The Space Supremacy

Sir, this is the first battle I have built for TIE, but I have only the shareware version of the TMB, so it isn't complete.

The story happen immediately after the revolt of Zaarin, in which, as you know, all the T/A factories were destroyed.So the Emperor has ordered Darth Vader to capture as many A-W factories as possible.In fact the A-W is the only rebel craft that can match the T/A as agility and size, so the ISB think that its technology is the most advanced and the most adaptable to the T/A design in the galaxy.As part of the Vader's fleet, the Chimaera (yes,the second in command is the mitical Paelleon) was sent in the Sullust system to investigate the possible presence of one of the precious installations. All will start during a normal, boring mission of custom duty....

The 5 missions works perfectly, but there aren't any briefings and the procedure to make them work is quite boring.

1-rename all the files "adlofm*.tie" in "b*m***.tie" respecting the sequence and the names of the original TIE missions.

The number of the mission in the Battle chosen must be 5.

For example: ADOLFM1.TIE becomes B2M1F(W or M, I don't remember).TIE .




2-enter in the combat chamber and play the battle you have substituted with my files. As there isn't a briefing, skip it and read the mission objectives by pressing "G" after the mission start.

I hope you'll be satisfied with my work and you'll approve this battle to let the other members of the Emperor's Hammer to amuse themselves by blasting more rebel scum away.

Sorry for my bad english.

FM/GN Adolf/Gamma III-4/SSSD Sov