Subj: LOG of Wedding! :)
Date: 96-06-11 20:05:57 EDT
From: (Dennis Barker)
You said you wanted it...... here it is........
Dark Jedi Knight and Praetor Syri Crona
#Corellia buffer saved on Sat Jun 08 10:21:18 1996
*** Now talking in #Corellia
*** SSSD_Sov sets mode: +o Syrian
<SSSD_Sov> [Syrian] All Salute Dark Jedi Knight Syrian
*** RA_Deathw sets mode: -o DJKSyrian
<RA_Deathw> start
> I'm back now.
*** DJKSyrian has quit IRC (Read error to DJKSyrian[204.183.1
0.171]: Connection reset by peer)
*** Syrian is now known as DJKSyrian
*** SSSD_Sov has quit IRC (Read error to SSSD_Sov[belgarion.i]: EOF from client)
<RA_Deathw> Dev...start
*** MG_Ray (~rabel@ has joined #corellia
*** DarkDante ( has joined #corellia
> Are we staring?
> starting...
<VACrona> I dunno, WD?
<VACrona> DW?
<RA_Deathw> Dev is trying his bot
*** SSSD_Sov ( has joined #corellia
<RA_Deathw> Well
<RA_Deathw> Okay
<RA_Deathw> we start
*** RA_Deathw is now known as Priets_DW
<Priets_DW> :)
*** DarkDante is now known as RA_Blake
> Cool DW...
<VACrona> Heh, :)
*** Priest has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Priest[140.net4.nau])
<Priets_DW> We are here together on this joyous day....
<Priets_DW> to marry Vice Admiral Patrick Crona and...
<Priets_DW> Syrian Lechind.
<Priets_DW> Do you, Vice Admiral Patrick Crona, take Syrian
Lechind as your wife?
<VACrona> I do!
<Priets_DW> Do you, Syrian Lechind, take Patrick Crona as
your husband?
> I do.
<Priets_DW> I declare you married... (well...that's all!)
<Priets_DW> You may kiss her, patrick... :)
* DJKSyrian smiles.
* VACrona lays his arms around Syrian and kisses her
* DJKSyrian returns the kiss
<RA_Blake> Hurray!
<GN_Andrew> Yay ::sob::
<Bill> Uh-oh...
* RA_Deathw whips out the drinks
* VACrona smiles
<Bill> Sov's gonna whine...
<TiEPiLoT> Congrats
<VA_Ace> !buy everyone keg
<RA_Blake> Better op Sov now though
<RA_Deathw> Congrats both of you
<Bill> Congrats!!!
* SSSD_Sov gives everyone a keg, "Compliments of VA_Ace!"
> Thank you....
* SunAngel throws some rice and exits stage right
<VACrona> Thanks
* Bill draws his trusty bottle 'o Jack from its holster...
<Bill> It's a weapon, man.
<RA_Blake> Congratulations
<SunAngel> congrats, kids...take care
* GN_Andrew congadulates Crona and Syrian
<SunAngel> don't do anything we wouldn't do
* DJKSyrian turns around and throws the flowers
*** SunAngel ( has left #corellia
* TiEPiLoT takes advantage of this opportunity to get
loaded!! WOO HOO!! :)
<SSSD_Sov> Someone Op me!
* Bill passes bottle around the room...
<Royal> Bravo
<Royal> Bravo
<Royal> Bravo
<Royal> Bravo
<Royal> Bravo
*** RA_Deathw sets mode: +o SSSD_Sov
<Ghost> congratz!!!!
<SSSD_Sov> Someone Op me!
<RA_Deathw> Hurray!
*** SSSD_Sov sets mode: +ooo RA_Blake Ghost Bill
*** SSSD_Sov sets mode: +ooo Royal VA_Faron Dev
*** SSSD_Sov sets mode: +o VA_Ace
<RA_Blake> Whoa
*** Dev has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Dev[140.net4.nauticom.
<VA_Ace> Hmmm....massop
<RA_Blake> That was cool
> Short but cool....
<GN_Andrew> !buy Bud Ice AND KEEP 'EM COMING!
*** RA_Deathw changes topic to "Crona and Syrian are finally
* SSSD_Sov gives Bud a Ice AND KEEP 'EM COMING!,
"Compliments of GN_Andrew!"
<GN_Andrew> g'do
<RA_Deathw> Well, in RL....
*** Royal sets mode: -o Royal
<GN_Andrew> !beer Bud Ice:AND KEEP 'EM COMING
> What about RL?
* SSSD_Sov pours some Bud Ice:AND KEEP 'EM COMING from the
tap and slides it to GN_Andrew
* RA_Deathw whips out his Modified Heavy Blaster and fires
it a couple of times in the air
<VACrona> Yeah, ??
<GN_Andrew> !shot vodka
<VA_Ace> !buy everyone keg of Novarian Grog
* SSSD_Sov pours a vodka into a shotglass and hands it to
<GN_Andrew> !shot Vodka
* SSSD_Sov gives everyone a keg of Novarian Grog,
"Compliments of VA_Ace!"
* SSSD_Sov pours a Vodka into a shotglass and hands it to
<TiEPiLoT> DW, you should download my modified events file
... and you can /enable #prot now :)
<GN_Andrew> !shot Vodka
<GN_Kinds> !buy big dancing party
*** RA_Blake is now known as DarkDante
<RA_Deathw> :)
> Crona... want to go to our other chat room?
* SSSD_Sov pours a Vodka into a shotglass and hands it to
* SSSD_Sov gives big a dancing party, "Compliments of
* GN_Andrew Drinks all his beer and vodka! I donnnntt fell
<DarkDante> Honeymoon
<DarkDante> :)
<VA_Faron> LOL
<RA_Deathw> Too Bad the GA and the DB council were not here
<RA_Deathw> :)
<DarkDante> Gotta run.
<DarkDante> Congrats to you both
<GN_Andrew> !buy box of Condoms
*** LGYodavin ( has joined #corellia
* GN_Astrok salutes LGYodavin
<VA_Faron> Doom wnated to come, but he couldn't make it in
*** SSSD_Sov sets mode: +o LGYodavin
<DarkDante> <SALUTE>
* SSSD_Sov gives box a of Condoms, "Compliments of
<GN_Andrew> hehe
<GN_Andrew> g'doh
<LGYodavin> Hi
*** RAD ( has joined #corellia
* GN_Astrok salutes RAD
*** DarkDante has quit IRC (Long Live the Empire!!!
*** Dev ( has joined #corellia
*** SSSD_Sov sets mode: +o RAD
* GN_Astrok salutes Dev
<SSSD_Sov> [RAD] Welcome OPCOM-RA:FOA/RA Distant/SSSD
Sovereign - BHG Grand Master - [Sith][BS]
*** VA_Ace changes topic to "Crona and Syrian are finally
married! Come to my IRC Server!!!!"
*** SSSD_Sov sets mode: +o Dev
<SSSD_Sov> [Dev] CA:XO-TAC/VA Dev/CA-2/SSSD Sov (PROT) [SS]
[ISM] is here! Rejoice!
* Dev is getting a new ISP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
<Bill> Hmm...?
*** BG_Syl ( has left #corellia
<Dev> Right at the important part I got kicked off, and my
bot too :(
<TiEPiLoT> Dev, joining me at City-Net? :)
<Dev> Will be soon, Tie
*** GN_Kinds ( has left #corellia
<RA_Deathw> Well
<TiEPiLoT> hehe :)
<Dev> hehe
<LGYodavin> Crona
<LGYodavin> Congrats
<RA_Deathw> :)
<RA_Deathw> hehehe
<LGYodavin> Syrian Congrats
<VACrona> Thanks, thanks!
<GN_Andrew> !buy Crona box of Condoms
> Thank you....
<VACrona> :)
* SSSD_Sov gives Crona a box of Condoms, "Compliments of
<Dev> Wow, I have like 50 eh pages, god, it would be a
madhouse moving them :)
> ANDREW!! :)
<LGYodavin> Anyone have a log
-RA_Deathw- Congrats....'twas nice to do....
<LGYodavin> Anyone have a log
<LGYodavin> of it
<VACrona> Heh, ummm :)
<GN_Andrew> hehe
<SSSD_Sov> I want a buncha beers!
<MG_Ray> félicitation
<LGYodavin> I couldn't get connected
<Dev> It looked like you were thanking andrew! :)
*** BG_Caso ( has joined #corellia
* GN_Astrok salutes BG_Caso
<RA_Deathw> LGY....I'll send you a log
<SSSD_Sov> Please???
> I have it logged.... :)
<RA_Deathw> Me too
*** RAD is now known as RADistant
<BG_Caso> Lag got me. :(
<LGYodavin> !buy the_Groom_and_Bride a Corellian Champagne
<SSSD_Sov> Well, that ceremony really touched me...
<RA_Deathw> hehehe
* SSSD_Sov gives the_Groom_and_Bride a a Corellian
Champagne, "Compliments of LGYodavin!"
<LGYodavin> Thanks
*** BG_Cougar ( has left #corellia
> Thank you LGYodavin
<Dev> It would have touched me more if I was there!
<Dev> :)
<GN_Andrew> !buy SSSd_Sov life
<LGYodavin> Champagne on Me
<SSSD_Sov> CONGRATS, Distant!!!
* SSSD_Sov gives SSSd_Sov a life, "Compliments of
<RA_Deathw> Hey all:
<LGYodavin> HAHAHA
<GN_Astrok> !tip 5
<RA_Deathw> On wustl there is a file called ....
download it!
<RADistant> Hehe
<BG_Caso> You and Crona married already!?
* SSSD_Sov takes the 5, "Thanks GN_Astrok!"
<RADistant> LOL
<LGYodavin> !destroy SSSD