
Long before the Death of of Emperor, and the rise of the so-called New Republic that claim they fought for peace, was the Independence, Adrimal Akkbar ordered that there be a task force called the Freedom Task Force, but the operation was called "Free Doom.". They unleashed chaos throughout the galaxy. They had special technology such as the Time Jump, the Decoy Cloak, the Mirror Cloak, the container launcher, and all sorts of other goodies, But before they could use all of them, the stormtroopers stole all the plans, and destroyed the prototypes, but they had more of the Container Launchers, frequency scramblers, and Time Jumps. (Note that the Time Jump is not used in this battle) Also, Harkov's fleet did survive the attack, fortunately only some survived. The Emperor's Hammer faces one of it's most dangerous foes in these battles (made by GN Lews & BG Mike). The Freedoom Task Force, as Imperials called it, attacked everybody, including civilians, framing the Imperials for their crimes. The FTF is a BIG, BIG one. They have Imperial fighters, pirate fighters, and all the sort. Imperials fought them in one of the biggest battles before (Biggest is the Battle at Endor), and we fought for several months, we lost many lives to the assualt, but we were victorious! The last assualt came up on T/A and Gamma and Omega vs. Tie Eradicator's Evil and Death, that battle went on for a long time, the survivors were 1 survivor Omega, 2 survivors Gamma. After that battle, FTF dissappeared. That was before the Emperor's Hammer. The Nami, and other pirates were half FTF and other pilots, troopers, and the others. Soon they all came back together, and have begun to reconstruct their forces to destroy the Emperor's Hammer, but we will rise victorious again! So we have sent you to train against Imperial and Rebel fighters to destroy them, and only the best can make it.

Missions by:CMDR/BG Mike/Alpha I/SSSD Sov & CMDR/GN Lews/Gamma I/SSSD Sov
Plot line by: CMDR/BG Mike/Alpha I/SSSD Sov