The Fleet Commander herein presents a list of all files attached to this Newsletter...

1) alien.avi

2) butcher3.jpg

3) cs-tied.gif

4) diamond2.bmp

5) flagship.gif

6) intel3.gif

7) launcher.bmp

8) lichtorv.bmp

9) mlipson.gif

10) pic.gif

11) rubyban.bmp

12) spear.bmp

13) swdbnr0.gif

14) imperi~2.bmp

15) tielau~1.bmp


17) discovry.doc

18) voice5r.wri

19) empire1.ttf

20) frigate.ani

21) hammicon.icl

22) title.lfd

23) bflight.ovl



26) storm.ico

27) tie.wri


1) An OUSTANDING AVI film clip (alien.avi) created by CA:FO/VA ZLatan/CA-4/SSSD Sov (

2) The new Butcher Squadron Banner (butcher3.jpg), created by CA:IO/VA Ghost/CA-5/SSSD Sov...E-Mailed by CMDR/LG Yodavin/Butcher-1/SSD Avr (

3) The following file (cs-tied.gif) is submitted by the Fleet Commander on behalf of the former General Dorja, one of the Charter Members of the (Chris Shoemaker) states the following:

"I am the brother of the late fallen General Dorja, He flew...I designed. We may have disappeared but we are still working...this is the rendering of a 3D autocad image of a tie defender. I submit this to your newsletter. If it would prove useful I will also provide the autocad file. Dorja shall rise again."

4) New Squadron Banner for Diamond Squadron (diamond2.bmp), submitted by

5) A GIF of the various flagships of the Emperor's Hammer and an explanatory write file (, submitted by CMDR/BG Slik/W-4/Zayin-1/SSSD Sov (

6) The new Banner for the EH Intelligence Division (intel3.gif), submitted by the EH Internet Officer (

7) A graphic of the weapons launcher aboard the DGN Lichtor V (launcher.bmp), submitted by WC/RA Deathwatch/SSD Avr (

8) An excellent, accurate graphic of the Imperial Dungeon Ship (DGN) Lichtor V (lichtorv.bmp), submitted by WC/RA Deathwatch/SSD Avr (

9) a decent pic of some ships and fighters of the EH Fleet (mlipson.gif), submitted by GN Matty/Raptor III-2/ISD Vanguard (

10) "The MPLT-FAC HAVEN begins dismantlement for moving to the Phare system where FA Pappy will become the first EH MOFF" (pic.gif), submitted by COM/RA Dactyl/MPLT-FAC Haven (

11) The new Ruby (Photon) Squadron Banner (rubyban.bmp)...As Pappy states, "all of Ruby Squadron contributed to this banner.", submitted by Moff/FA Renegade/Phare (

12) Another Banner for Spear Squadron (spear.bmp), submitted by FM/GN Pierce/Spear-3/ISD Rel ( Although not yet approved by the Spear CMDR it represents nice work...:).

13) COM/RA Blake/Wing XI/ISD Rel ( submits the following:

"I have attached the new Sword Squadron's banner ( swdbnr0.gif). It was submitted by

CMDR/GN Weston/Sword/Wing XI/ISD Rel ( and created

by BRAG-CMDR/BG Slik/Zayin/SSSD Sov ("

14) This is the Banner of Tau Squadron's second flight, Black Death (imperi~2.bmp), made by BG Lord Exar (

15) A radical prototype rapid deployment/retrieval platform for Spacetroopers (tielau~1.bmp), submitted by FM/GN Pierce/Spear-3/ISD Rel (

16) Included is a write file explaining the NEW Battle Group Two TIE Missions contest, plus the first mission for it (, submitted by BGCOM/VA Katarn/BG-2/ISD Chall (

17) A new piece of fiction (discovry.doc), submitted by CMDR/LG Yodavin/Butcher-1/SSD Avr ( work is entitled The Silent Fear...

18) The fifth issue of the Dark Voice (voice5r.wri), the Newsletter of the Dark Brotherhood of the Emperor's Hammer, submitted by Grand Master Kreeayt Havok (

19) A new font (empire1.ttf ) designed by (Baroncini Massimo).

20) As the Corporate Division's Prex ( stated of the enclosed animated cursor (frigate.ani):

"Naturally, RA JACtRip's animated M-frigate was not - well - violent enough

for me. Naturally, I worked in a TIE fighter and an explosion. :)"

21) The EH Flight Officer, FO/AD Jac/CS-4/SSSD Sov ( threw together this library of EH icons (hammicons.icl)...

22) This is a title sequence edited by LG Rogue (ROGUE68804) and written by SDIR/Sarkis/FRG Storm ( especially for the EH Intelligence Division (title.lfd). It talks about the formation and the purpose of the ID...

23) Here is the Imperial.ovl that came out with in the last NL that allows you to

fly imperial ships in xwing for the disk version (bflight.ovl), as submitted by BGCOM/VA Katarn/BG-2/ISD Chall (

24) A collection ( of four new "fish" files (see NL #31), submitted by WC/LG Lee/Wing XI/ISD Rel (

25) All 31 NEW missions submitted for NL #32 (! Included are 24 new EH-approved TIE Fighter Missions and 7 new XWing missions submitted for the Infiltrator Wing.

26) A new stormtrooper icon (storm.ico) submitted by CA:FO/VA Zlatan/CA-4/SSSD Sov ( icon is coming from "Dark Forces"'s a classic icon, and that it's not bad at all.

27) This is a manual (tie.wri) for the training platform and TIE Pilots in general, submitted by CMDR-BRLR/BG Caldwell/Guardian-I/FRG Storm ( with special thanks to EH Sarkis for his help with write and to Rogue68804 for his editing.

28) A collection of ALL icons in possession of the Fleet Commander ( which have been designed by many contributing EH Members...They can be used in any EH documents utilizing Windows 3.1 Object Packager...