The Dark Brotherhood of the Jedi is dedicated to the collection of knowledge and the pursuit of power, both through government and the military.
Grand Master Paladin Resigns and FA Havok is appointed Grand Master!
Dark Hall, Eos
April 15, 1996
My Brothers in Darkness and Comrades in Arms,
As many of you know, my mother has been sick for some time. While she is recovering, her health is too fickle for the doctors to insure her recovery. The amount of uncertainty in incredible. I feel that because of this I cannot adequately perform my duties as the Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood. I must therefore resign my position effective 20 April, 1996.
I wish to let you all know how much I have enjoyed my time as Grand Master. I have met many outstanding men and women, and I hope that they will all find success in future endevours. I could easily withdraw without resigning, allowing the council to act in my proxy, but that would do an unforgivable wrong to the outstanding membership of the DB. I will not allow them to be without leadership should a critical decision come about.
I wish to make known a few final points before I give up the mantle of command to my worthy successor. First off, I would say that my successor will be the Deputy Grand Master, Master Havok. Should he choose to accept the job he has my full trust, as he is an excellent officer and a worthy member of the Brotherhood. Should his new family responsibilites preclude him from becoming the Grand Master, he may choose whomever he wishes to take on this duty.
Another point prior to my departure... Acolyte Outlaw (KSMJR) has served me well in the past with little recognition. Some of you may recognize this as Julius Pendragon's prior screen name, but it has now been taken up by his younger brother. In recognition for his outstanding service, he is promoted to Dark Jedi Knight with all the privileges that entails.
As for what I will do... I plan to retire to my private planet, Avalon, and there live out my days as a sage advisor to the DB. I will, of course, maintain my offices on the Avenger and Eos... Sorry, Havok, you'll have to find your own office space. If the Grand Admiral should see fit to bestow and honorary position on me, that would be fine, if not, that is also fine. I shall relinquish my positions as Plenepotentary of Eos (Instead being the Plene. of Avalon) and Lord of the Sith (just don't forget I've still got some dark power:) Since GM is a rank as well as a position, and my powers cannot be taken away, I am still Grand Master Paladin... In deference to the new GM, I will, however, style myself "Lord Paladin". If there are any other misc. positions I forgot, I resign them as well, with the exception of my Dukedom.... I would also ask the new GM to be included in the Council, but that is up to Havok entirely.
I have all confidence that the new administration will be as successful, and likely more so, than mine. I do not look upon my reign as a failure, but I do feel that I have let the DB down in some way. I do hope that DB will experience a renaissance of sorts as the Third Brotherhood Grand Master takes command. Good luck and Godspeed... Hail the Empire!
In the Service of the Empire,
Jedgar Octavian Paladin
Fleet Admiral the Duke Jedgar Paladin
Second Grand Master of the Brotherhood
Lord Paladin is now the High Inquisitor of the Emperor's Hammer...
WC/RA Deathwatch/SSD Avr
Above Aurora Prime awaited the SSD Avenger for the ISD Subjugator to arrive. The Subjugator's Squadron had to fly over to the Avenger, their new ship. Shuttles and trnasports were awaiting the arrival of the ISD.
The Subjugator exits hyperspace, and gives the sign to transfer the pilots and ships.
Shuttles and transports fly toward the ISD, and enter the hangar. A few minutes later, Transports and shuttles start to exit the hangar, and fly toward the SSD.
Suddenly, a new ships drops from hyperspace, a few kilometers away from the SSD and ISD.
"Lichtor V to Avenger, we are ready to ferry Tau Squadron over" Deathwatch said through the radio.
"Okay, sir, we'll send a transport and a shuttle to pick you guys up" A WC of the SSD replied.
"Avenger, we will fly our own ships to the SSD, you got that?" Deathwatch replied.
"Okay, we'll have a free spot for the TIEs of Tau"
"We don't fly TIEs, we fly A9b vigilance interceptors, and we need a special place to put them"
There was a little silence
"Okay, fly to the Hangar, and we'll put you in a special hangar for you with the tractor beam."
"Okay, we'll be there soon"
In the Avenger's cantina, several people were watching the Lichtor V, because they felt the power coming from that ship, and most of them had never seen a DGN before.They saw 13 little dots being launched from the Lichtor V, and they were coming closer.
As the A9's came closer, more people started to watch them.
Tau squadron sensed that the people in the cantina were watching them, and flew by the windows of the cantina.
Tau Squadron entered the hangar, and they were put in an special hangar. They all left their ships, took their possessions, and went to their new quarters.
Tau Squadron went to the cantina, and walked toward a table. All tables were full, so the Dark Adepts Lord Exar, Big Daddy and Deathwatch "asked" the people away from one table, and Tau Squadron took place there.
Shortly thereafter an Imperial Officer came towards Deathwatch and said that he has become the WC of the SSD Avenger. His friend, Vice Admiral Crona became the COM of the ship, and BG Gunner, a former Tau SqCo, became the 2nd WC of the ship.
"Well, I stay with you guys....but this is a demotion..." Deathwatch said to the Squadron
"I hope that you won't leave us" Ainsley said to him "You made Tau to what it is now"
"Thanks, I hoped that I got the COM position here, but Crona got it, and I'm very happy for him. I guess when he is offered a CS position on the SSSD, he'll take it and I can get the COM position here." Deathwatch said with a grin on his face.
"I'm thirsty" BG Rob said
"Wait, They'll give us something" Exar said when he began to talk to another pilot, who was easily seduced by Exar to buy the whole Squadron a drink.
"Well done Exar, you're progressing well" a voice said.
Deathwatch turned around and saw his old friend Crona, the Deputy Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood of the Jedi and the COM of this ship.
"It's nice to have the best Squadron of the Emperor's Hammer Strikefleet on my ship, and a capable WC here." Patrick Crona said.
"Join us, Patrick!"
And so did Tau Squadron get aboard the SSD Avenger.
WC/RA Deathwatch [DA]/SSD Avenger [K2C] SS/ISM [Doomhammer]
Tau Squadron
(Photo: Created by volsung@ix.netcom.com, 1996)
Rogue Killers
Looking down at the blinking light on the communication display the Ensign hit the capture button. "Commander, we just received a coded Imperial transmission."
"Ensign, can you decode it here?" said Lieutenant General Curraalt. Curraalt had been wishing for an uneventful recon mission to Hal-Kryn Sector.The stories of a complete Imperial Sector Command setting up shop in this Sector may be true.
"No sir, the transmission has been heavly encrypted. Sir, should I send it down to Encrypt?"
"Yes, have it sent down" said Curraalt just as he remembered that his shift was about over. "Ensign, I changed my mind, I will take it down myself." Curraalt got up from his command chair and walked over and picked up the data pad. "Captain, said Curraalt " you have the bridge till Rear Admiral Deathwatch is here." and then he left the bridge.
Walking throughout the halls of the Imperial Dungeon Ship Lichtor V Curraalt couldn't help but notice that this crew was one of the finest in the Emperor's Hammer. The dungeon ship was not much to look at , but she served her purpose well.The ship had been designed to hold criminals and Jedi during the Clone Wars. The Lichtor V had been heavily reconstructed before reentering service with the Emperor's Hammer, and now could carry a squadron of fighters. The squadron now aboard was Tau Squadron, it was one of only two Elite squadrons in the Emperor's Hammer, and the only of it's kind in the Dark Brotherhood of Jedi.
Curraalt stepped into the turbolift and hit the button marked Intelligence and rode the lift to it's destination. As Curraalt stepped out of the turbolift and rounded the corner towards encrypt he ran into Lord Exar.
"Greeting Lieutenant General." said Exar as he snapped a salute. "What are you doing down here Sir, looking for a place to get away from everyone?", Exar said with a smile.
Returning the salute Curraalt said "No General I just wanted to go for a walk. We just received a encrypted transmission from a unknown Imperial source."
"So the stories are true about that sector fleet?" said Exar, leaning against the bulkhead.
" Exar, we don't know that yet so I don't want you spreading gossip around the ship." said Curraalt "Got it!"
"Ok Curraalt, I'll keep my mouth shut." awnsered Exar, as he stood straight up again.
"That's Commander to you General."Curraalt said, as he looked over the Dark Jedi pilot. Exar was about six feet tall and had black hair and eyes. He wore a black flightsuit and carried a lightsaber attached to his belt. Exar was one of the best pilots in Tau Squadron but he had a dark sense of humor that got on people's nerves every now and then.
"Sorry Commander, I thought this was a informal conversation.", said Exar not knowing if the Commander was serious or not.
"You will find out soon enough General." said Curraalt saluting the pilot. "But I must be off, I still have a few things to finish up before my shift is over.
"Remember, 0800 hours tomorrow Commander, you and me in the training arena. We've got to work on your lightsaber training." said Exar smiling as he returned the Commander's salute and walked off.
"I remember General, be ready yourself." Curraalt called down the hallway in Exar's direction and continued on his way to encrypt.
When Curraalt reached Encrypt, the room was full of activity. Officers running back and forth going about their business. Walking over to the Lieutenant, Curraalt handed him the data pad. "Have this decoded as soon as possible Lieutenant." said Curraalt " Report the results directly to me when your done."
" Yes sir." said the Lieutenant and hurried off to complete the task.
Curraalt weary from the day's task, headed back down the hallway to the turbolift. When he finally reaches his room, Curraalt flops down on his bed, wincing as he felt how hard the Imperial bed was. The last thought on his mind before drifting off to sleep was what that transmission could be.
Awakened by the beeping of his comlink, Curraalt rolls over and looks at his crono. He had been only asleep for two hours before he was awakened by his comlink. " So much for a good night's sleep." Curraalt grunted as he picked up the comlink. "Yes what is it now."
"Sir." said the Lieutenant over the comlink " I have decoded the transmission, I think you should come here and take a look."
Curraalt rolling his eyes back in his head thinking of the sleep he lost. "I will be there in a few minutes Lieutenant."
"Yes sir." replied the Lieutenant ending the transmission.
When Curraalt finally reached Encrypt and walked in the Lieutenant was waiting. " Ok Lieutenant, what's your reason for me missing my much needed sleep?"
"Sir," said the Lieutenant " this is very important. The transmission was from Fleet Admiral Joth Zerrk to his fleet, and the fleet's reply back to his command ship.
"So Lieutenant whats the problem?" said Curraalt getting annoyed.
"Sir, Admiral Zerrk ordered his fleet to start preparing for the take over of the Emperor's Hammer." said the Lieutenant as he looked around avoiding Curraalt's hard gaze.
"Were you able to get a number on the ships he contacted?"said Curraalt as he walked over to the table and took a seat.
"Yes sir, there is at least twenty four Star Destroyers." said the Lieutenant taking a seat where the Commander indicated. " Some of those may be Interdictor Cruisers. One is a Super Star Destroyer, that is Zerrk's command ship the Blood Wolf. We also have a good indication of the number of support ships the fleet may have."
"How did that fool Zerrk get his hands on that many ships?" Curraalt said to himself aloud "The last time I heard that name Zerrk was some where in the Core Sectors hold up behind the New Republic lines. Lieutenant, how many support ships does he have?" Curraalt said not really wanting to know.
" Sir, Zerrk has alot," said the Lieutenant "From what we can tell he has twenty one Modified Frigates to protect the convoys, three to a convoy. "Five to six Freighters in a convoy and one Carrack Cruiser per convoy.
" That is some heavy fire power!" said Curraalt. The Emperor's Hammer could be in very deep trouble, Zerrk's Fleet out numbered the EH by a very great margin. "Lieutenant, how long until the fleet is amast and they are ready to invade?"
"From what we can tell Sir, they will be ready by week's end."
"We will not be able to get back to the Phare System in time." said Curraalt as the sinking feeling in his gut got worse. "Lieutenant report all that you have told me to Rear Admiral Deathwatch, tell him everything you told me." said Curraalt getting up from the chair and saluting the Lieutenant. "Got it!"
"Yes Sir, I will do that this instant." said the Lieutenant getting up from his chair at the table he returned the Lieutenant General's salute and marched off to perform his duties.
"Oh great, time to meet Exar." Curraalt said looking at his crono with a frown.
When Curraalt stepped into the small dimly lit arena, Exar was nowhere to be seen. As he walked to the center of the arena and unclipped his lightsaber from his belt, Lord Exar stepped out of the shadows.
"Greetings, Commander or should I say Guardian?" detaching his lightsaber from his belt, Exar ignites his lightsaber's blue blade and raises it.
Curraalt bringing his own lightsaber up to bare, ignitites it with a snap hiss, "Say what you will Exar, but I am still your Commander and will soon be a Dark Jedi Knight myself.
At that moment Exar's blue blade came crashing down against Curraalt's green blade. Blocking Exar's attack with the new defensive maneuvers he learned Curraalt begins his own offensive strike. Executing a backflip away from Exar and then lunging at him, Curraalt smashes his lightsaber down. Exar blocks the blow with his lightsaber and then takes a step back. Curraalt seeing his chance and strikes again. Beginning the offensive volley, Curraalt brings blow after blow against Exar knocking him down. Then for the final blow Curraalt did a forward flip intent on slamming his lightsaber down onto Exar. At that moment Curraalt was blasted across the room by a bolt of Force Lighting that lanced out from Exar's fingertips, knocking Curraalt to the floor with great force. As Curraalt lay there wondering what happened he looked up just in time to see Exar standing over him, his blade close to Curraalt's neck.
"Very good Curraalt, but you were to confident. You must keep your mind open to the Force to know your enemy's thoughts. This is but one of the many thing you will learn before becoming a Dark Jedi Knight." said Exar, shutting down his lightsaber. "Curraalt, you seemed distracted; whats the problem?"
"I have had alot of thing on my mind lately." Curraalt said reaching up to grasp Exar's hand and pulled himself up off the floor.
"Would you like to talk about it Curraalt?"
"Not right now, I will in the ship's briefing later today." answered Curraalt just now wondering how Exar got a first name like Lord. Hey Exar, how did you get a first name like Lord? It is an unusual first name."
"That it is, but it's not really my first name. said Exar taking seat at the bench nearest to him. My full name used to be Exar Kun, I was named after the Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun. I am a direct descendent of his. My home world is Korribun, and family rules the planet. There is a contest held within my family every generation to see who will rule Korribun. To win you must vanquish all the others opponents in a tournament of lightsaber duels. Of course I won. said Exar with a smile. I am the heir to the throne of Korribun, and by the custom of my people my first name becomes Lord and my true first name becomes my last."
"If you are the heir to the throne of Korribun, why did you join the Emperor's Hammer?" said Curraalt
" Where I come from Jedi are trained in the light side of the Force until the age of 10 then they are turned to the dark side. If they turn too quickly they are destroyed, but if they hold out longer before turning to the dark side then they are allowed to live and learn more of the dark side. The Dark Jedi Masters of my world think this makes for better Dark Jedi, I myself am not sure. When Grand Master Paladin came to our world he showed me how he trains Dark Jedi. His was is very different from our own, and I wish to learn all that there is to know of the dark side. That is why I joined the Emperor's Hammer and the Dark Brotherhood. Why did you join, Curraalt?"
"Me, I'm not sure. Maybe the glory of battle and the chance to get back at those Rebels that formed the pathetic New Republic. said Curraalt walking over to the exit, I have not thought about it that much General."
"Next week you train with Admiral Deathwatch right?"
"Yes General, well I am off, remember we have a ship's briefing in an hour. Be on time this is a very important briefing, pass the word along General. Ok."
"Yes Commander." said Exar as he got up from the bench and saluted Curraalt. Curraalt returned the General's salute and left the chamber.
Before heading to the briefing, Curraalt wanted to talk over the situation with the Rear Admiral. So he decided to make a quick stop over at the Admiral's personal quarters. Walking up to the door Curraalt did a once over of himself to make sure his uniform was in proper shape, then hit the door chime. The door slid open and Curraalt stepped through into the Admiral quarters.
"Hello my friend, said Rear Admiral Deathwatch getting up from his desk he saluted the Lieutenant General, I see you're here to discuss the situation that has occurred."
"Yes Sir, I wanted to talk to you about it before I briefed our men." said Curraalt saluting the Rear Admiral and taking a seat where the Admiral indicated.Curraalt looked over the Admiral's quarters, they were sparse but not overly. From what Curraalt knew of the man this is exactly what it should look like. In the corner was a piece of artwork from the Stenis System, behind Deathwatch on the wall were awards and medals the Admiral had received. On his desk was a broken Jedi Holocron that Grand Master Paladin had given him for his service to the Dark Brotherhood.
"I watched you and Exar training today, most impressive Curraalt. said Deathwatch in a cool tone, Your lightsaber skills have been improving very well. Soon you will make your own lightsaber and not have to use a borrowed one. .
" I thought I was doing great too, until Exar hit me with that Force Lightning said Curraalt That stuff can sting ya pretty good."
" Yes it can Commander," Deathwatch said becoming more serious, I would like to get on to the more pressing issues now though. It does seem Commander that we are in somewhat of a bind. The problem is this, should we try and stop Admiral Zerrk or should we run back home and help Grand Admiral Ronin. If we stay and fight we stand a good chance of not stopping his fleet. If we run we will get there just ahead of his Fleet, which doesn't help our situation at all. Zerrk's Forces out number's the Emperor's Hammer by a margin of 5 to 1, and all we have is the Lichtor V. I can get a Assault Carrier to back us up before the first mission, but we will have to wait a week to get any Star Destroyers to help us out. So Commander do you have any comments?"
"Sir, I think we should stay and fight. I see no other way." said Curraalt shifting in his seat.
" Yes I agree Commander, therefore I have devised a plan of action. We will first attack their supply convoys before they link up with the Fleet. In the second phase of the campaign we will attack the individual battle groups. We will not destroy their Capital ships, they would be of great value to the Emperor's Hammer. Instead they will be disabled and then the Carrier Halbrook will send assault transports with capture teams to board the ships and take control.When this has been accomplished the ships will be taken to a area that I have chosen and be put in storage until an official of the Grand Admiral has evaluated them. Most likely Commander, we will not have to worry about it because the rest of the fleet will show up." said Admiral Deathwatch in a grave tone.
"For the sake of the Empire I hope you are right Admiral." replyed Curraalt getting up from his chair.
Deathwatch picked up the datapad on his desk and handed it to Curraalt, "I hope so too Commander." he said getting up from his desk, he walking over to the large viewport and looked out into space. That will be all Commander."
After Curraalt left, Deathwatch continued to stare out the viewport. This was indead a very serious situation, this would be a true test for the pilots of the Lichtor V, thought Deathwatch. It was about time to contact Grand Admiral Ronin and inform him of the situation. Stepping back from the viewport Deathwatch walked over to his personal Holonet teminal. He keyed in his authorization code and waited for the Grand Admiral to respond.
The briefing room was full of activity as the pilots of Tau Squadron discussed their reasons for being there. Walking into the briefing room, Avatar took a seat next to Exar.
"Hey Exar, did Commander Curraalt say anything to you about this briefing?" Avatar asked.
"No, I asked him, but he was tight lipped about the whole thing. When we were training today he seemed to be preoccupied with something else." answered Exar. If you ask me I think it has something to do with the gossip thats been floating around the ship about a Imperial Sector Fleet in the area.
"I heard abou......" Avatar look toward the briefing room entrance.
"Shhhh....be quiet." retarted Exar as he and Avatar started to rise.
When Deathwatch stepped into the pilot's briefing room, there was a heavy flow of conversation that ceased as soon as everyone saw him enter. Deathwatch walked to the front of the room and inserted the datapad into the hologhaphic projector. He then turned to face the pilots of Tau Squadron, standing attendtion. "You all may take your seats now. Deathwatch said as he returned their salute. "I bet you all have been wondering why this briefing was called. The pilots all took their seats and waited for the Admiral to speak."Commander Curraalt, you may now begin the briefing. said Deathwatch, taking a seat next to the battle board.
Curraalt turned on the vocorder. "This is a transmission we received last night. It's from an Admiral Zerrk to his Fleet. Curraalt said as the transmission began.