EH Contest Designers:


Those who have submitted a contest proposal or who are currently running an EH contest are requested to please contact the new Tactical Officer ( and the new Training Officer ( with your current rules/ideas for incorporation into a single EH contest. The present number and diversity of contests needs to be condensed into one all inclusive contest, in order to avoid confusion and over-competition. Any conflicts with/proposals for such a merger are also welcome to my attention. If you would like your ideas included, please speak up soon!



Please be advised that the reason for combining ALL EH Pilot Contests (i.e. among BattleGroups, Wings, and Squadrons, is to cut down all the confusion...we only need one overall contest...perhaps with various "tiers" or "levels" to accomodate multiple winners in each, shall we say monthly, contests (i.e. one EH Pilot Contest per NL)...

Also, anyone with any ideas for games that can be used to train for this winter's release of TIE vs Xwing should contact the Tactical Officer, FA Talon ( and the Training Officer, AD Katarn ( with their thoughts. Games already being considered are Wing Commander: Armada, Terminal Velocity, ATF.

Contest 7 Final Scores:

Contest # 7 involved Missile Boat Combat Chamber Mission 3.

Excellent scores called for the following promotions: BG Xardio to Lieutenant

General, GN Draught to Brigadier General, GN Mike to BG, GN Firehawk to BG,

GN Vader to BG, GN Claw to BG, GN Pellaeon to BG, and GN Scutt to BG.

Congratulations to these great flyers!

Winner TIECD: ***** 1) BG Xardio SSSD Sov - 79,369 pts *****

2) GN Draught FRG Ka'Tal - 78,231

3) LG Marco SSSD Sov - 75,970

4) RA Rogue DGN Lichtor V - 70,954

5) GN Mike ISD Col - 69,995

6) VA Compton SSSD Sov - 69,315

7) GN Firehawk SSSD Sov - 68,980

8) GN Vader ISD Chal - 68,445

9) GN Claw ISD Chal - 67,865

10) GN Killer SSSD Sov - 66,794

11) GN Hawkeye SSSD Sov - 65,139

12) VA Dev SSSD Sov - 64,316

13) GN Ingwe SSSD Sov - 62,803

14) VA Ghost SSSD Sov - 62,188

15) GN Dave SSSD Sov - 51,440


Winner Disk TIE: ***** 1) GN Pellaeon ISD Chal - 74,111 *****

2) GN Scutt SSSD Sov - 66,981

3) BG Syl SSSD Sov - 64,850

4) GN Stephen ISD Col - 59,735



Contest 8 Scores:

With time running down on the 8th contest (T/A mission 4), I have these 22

scores. Two Iron Stars and some promotions are up for grabs!


1) LG Xardio SSSD Sov - 52,901 pts/30 kills

2) LG Thrawn FRG Ka'Tal - 52,732 pts/20 kills

3) GN Scimitar SSSD Sov - 52,533 pts/27 kills

4) RA Rogue DGN Lichtor V - 49,242 pts/25 kills

5) BG Firehawk SSSD Sov - 46,742 pts/25 kills

6) BG Claw ISD Chal - 45,386 pts/19 kills

7) VA Compton SSSD Sov - 43,694 pts/22 kills

8) BG Vader (Inferno III) ISD Chal - 42,407 pts/21 kills

9) BG Mike SSSD Sov - 42,072 pts/17 kills

10) GN Unfallible ISD Col - 40,344 pts/18 kills

11) BG Abaddon SSSD Sov - 35,906 pts/20 kills

12) GN Dayv ISD Col - 35,056 pts/20 kills

13) BG Qiliang SSSD Sov - 32,978 pts/21 kills

14) GN Flash SSSD Sov - 32,837 pts/21 kills

Disk TIE:

1) GN Deth SSSD Sov - 40,907 pts/21 kills

2) BG Syl SSSD Sov - 39,932 pts/21 kills

3) GN Stephen ISD Col - 39,345 pts/20 kills

4) BG Scutt SSSD Sov - 38,946 pts/20 kills

5) RA Darkstar ISD Chal - 38,046 pts/21 kills

6) AD Threat SSSD Sov - 36,221 pts/19 kills

7) GN Mark ISD Rel - 34,890 pts/15 kills

8) GN Lews SSSD Sov - 32,649 pts/17 kills