Ackbar's Trick

Little did the Emperor's Hammer know, but the "New Republic" had decided to attempt to destroy the Avenger. Of course it was not successful. Ackbar thought the rebels superior but we showed the power of the Empire. Here are the chronicles of what happened:

The Avenger had been in battle with three MC 80s recently, and it showed. Its shields were gone, and most of its fighter compliment was damaged or destroyed. It was in deep space repairing itself and waiting for repair crews to come by shuttle for more sophisticated repair. At first it was just a regular patrol...

Mission 1: Mysterious Shuttle

I was in a damaged T/A (half shields were gone, and damaged) running a regular patrol when the E/S Mystery hyped in. Ordered to inspect it, I did so but my sensors were being jammed! Then I was ordered to take its shields down to 0 so TRN Kappa could disable and capture it. Things got hairy about now. A CRS jumped in, as well as a M/FRG and launched X-Wings, A-Wings, and a few Z-95s. The A-Wings had missiles and were especially difficult. Z-95 group No Capture went after TRN Kappa and was promptly destroyed. Fighting with my back to the wall, I managed to hold them off until a transport came and took the E/S to the Avenger for examination. Then for some reason, all the rebels hyperspaced away! On my way to the hangar, I heard yells over the intercom. "Theta 1 to Avenger. What the hell is goin on?!?" "Avenger to Theta 1"came the reply, "The shuttle was full of space slugs! They are eating up the hangar! Return to the Avenger and help with the repairs."

For hours I had to help clean and repair, as well as take potshots at space slugs every now and then. A voice blared over the Intercom "BG Dev! Report to the ready room immediately!" Doing so, I discovered that X-Wings and B-Wings had jumped in for an easy kill. There were only 5 craft available and 1 of them was an unshielded T/B. Leaving the hangar, I discovered things were bad.

Mission 2: Fighter Attack

In a semi-repaired T/A again, I went after B-Wings first, then X-Wings then finally some TIE Bombers they dug up somewhere. They got hits on the Avenger, but it was still intact. For the time being, anyway. Trying to catch a little sleep, I was again ordered to ready room. After intaking several liters of coffee, I was given my mission. Repair crews were coming in on 3 Corellian Transports, and they had to arrive safely. Fighting to keep my eyes open, I located the damaged T/A again. Seeing that it was my turn to go, I fired up my engines and took off, although on the way out I clipped a shuttle's wing. Oops, sorry.

Mission 3: Save the Technicians

As I looked around something bothered me. At first I couldnt place it. Too little sleep, I guess. Going after all the fighters soon occupied my attention, though. The A-Wings and X-Wings were the most dangerous. I didnt worry about Z-95s or T-Wings until later. All of the CORTs got through, but one was at critical hull condition. After the mission in my bunk, about to sleep, something was still bothering me. Oh well, I thought. Suddenly it struck me: A nearby rebel probe had been behaving oddly. I hadn't bothered to inspect it because it was far away. TIE Bombers have no hyperdrive!! If the rebels could jam sensors.. Running to the bridge I practically had to beg to be allowed to take out a T/A. Flying around the probe, my worst fears were realized. There was a rebel CRS cloaked near it ready to ambush the Avenger! Returning I reported the situation, and was sent out in a damaged T/D this time with some heavy bombs, and orders to take down the CRS at ANY and ALL costs.

Mission 4: Kill the Warhawk

Firing my heavy bombs and strafing the hull several times with lasers scared the COM of the ship to send out several X-Wings. Perfect. Just as I had planned. The ships had followed me close to the Avenger. I disabled them, then the Avenger sent some TRNs, and soon several X-Wings were helping me out. Laughing just at the thought of the commodore of the Calamari Cruiser's face as he realized what he'd done, soon the CRS was small specks of space debris. NOTE: Unfortunately, the Avenger did not have any missiles or bombs for the X-wings, so they only have lasers. After the medal ceremony, I went to take a flight in my favorite T/A. On the way out, I jostled a shuttle again. Suddenly, the ship tilted over. "What the @#$%...?" Looking around, I saw that a solar panel had fallen off.

Mission Submitted by: FL/TAC-3/BG Devin/Theta-3-1/Wing II/SSSD Sov