Recon Reports:


The Recon Office hereby present their latest reports from the Internet.

IRC Conduct:

It has come to my attention that some of the ops on the IRC channels may have been abusing
their power as Channel Operator of our channel. Remember that YOU are setting an
example for any of your subordinates and for any online visitors in ##Emperor's_Hammer
or any other EH Channel. Remember that your privilege as Channel Operator is MAY BE
by myself, the COMM, or the GA. In addition, all non-Op users on
the channel must be polite and respectful with the ops on the channel, and must not
provoke any disputes with the person in charge. If you do get into an argument, please
try to work it out FOR YOURSELVES. Be mature, and wait a few hours before talking with
that person and try to work it out BEFORE you come to myself, the COMM or the GA for help.

FTP Site Found!

VERY Special thanks to MG Ray of Raptor Squadron and his employer, Vision Internet (In Quebec City -- for graciously lending us some space on their FTP server. Thanks to them, we now have our own FTP site (the one at WUArchive did not allow us to maintain our own files, and we had to ask to have files deleted). The Site is currently administrated by myself, the COMM, the LO, and MG Ray <>

As opposed to our former site at WUArchive, I guarantee you that you will not receive any busy signals trying to log into the new FTP site at:

This site will carry ALL the latest manuals, Newsletters, and other miscellaneous files that may be useful. Unfortunately, Vision Internet does not allow anonymous uploading (our request for an incoming directory was denied) so any members wishing to upload files to the site must continue to upload them to the special directory which has been created on the WUArchive site (which will be kept as a mirror) and files from that directory will be transferred to the main EH archive within 3-4 days of uploading. Please mail me at informing me of your upload so that I'll know to transfer the file.

For his assistance in finding the EH a stable FTP site, MG Ray has been awarded the Silver Star and has been promoted to Master General.

EH Has it's own IRC server!

Vice Admiral Ace has compiled his own copy of the Undernet server (the source code is available from the Undernet WWW site ( Check it out!:

Point your IRC Client to:; Port 6667

Note that EH General meetings will still be held on the Undernet