
Mission 1- While patroling in the Orsini sector, the ISD Subjugator encounters a rebel capture team. As A-9 Sith, you are to try to repel this force. It consists of a CRS, several ATR's, and B-Wings and Y-Wings...


Secondary Goals:

ISD Subjugator must have survived

ATR Fixum must have docked


Bonus Goals:

50% of B-Wing group Gold must be destroyed

50% of Y-Wing group Yellow must be destroyed


Mission 2- The rebel capture operation succeded, and VA Crona was captured. He is onboard the CRS Defiance, which the Subjugator has tracked down and located with two Light Calamari Cruisers as its escort. You are to help take down the cruisers and their fighers.


Secondary Goals:

100% of X-Wing group Light_Side must be destroyed

100% of Y-Wing group Light must be destroyed

100% of A-Wing group Good must be destroyed

100% of B-Wing group Peace must be destroyed

CRL Alliance must be destroyed

CRL Nebula must be destroyed


Mission 3- We are now in a position to take Crona back. The cruiser's shields are down, and most of its fighters are gone. In your A-9, you are to take out the fighters, and provide safe passage for ATR Tiger to board the cruiser. There are rumors of Jedi pilots in the area...beware!


Secondary Goals:

100% of B-Wing group Hope must be destroyed

ATR Tiger must have docked

ISD Subjugator must have survived

CRS Defiance must be boarded


Mission 4- Crona has delivered some information on the Jedi pilots in the last battle. They are powerful Jedi that come from a secret Jedi training base in this sector. We are going to destroy this base, but first we must weaken its defenses.


Secondary Goals:

ISD Subjugator must have survived

Platform JediAcdmy must be inspected

Dreadnaught must be destroyed

CRL Guard must be destroyed

100% of B-Wing Red must be destroyed

100% of X-Wing Gold must be destroyed

100% of Y-Wing Blue must be destroyed


Bonus Goals:

Platform JediAcdmy must be attacked

100% of A-Wing Black must be destroyed


Mission 5-We are in a position to attack the base now. Lay waste to everything. No Jedi must survive this onslaught!


Secondary Goals:

Platform JediAcdmy must be destroyed

100% of A-Wing Jedi must be destroyed

100% of B-Wing Jedi must be destroyed

100% of X-Wing Jedi must be destroyed

100% of Y-Wing Jedi must be destroyed



BGCOM-2/VA Katarn/ISD Challenge [SITH] [GUARD] MoT-2gh