CAB 4: The battle for Kronos

Created by CMDR/BG Syl /Gimmel-I/Wing-III/SSSD Sov ,[ISM,MoI]

If you have any problems, errors, suggestions, etc. feel free to email

me at:


First off, when playing this CAB, please turn all graphics down to a

minimum. There are a lot of big battle scenes and things do slow down.

I recommend that you atleast have a 486 DX2/66 with 8 Megs ram to play

this battle.


**PART 1: The new rebel strike fleet***


Mission 1: Attack on an imperial shipment

You are escorting a valuable shipment when suddenly, a rebel task force

arrives. You must defend the shipment from any attack. Hold your ground

help arrives.

==> Unknown to the imperials:

That rebel task force is actually part of a bigger rebel strike

fleet. The Rebels have built this fleet so they can use it against

the empire. Their goal is to capture the imperial fortress of


Hints: Go for the Y-wings first. Then get the bonus by taking a few

shots at each capital ship. Kill the X-wings next.


Mission 2: Skimirish at Outpost 127

You are on patrol around Outpost 127 when the rebel strike fleet

attacks. You must defend the Outpost, the Fire Storm and the Power

from the rebel attack until help arrives. Outpost 127 must not fall!

==> Unknown to the imperials:

The rebel strike fleet is bigger than what the imperials thought

after the skimirish at Outpost 127. The imperial forces are also

unaware that the rebels know of the incoming reinforcements and

that they have planned a trap.

Hints: Destroy the rockets as they are shot as the Power. Ignore the

attack on the Fire Storm as you cant do much about it.


Mission 3: Attack on the Hell Born

You are escorting the ISD Hell Born to Outpost 127 when you are

ambushed by the rebels. The rebels must pay for these attacks!

==> Unknown to the imperials:

The rebels main goal is to try to capture Kronos, whereas the

imperial command believes that the rebels want Outpost 127.

Hints: Take out the Strike Cruiser first.


Mission 4: Seige at Kronos

You have been re-assigned to guard Kronos. More "skilled" imperial

pilots have taken your place to protect Outpost 127. Just when you

thought things would cool off for a bit, an imperial spy informs

the imperial high command that the rebel strike fleet is on its way

to Kronos. Battle stations!!

==> Unknown to the rebels:

The emperor has foreseen this bold move by the rebels and has

planned a trap of his own. But for this to work, the rebels must

not destroy the two stations guarding Kronos.

Hints: Lots of stuff are happens in this mission. Concentrate on the

ships attacking the stations. Once the Balrog arrives, run

like hell.


Mission 5: Battle of Kronos (deemed by me as the best ever)

The imperial sector fleet has arrived and has engaged the rebel task

force. Now its time to destroy these fools once and for all!!

==> Unknown to you:

This might be the best battle you will ever play.

Hints: Turn graphics down to a minimum for the first part atleast.

You have 16 capital ships engaging so it does get slow.

Intercept the B-wing's attack in the start. Fly around and

kill all the rebel capital ships that are nearing critical so

you can get the score :). When time comes to kill the calamaris,

destroy their gun turrets, but not all. There is a bug in tie

fighter where if the imperial capital ships are not being

attacked by the enemy capital ships, then they will just crash

into each other.


***Part 2: Carrier Engagements***


Mission 1: Damned bugs

You are patroling a remote area of space when you come up upon a rebel

carrier task force. You are engaged by rebel Tie Defenders. Kill them

so you can go back to base to inform imperial high command of this.

==> Unknown to the imperials:

The force engaged was awaiting other rebel ships which would form

another rebel strike force, this time composed of rebel carriers.

The rebels still want to capture Kronos.

Hints: Just kill those T/D's


Mission 2: Carrier Engagement

The rebel carrier task force has engaged part of our regional carrier

fleet. You must prevent the rebels from destroying any of our ships.

==> Unknown to the rebels:

Imperial high command has dispatched Grand Admiral Ronin to this

sector so he can take care of this rebel menace once and for all.

Hints: Watch out for the MIS and the ships attaking the carack

cruiser. Your carrier will not sustain a lot of damage so

dont worry about the ships attacking it. Take out the corvette

at the start of the mission.


Mission 3: The bigger they are, the harder they fall

The two carrier task forces have engaged one another. You must destory

them here and now so we can effectively impose our revenge.

==> Unknown to the rebels:

GA Ronin has come up with an ingenious plan to extract revenge

on the rebels. His intent is to capture one of the rebel carriers,

and use it against the rebels.

Hints: Dont bother attacking the Lexington as she is immortal for this

mission. Take out the strike cruiser and the forward corvettes,

then go for the other 2 carriers.


Mission 4: Capture the Lexington

Seems there was a major power failure on the Lexington and now she

can't escape, perfect. Capture the Lexington so we can use it against

the rebels!

==> Unknown to the rebels:

The rebel command staff believes that thier whole task force has

been destroyed and are unexpecting the imperial attack using one

of their carriers.

Hints: Just waste those fighters


Mission 5: Imperial payback

We have caught the rebel station by surprise, destory it and all that

oppose the empire!!

==> Unknown to the imperials:

The rebel command has been building a super ship for over 2

years now. The ship is nearing completion, and once it is completed

its first mission will be Kronos.....

Hints: Ignore the big boys until their shields have dropped. Watch

out for those rebel T/A's. If you are lucky the ISD will kill

a bunch of fighters as it arrives, and it looks so funny...


***Part 3: Never Die***


Mission 1: Sight of death

You intercept a distress signal from some corvettes. Ths signal then

is jammed so you dont hear the whole message. Part of the message goes

"Its this huge .....". When you arrive you are bound for a *big*


==> Unknown to the imperials:

The victory at Kronos and at the rebel base has been short lived.

This rebel ship will cause more havok than you can imagine.

Hints: Dont shoot at it unless you want to be hit with 3 calamari

broadsides. Just go for the fighters. When you complete your

mission, quickly turn around and watch the SCRS leave. Its

so neat! Total perfection.


Mission 2: Short lived victory

The Forager on a routine patrol accidentaly brings out the SCRS. The

INT has no hope of escape. The escape craft must not be destroyed as

they carry the ships command staff which at this time we can't loose.

==> Unknown to the imperials:


Resistance, is futile (against the SCRS)

Hints: As soon as the Forager's evacuation begins and the shuttles

are launched, the Y-wing group comes out. Destroy it as soon

as possible.


Mission 3: Death in the air

Our first attempt at stopping the SCRS Vendetta. We are launching a

squadron of T/A's and a squadron of MIS accompanied by two Strike

Cruisers. Victory is not guaranteed. What we want is to slow or damage

the SCRS so we can buy ourselves enough time for the reinforcement

strike fleet can arrive.

==> Unknown to the imperials:

All attempts at destroying a Super ship will not work.

Hints: Destroy the all the Gunboats


Mission 4: Pillars of fire

Our first attempt has been a total failure. Our second attempt will

be to use the Escort Carrier Vultron to stall the SCRS so our task

force of Modified Corvettes can come and attack the SCRS.

==> Unknown to the rebels:


Imperial high command has been working on a prototype weapon that

works like the Mag Pulse torpedo except on a much larger scale and

it also partially scrambles capital ships shileds.

Hints: Destroy as many B-wings as you can before they take out the



Mission 5: Comming of darkness

This is our last attempt at slowing down the SCRS. All we need are a

few more hours before the imperial reinforcement strike fleet arrives.

Then we can plan some kind of trap for the SCRS and its reinforcements

once they reach Kronos.

==> Unknown to the rebels:

The new prototype weapon is alread at Kronos and has been mounted

on a suicide fighter. This fighter will run right into the SCRS,

thus detonating the weapon, and allowing our fighters to kill it.

Also, Grand Admiral Ronin will be overseeing the attack so expect

a total victory.

Hint: Call for reinforcements


Mission 6: Winner takes all (Battle for Kronos 2)

This is it, the moment of all. The rebel Super Calamari Cruiser has

reached Kronos, only to be brought out of hyperspace early by an

Interdictor. Its a trap! And the rebels fell for it. They where not

expecting us to have any capital ships there. Watch now as our capable

forces lead by GA Ronin strike back at the rebel insurgents....

==> Unknown to the rebels:


They are now doomed and the Imperial Empire will rule this


Hint: Take out as many laser turrets as you can on the SCRS.

All three parts must be destroyed. Once it goes, the rebels

panic and send in their reiforcement fleet, of which is then

trapped and killed by GA Ronin's star destroyer.


Thank you for playing (and hopefully beating) the Combined Arms Battle

Four. Please email me if you have anything to add (email on top).


Combined Arms Battle Four: Battle for Kronos


Kronos is a very important and strategic stronghold that is

currently occupied by imperial forces. The system is very rich in

ore, minerals and food thus easily suppling the surrounding area.

There are two battle stations guarding the main planet of the

Kronos system. Kronos is also the sector headquarters. The rebel

high command believes that if they would be able to capture Kronos,

they would gain a very important system, and thus be able to increase

thier war effort agains the Empire. The rebels have been for a long

time now constructing a huge rebel strike force, of which they plan to

send out to capture Kronos and to destroy the Imperial sector fleet.

Their first plan is to send out their strike fleet to capture Kronos

and to destroy the Imperial fleet. That strike force will be backed

up by a smaller carrier task force that will be used as a reserve.

The rebel high command has also been secretly building a Super ship

of which, once completed, they will be able to destroy any imperials

that stand in their way. The Super ship is planned to incorporate some

kind of revolutionary (and very expensive) anti energy shield. This

shield will make the Super ship nearly invincible. Its only weakness

is that the shield is succeptible to high gamma radiation. This weakness

therefore must not be made known by the empire. Let the battle for

Kronos begin...