Mission 1:After you destroy all the training craft, part of Freedom will jump in to attack, the X-Wings have Mag Pulses. B-Wings and Y-Wings will attack the Platform.

Mission 2: It's an inspection mission, I don't see any hints I can give you though, except that behind you is a squadron of A-Wings most likely, it is random.

Mission 3:There are nine mines, take out the fighters first, then the mines, watch out for Mag Pulses.

Mission 4:Dry Dock is active again, watch out, The Priam is a pretty easy target, an upgraded FRG to M/FRG.

Mission 5: Get rid of that Calamari Crusier as fast as you can! Then take out other resistance. There are only TIE squadrons.

Mission 6: Uh oh, O can't see a hint in here, but take out those B-Wings first, then X-Wings, the Cap-ships, then whatevers left.

Why'd you read this anyways, it only takes away from the challenge. Good luck....you'll need it.

CMDR/BG Mike/Alpha I/SSSD Sov