Battle One: Intel joins the Fleet

Mission one: A shuttle claiming to hold members of the Ubiqtorate requests safe transport to any Imperial vessel in the vincinity. The ISD Relentless happens to be nearby, and it responds to the shuttle's call. You portray DiploSer-1, the FL of a flight of Diplomatic Services agents in TIE Defenders who will overlook the operation. The Shuttle BlackOps is to return to the ISD Relentless. Ships from Dagger-1 flight will help out with the escort. The enemies happen to be curious NewReps just wandering around, and who've noticed the sudden movement of the ISD Relentless. Just fighters though, no capships have been spotted...

Mission two: The Ubiqtorate members request the company of one particular officer: not GA Ronin, but a LG Sarkis, a WC aboard the SSD Avenger. Sarkis will arrive in an Escort Shuttle named Silencer and will dock with the Shuttle BlackOps. Once again, you portay DiploSer-1 in guarding this meeting. The entire Dagger squadron is ready for flight when the call for reinforcements comes in. Once the Silencer picks up the Ubiqtorate Officers, accompany it to its hyperspace route and follow it to the SSD Avenger. Interestingly enough, the NewReps send a small taskforce to investigate our recent Fleet movement. The task force contains a few corvettes who are blocking the hyperspace jump point though, so their destruction is necessary...

Mission three: The meeting went smoothly, and both parties agreed to adding Intel as a new division in the Fleet. You once again will portray DiploSer-1 as the Escort Shuttle Silencer will fly from the SSD Avenger to the ID's new flagship, the FRG StormWind. This is an extremely important transfer, as such the FC has allowed Omega Squadron, his personal escort, to help in this operation. The FRG has Flight-One of "Guardian" Squadron (TIE Defender) on call if any trouble arises. Once again, them NewReps come by to annoy us. Fighters mostly, but they sneak in a couple of transports to try to capture Sarkis and the Ubiqtorate...

Mission four: With everyone comfortably aboard, it was discovered that the FRG StormWind has been sabotaged! It's one thing to sabotage a ship, but it's a whole another thing to sabotage the ID's ship!!! You will fly TIE Advanced from "Guardian" Squadron (Flight Group 2, as Flight Group 1 is still going through maintenance...) to provide security and patrol as the FRG StormWind is repaired. The NewReps come in force with a plethora of fighters and transports in this mission. A secondary objective would be to notice, but not attack, a certain shuttle that escapes...

Mission five: We need to search for the saboteur. We've been monitoring traffic nearby, and we have noticed a lot of ships moving through a certain sector of space just outside of the Phare system. We'd like to see who's been going through here, so you will portray a Surveillance pilot (TIE Advanced, Surv-1) and go out on this recon op. You just need to check out and ID that CRS, the two FRGs, the STRKC, and the DREAD, and it would ehlp it you verified the existance of that one shuttle that that fled the StormWind in the last mission...

Mission six: Thanx to the recon op, we know them NewReps are dedicating a task force to search us out. Furthermore, the saboteaur of the FRG StormWind is in on this conspiracy. We will deal with the task force later, but for now, we need to "silence" that saboteur. You will portray one of the oldest professions in the history of life: an assassin. Use your (Astn-1) TIE Defender to slip in, and locate that elusive shuttle, and eliminate it. Note that you will be acting alone, and that that task force will probably not appreciate your presence there. Just kill a bunch of fighters that they send you, and wait for that shuttle to appear, then put him out of his misery. His death is the only required goal, but you are given the liberty to kill whoever stands in your