FM\BG Darklord\Shadow\FRG Ind\IW

One day I woke-up and found myself on a strange planet. I didn't know where I was and some guy who I found me on the side of the road and asked what I was doing there. I said I don't know. So he asked me if I would join red. I asked what red was. He said you have never heard of Red. I said no unless you mean the color. He said it was the elite unit of the rebels. He asked if I wanted to join Red. I said I guess I don't have anything to lose. He said good. I said I didn't catch your name. Oh I am Adm. Ackbar the commander of the Rebel Allaince. He said what is your name I said i don't remember so he gave me the name Red Jedi. So we walked back to his hover car I said do you mind if I drive. He said no it will give me a chance to see how well you pilot. So we headed back to his personal ETR. W e found his pilots were dead and I would have to fly us out of here while he manned the weapons systems. It seemed like I knew just how to work all the controls. I did't know how I did I just did. We went to the Calamari Cruiser Libertine. which was in stationary orbit around the far moon. I started my training as pilot in a X-wing.I completed all my training missions in record time for the X-Wing AND A-wing fighters. I was automatically transferred to the Cruiser Libertine under the direct command of Adr. Ackbar himself. I became a Fm in Red squadron.

Soon we started our hit-run attacks on the empire. Soon after my first tour of duty I was promoted to Flight Leader of Red Squadron. My crowning achievement as a rebel was when I flew my X- Wing and helped destroy the 1st Death star. That was my third tour of duty with the rebels. Next I was put in charge of the new starfighter testing. I was one of the first flight groups to obtain the B-Wing starfighter.


After we got our new B-Wing starfighter we were transferred to the Frigate Ka'Tal I was to be our new base of operations. By this time I had gotten most of my memory back. I knew why I was in that ditch I had gotten into a fight with a couple of Imperial TIE pilots. I was lucky they didn't shoot me. About 4 months after we were tranferred to our new base. We were the only Squadron on board were had all the starfighters the Alliance used THE A,B,X,Tie Defender,and the Missile Boat. My favorite ship was my missile boat. Each of us flew a different ship on the the same mission there were not two of the same ship on any of the missions we flew. About 5 months after we were transferred we were ordered to attack my homeworld where my parents lived. I decided to fly my Missile Boat I wouldn't let my comrades attack my homeworld. So after we got there we figured out it was a Imperal trap. I targeted my closest Red member and destroyed him and after that I preceded to destroy the rest of Red. Then I went towards the ISD Avenger and surrendered. they brought me on board. I was immediatly taken to the Grand Adrimal Ronin himself.

He said " how would you like to join the Infiltrator Wing".

I asked "what is that?"

He said " that is a special Sub-group of the EH that uses Rebel craft and ships but is part of the Empire".

I said"that sounds good."

He said "You will be immediately tranferred to Shadow Squadron one of the Elite Squads of the IW".

I said " I will leave Immediately for Shadow".

"Oh by the way you have been promoted to Brigidiar General congratulations".

Respectfully Submitted,

FM\BG DarkLord\Zeus Wing\Shadow\Frg Ind\IW