Medal Board
ey Squadron has been awarded the Wing Commanders Award.Until the award is given out again, Hey Squadron has the right to call
itself..."The Commander's Own".
Recommendation sent by: Lieutenant General Marco(WC/LG Marco/Wing III/SSSD Sov)
Other Awards, Battle Completions:
Vice Admiral Harconan(CA:SCO/VA Harconan/CA-10/SSSD Sov.) DB Battles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Free Missions HAVOK
General Bridge(CMDR/GN Bridge/Aleth/Sov.) Battle 38
General Howie(CMDR/GN Howie/Hey/Sov.) Battle 01
General Syl(FM/GN Syl/Hey-I/Sov.) Battles 2, 3, 4, 10, 19, 20, 22, 24, and 25.
General Scimitar(FL/GN Scimitar/Daleth-II/Sov. ) Battle 38
General Qiliang(CMDR/GN Qiliang/Daleth/Sov. ) Free Mission-Mflux2
Lieutenant General Marco(WC/LG Marco/Wing-III/Sov. Base) Battles 10, 11, 13, 15,
Admiral Talon(TO/AD Talon/CS-6/SSSD Sov) Battles 4, 16, 17, 32, 34, 35, 39, Aurora CAB-2, and Phare CAB-3.
General Claw (CMDR/GN Claw/Thunder Sqn/ISD Chal.)
-Battle 2-Strike at Calamari
-Battle 3-New Dimensions
-Battle 4-Recapture Zaarin's Technology
-Battle 5-Pirate Uprising
-Battle 6-Destruction
-Battle 7-Zaarin's Missile Boats
-Battle 9-Tracking the Defectors
-Battle 10- Battle for the Death Star
-Battle 27- (X)-Wings of Glory
-Battle 34- Encounter at Charybdis
-Battle 38-Deepspace Syndicate
General Morgoth (FM/GN Morgoth/Thunder-I/ISD Challenge)
-Battle 7- Zaarin's Missile Boats
-Battle 10- Battle for the Death Star
-Battle 16- Dacian Downfall
-Battle 27- (X)-Wings of Glory
-Battle 34- Encounter at Charybdis
-Battle 38- Deepspace Syndicate
-Battle 45- Traitor
General Gyssler(FL/GN Gyssler/Lambda-2/SSSD Sov)
Battles: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, CAB's 1 and 2.
Brigadier General EmpReach(FL/BG EmpReach/Omega-3/SSSD Sov) Free Missions JA24 and Battles 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Vice Admiral Giese
(CA:SEC/VA Giese/CS-9/SSSD Sov) Free Missions Dactyl 1&2 and Battle 16.Rear Admiral Deathwatch(WC/RA Deathwatch/Wing I/SSD Avenger) DB Battle 5
Vice Admiral Devin(CA:FC/VA Devin/CA-1/SSSD Sov.) Battles 4, 10, and 17.
Rear Admiral Caine(COM/RA Caine/ISD VANGAURD) Battle 47
General Stephen(CMDR/GN Stephen/Pi/ISD COL) Battle 47
Congratulations to all these fine pilots and squadrons!
Executive Officer, Sector Admiral Havok
Executive Officer's Attache, Vice Admiral Dev
Science Officer's Attache, Vice Admiral Harconan