing on the SSSD I have a few orders for you right now. I would like to introduce myself. I am Lieutenant General Yodavin. I am your Wing Commander. My Id line is as follows:

WC/LG Yodavin/Wing V/SSSD SOV, BS

My first order I want you to do for me is to report into me. So I know who is active. My email address is

My second order is that I would like all of you in this Wing to send me your pilot.tfr so I may view it.

I thank you for all of your time and I hope we will be great friends in the future. Remember if you ever have any problems in your squadron in Wing V just email me and I will see if I can get it resolved. Seeya All around.

With Regards,

Lieutenant General Yodavin


Lieutenant General Yodavin

These Orders were created on:

Saturday, June 01, 1996

9:22:26 AM


The Story of a

Deadly Night


It all started long ago in a dark alley. There was a father and a son walking back to their house from a carnival. The father heard a sound and told his son, “Stan, go hide behind those crates! I heard a noise.” The son hid and waited for the emergency to end. So the young child watched the occurrences in the ally.

The father said, “Who’s there? Come out show yourself! Be a man!”

A young looking Imperial Officer appeared at the end of the alley. The Imperial approached the man at the other end.

“Lieutenant Yodavin, why have I been given the honor of being in the presence of your foul stink?”

“Charming, Ha’tog, but only if you knew that your life is about to end.”

Ha’tog made a look that looked like he was hurt and than said, “You can tell the Emperor that I will never in my life pay any tribute or fine that he has awarded me. For all I care is that you and the Emperor rot in hell where you belong!”

“This is your last chance pay what the Emperor orders or your family will have to survive without you.”

“What do you know of my family. I have none!”

“That is where you lie, because the Emperor and myself have found out you do.”

“Fine, I will pay it.”

“Good I knew you would come to your senses. Give me the money and I will leave you and your family alone.”

Ha’tog pulled out three handfuls of Imperial Currency and gave it to the Lieutenant. “There it is all of it plus some extra”

“I am sure the Emperor will be pleased. It has been a pleasure doing business with you. Good Day.”

“Yes Good Day.”

Lieutenant Yodavin turned around and headed in the same direction he came from. The man Ha’tog pulled out a concealed blaster from his pocket and started to aim it at Yodavin.

“Hey Admiral, It is your time to DIE!!”

Yodavin turned around with blaster drawn and aimed right at Ha’tog. The Imperial’s blaster was fired and the laser blast exploded on the enemy’s weapon. Ha’tog threw the destroyed blaster on the ground and was preparing to run.


Ha’tog stopped and put his hands over his head.

“Can’t you just leave me alone?”

“It is you who have chosen your destiny not me! I let you go but you tried to kill me. You will pay with your life.”

Yodavin raised his blaster once more took aim and shot Ha’tog right in the head. The living combatant walked to the almost deceased opponent and said, “I told you not to try to [slight] the Empire. You wouldn’t listen to me old friend. I tried to warn you but you wouldn’t listen.”

“H….el..p me.”

“I refuse to help a traitor of the Empire, the Emperor, and to myself. Death will come to you!”

With that Yodavin shot Ha’tog again. The man immediately died. Yodavin looted the man for all he was worth and left his body to decay and for the rats to eat.

The man’s son, Stan Ha’tog came out of his hiding place and sat next to his father.

The son yelled frantically in the air, “No, No, No, not you daddy. Talk to me. Daddy, Daddy. I promise that one day I will avenge your death. This is my last promise to you.”

The young child dragged his fathers body to the family’s home and all inside cried and grieved of the death of their beloved father and husband.

It is 10 months after the battle over endor (27 years after the above events). Emperor palpatine is dead as is darth vader. The new republic is the predominant government now that rules the galaxy with their own tight grasp. But the new republic is not alone. there are still factions of the empire that are left. One of these is the Emperor’s Hammer, one of the most powerful. Soon THE New Republic will be brought to its knees by the Emperor’s Hammer.

**Mariada System**

A man, Stan Ha’tog stands next to some of his cronies in a bar in the Mariada System. This bar is one of the average ones lots of drunken bums and dim lights. In the back there is a Gambling section.

Stan drinks some of his drink and says, “So, I was just sitting there behind the crate when an Imperial Officer came from nowhere and killed my father.”

“Did the Imp say anything.”

“Umm.. Yes he said something like this, I told you not to try to [slight] the Empire. And then he shot my father. I vowed one day that this Imp would die at my hand. I promised this. I will deliver this too.”

“What was this Imperial’s name?”

“It is Yodavin! I would never forget that name!”

Just than the door swung open and the air silenced, the wind stopped, and the lights dimmed. A very broad Imperial walked in the small cantina. Faces turned as the Imp went to the counter to get a drink.

“I want a Corellian Wine”

“Certainly, free of charge.”

Yodavin said to Stan, “Excuse me sir, but do you mind moving over a seat so I can sit down?”

“Sure. No problem,” Stan said and than looked at the man, “YOU, YOU.”

“Yes what about me?” “You killed my father and my family a few weeks later. I was the only one to survive.”

“I still do not remember you, Sir. Do you have a name?” “Last name is, Ha’tog”

“Ha’tog…… Yes, I remember now. You had a traitorous family to the Empire. They deserved to die.”

“Bartender, forget the drink I think I will be on my way.”

Yodavin turned and started to leave.

“Just one more thing you rotten Imperial. What happened to your rank got promoted?”

“It is not the Empire anymore it is the Emperor’s Hammer. I must go now.”

Yodavin turned again and started toward the door. Stan Ha’tog turned toward Yodavin with a blaster.

“Time to die Scum. Just like you killed my father.”

Yodavin turned with lightning speed and fired one blast at Stan Ha’tog. Ha’tog was hit right square in the chest.

Yodavin walked over to Stan’s body and said, “Now, wasn’t that foolish! You now have died just the way your little petty father did. Like a big fat whining squealing pig.”

Stan Ha’tog finally died. Yodavin gave the bartender some credits to pay for any damage that may have occured.

The Final Death of the Ha’tog family ended an epoch of a live rebel with valuable info that could’ve destroyed the Emperor’s Hammer. This truly was the final and deadliest bounty!

Respectfully created and submitted by:

Lieutenant General Yodavin

WC/LG Yodavin/Wing V/SSSD SOV, BS


Lieutenant General Yodavin


Some edits were made to the above submission for continuity and constistency with EH and SW plotlines...

WC/LG Stryker/ISD Chall

WC Stryker...

(Photo: E-Mailed by, 1996)

Personal Background Information on Wing Commander Justin Stryker


Imperial Navy Pilot Record

Name: Justin Stryker

Rank: Lieutenant General, Wing Commander of the ISD Challenge, Command Ship of Battle Group II, the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet

Scandoc Transmission Code (Screen Name): LGStryker, WC_Chall, DJK_Stryk

E-Mail Address:

Sex (M/F): Male

Race: Human

Date of Birth: August 14, 1961 (Gregorian Calendar)

Place of Birth (Please include Homeworld): No Trees, New Texas (a frontier settlement at Hanspaard's Star)

Marital Status (Single, Married, Divorced, Separated): Married

Family: Deceased, except for spouse, Barbara

Social Status (Destitute, Poor, Well-to-do, Wealthy, Nobility): Well-to-do

Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence: Justin Stryker is the son of rural educators, and the grandson of farmers and ranchers -- pioneers who helped tame a portion of the wilderness of New Texas. Life was simple, but enjoyable far away from the centers of population and government.

:::::::::: Data Restricted to Command Rank Personnel by the ISB ::::::::::

It became far less enjoyable when a harsh and inflexible Imperial Governor was appointed to govern the Hanspaard's Star system and several neighboring frontier sectors during the fall of the Old Republic. It became intolerable the day that bandits, working for Governor Maynard, killed everyone on the Stryker homestead while young Justin was on a hunting trip. Driven by rage, and blinded by grief into believing that all Imperial authorities were as dishonorable and untrustworthy as Governor Maynard, young Justin Stryker sought out and joined the Rebel Alliance. Governor Maynard died five weeks after he "acquired" the Stryker homestead, when a 10-mm big-game slug jellied his brain at the conclusion of a public address from the balcony of the Governor's mansion. It took quite some time for the Inner-Worlds security team to determine that the cause of death was a slug fired from a wooded area 2km distant on a trajectory parallel to the building face -- through the 25-cm gap between the building and the balcony security field. Unused to weapons as primitive as a slug-thrower, and safely ensconced behind the balcony security field, the security team at first thought that an explosive device had been planted in the Governor's head. Although several suspected Rebel sympathizers were executed for this crime, there was some doubt as to the true identity of the killer.

In those days, before the Rebellion became the New Republic, Rebel forces would take virtually anyone who was willing to fight. Stryker joined the Rebellion as a guerilla scout, employing the hunter's skills he had learned as a boy on New Texas. Hard-pressed by Imperial forces in the weeks before the destruction of Alderaan by the first Death Star, the Rebellion began to hastily train new starfighter pilots. Stryker transferred to the Rebel Navy and entered the starfighter training program, where his flying style was heavily influenced by his youthful experiences piloting speeder bikes through the ravines of the Badlands, on his native New Texas. Stryker flew starfighters for the Rebellion throughout the weeks leading up to the destruction of the Death Star, and during the relocation of the main fleet to Hoth. He was also flew in the first functional B-Wing squadron. Stryker racked up over 2500 kills flying for the Rebellion, but his youth, inexperience, and anger combined to make him rather careless -- he was blown out of the saddle nearly two dozen times during his tenure as a Rebel pilot. Stryker spent so much time in the bacta tanks that they began to seem like a second home.

Although he liked and respected his wingmen, and was no longer as idealistic as he had been before the death of his family, Stryker's contentment with the Rebellion was severely strained when a Bothan Councilor charged Stryker's commanding officer, LG Deniston, with treason against the Rebellion. Finding evidence that tended to exonerate his CO, General Stryker confronted the Bothan in his council chambers. Feigning interest in the evidence, Councilor Fey'lker took Stryker's data pad and erased it. Although Stryker had made a copy of the evidence, this deliberate act of official injustice caused Stryker's anger to flash like a nova, and he savagely backhanded Fey'lker across the snout. Fey'lker staggered back against a pedestal supporting a massive marble figurine and fell at its base, jostling the pedestal enough to knock over the figurine. Stryker watched without moving as the figurine toppled over and crushed the Bothan's skull. Political allies of the Bothan Councilor used their full influence to see that Stryker was convicted of murder. Deniston was able to influence the Court enough to avoid a death penalty, so Stryker was placed in a prisoner of war camp until he could be transferred to a more suitable penal institution. Although Stryker was initially kept almost entirely separated from the Imperial prisoners, for obvious security reasons, he had enough contact to became friendly with a few of the Imperial officers in the camp. Several weeks after his initial internment, Fey'lker's allies conspired to have Stryker reassigned to a cell in the Imperial section of the camp, believing that the Imperials would kill him. Instead, Stryker and the Imperial officers planned and executed a daring escape made possible by Stryker's knowledge of Rebel military procedure, and the Imperial's manpower and combat experience. Commandeering an armed transport, Stryker flew his one-time enemies safely through Rebel lines.

Stryker intended to head out toward the fringe systems after transporting the Imperial POWs to the nearest system with an Imperial garrison, but the ranking POW, General Mulryan, argued that Stryker should return to the Empire and seek clemency in return for information on the Rebel military. Stryker agreed to meet Mulryan on Corellia to discuss this idea further, after Mulryan had reached an agreement on the terms of Stryker's surrender from an Imperial officer of at least Flag rank. True to his word, Mulryan met Stryker on Corellia with an offer of amnesty, on the condition that Stryker provide information on Rebel military movements and technology, and further that Stryker either be imprisoned until the end of the war or join the Imperial Navy. Stryker had no desire to either face his former comrades in battle or to spend an indeterminate time in detention, but in the days since his escape he had learned that Fey'lker's partisans had put out a death mark on him. Impressed by General Mulryan's honor, and not desiring to spend his life looking over his shoulder for the next bounty hunter, Stryker agreed to Admiral Mordon's terms. After a seemingly interminable series of long and boring debriefings, Stryker was commissioned in the Imperial Navy and assigned to the FRG Inamo for TIE fighter pilot training.

::::::::::::::::: End Imperial Security Bureau Restricted Data :::::::::::::::::

Significant Events of Adulthood: After his initial TIE Fighter pilot training, Flight Cadet Stryker served first on Platform D-34 in the Javin sector, flying unshielded TIE Fighters. He also served aboard the VSD Protector under Admiral Harkov; in the Pakuuni sector aboard the FRG Ludwick in a task force commanded by then Vice Admiral Thrawn; with Admiral Zaarin during the development of the TIE Defender; and aboard the ISD Garret under the command of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader himself. Stryker rapidly advanced through the line ranks, excelling in combat against pirate, Rebel, and turn-coat Imperial forces. At the successful conclusion of this tour, Emperor Palpatine personally awarded General Stryker the "Medal of Emperor's Will" in the Imperial Palace on Coruscant. General Stryker then joined a Strike Force commanded by Admiral Thrawn and commissioned by the Emperor to capture Admiral Zaarin, who had also turned renegade. General Stryker 's participation was instrumental in saving several TIE Defender prototypes which were then used in combat against Zaarin's forces. Following the destruction of Admiral Zaarin's TIE Defender Manufacturing Platform, General Stryker was awarded the "Medal of Horror" and advanced to "Emperor's Reach" in the Secret Order. Thrawn was promoted to Grand Admiral, one of only twelve such commands in the Imperial Navy. After completion of his tenth Battle, General Stryker transferred to the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet, commanded by Grand Admiral Ronin. Starting off as one of the Hammer's elite Flight Members, Stryker worked his way up to Squadron Commander, and has recently been promoted to Lieutanant General and re-assigned as Wing Commander of the six squadrons aboard the ISD Challenge. Stryker is also a Dark Jedi Knight, Order of the Sith, in the Dark Brotherhood. During his time with the Fleet, Stryker met and married a molecular biologist, who is now a lead researcher in the bio-tech labs of Crona Imperial Technologies.

Alignment & Attitude: Stryker is fairly apolitical, although his past experiences make him distrustful of remote authority, and extremely intolerant of official malfeasance. Stryker's tendency is to be loyal to people who have demonstrated their trustworthiness, rather than to ideals, bureaucracies, or governments.

Former Occupations (if any): Farmer, rancher, guerrilla scout, starfighter pilot

Hobbies: speeder bikes, hunting, combat simulations, "hot-rodding" starfighters

Tragedies: The loss of his family on New Texas

Phobias & Allergies: An unreasoning fear of government bureaucrats who announce themselves with the phrase "Hello. I'm from the government and I'm here to help you." Minor allergic reactions to native pollens and insect toxins.

Personal views of the Empire (and Emperor's Hammer): Historically, no system of government that is based on, or allows, widespread corruption and decadence survives for long. Recent evidence (e.g., the historical works of T. Zahn, etc.) indicate that Emperor Palpatine had tolerated an unhealthy degree of corruption within the Empire. The Emperor's Hammer, under the leadership of Grand Admiral Ronin, can unite the Empire into an honorable and just society of worlds, restoring the peace and order desired by the late Emperor without fostering a self-destructive corruption.

Reason for joining the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Fleet: There is no surer path to greatness, than to surround yourself with those who are great. In addition, it keeps me out of detention and the bounty hunters off my back.

Positions Held within the Emperor's Hammer:

Wing Commander, ISD Challenge: 23 Mar 96 - present

Squadron Commander, Tornado, ISD Challenge: 23 Jan 96 - 23 Mar 96

Temporary Squadron Commander, Sigma, SSD Avenger: 21 Jan 96 - 23 Jan 96

Flight Member, Sigma, SSD Avenger: 21 Nov 95 - 21 Jan 96

Ranks Held within the Dark Brotherhood:

Dark Jedi Knight: 3 Apr 96 - present

Jedi Hunter: 19 Feb 96 - 3 Apr 96

Guardian: 17 Feb 96 - 19 Feb 96

Shadow Academy: 12 Feb 96 - 17 Feb 96

Apprentice: 28 Jan 96 - 12 Feb 96

Awards and Medals:

Bronze Star - 22 May 96 (by COM/RA Darkstar/ISD Challenge)

I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: Lieutenant General Justin Stryker

Date: 22 May 96 (Gregorian Calendar)

cc: Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) Liaison Officer






NAME: Lee Erickson

RANK: Lieutenant General

POSITION: Wing Commander


SEX (M/F): Male

RACE: Corellian




FAMILY: *Barbara Erickson-mother

*Michael Erickson-father

*Karen Erickson-sister

*Julie Erickson-sister

Whiskey-pet Kowakian Monkey Lizard

KEY=* (deceased)


SIGNIFICANT EVENTS OF CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE: When Lee was a child, his parents were wanted by CorSec for a murder that they didn't commit. Rather than give up, probably lose in court, and see their children taken away, they fled well accross the galaxy, to Rodia. Lee grew up with Rodian friends, who taught if their favorite sport, bounty hunting. Lee was a deadly and skillful hunter, and had some talent in the Force. But there was just something missing. He was on a hunt in the Corellian Sector and ended up somehow in an X-Wing tracking down his prey. He flew sharp and fast, and ended up damaging his prey's X-Wing's hyperdrive. That was his most successful bounty. He used the money to help his family join the Alliance to Restore the Republic-or the Rebel Alliance.

SIGNIFICANT EVENTS OF ADULTHOOD: As pilots for the Alliance, Lee's family were out often in battles, and Lee rarely flew with them. He got caught in the glamour of the Empire, and realized that the Rebellion was wrong. He tried to convince his family, but they didn't listen. After he became a pilot for the Empire, he found out that his whole family was killed when a blind B-Wing shot down the transport they were in. Lee was an excellent pilot for the Empire, and advanced through the ranks quickly. The Emperor saw the evil that swelled up in his soul and kept special watch on him. Lee flew at the battle of Yavin, Hoth, and Endor, when his Wingman shot the A-Wing, whiched smashed through the bridge of the Executor, before the Death Star II was destroyed. After the death of the Emperor, Lee flew for some warlords, who were more interested in killing each other than the Rebels, who were growing stronger daily. He was sent on a mission near Aurora, when he was picked up by a shuttle and brought to an SSD. After he signed up for the Hammer, he became a CMDR, and WC, his current position.

ALIGHNMENT AND ATTITUDE: Loyal, willing to speak his mind (which has gotten him into trouble from time to time!) but will never disobey an order.

FORMER OCCUPATIONS(if any): Rebel pilot, Bounty Hunter, Imperian pilot.

TRADGEDIES: His family's deaths. Trying to give "Whiskey" a bath.

HOBBIES: Drinking, gambling, spending time in the Sims.

PHOBIAS AND ALLERGIES: Maddewbackaphobia-fear of catching "Mad Dewback Disease".


REASON FOR JOINING THE EMPEROR'S HAMMER: His superiors noticed him and sent him to join.


DES/LG Lee/DEC/M/PLT Stiletto

-Lee Erickson |:^)