Command Squadron (Expanded)

Nickname: Death Angels

Command Flight

		(CS-1) Grand Admiral Ronin (GA Ronin)					TIE Protector
		(CS-2) Sector Admiral Adams (SAdm Adams)				TIE Centurion                
		(CS-3) Fleet Admiral Kreeayt Havok (FA Havok)				Spectre
		(CS-4) Admiral Jac (RA JACtRIP						TIE Defender

Stategic Flight

		(CS-5) Fleet Admiral Moldman (ScotP)					TIE Defender
		(CS-6) Admiral Talon (Bamwolf)						TIE Defender
		(CS-7) Admiral Quintar Anakin (RA Anakin)				TIE Guardian
		(CS-8) Admiral Threat (GoBucky)						TIE Defender

	Tactical Flight

		(CS-9) Admiral Zach (					?
		(CS-10)Admiral Nemesis (AD Nemesis)					K-11
		(CS-11)Admiral Brett (				?
		(CS-12)Admiral Doomsday (				Phalanx

Command Attache's

		(CA:FC)  VA Caesar (Jedi					TIE Advanced
		(CA:XO)  VA Harconan (				TIE Guardian
		(CA:TAC) VA Compton (				?
		(CA:FO)  VA Zlatan ( /				TIE Phantom
		(CA:IO)  VA Ghost (					?
		(CA:TO)  TBA								?
		(CA:OPS) VA Zach (					?
		(CA:COMM)VA Ace (					Phalanx
		(CA:SEC) TBA								?
		(CA:SCO) TBA								?
		(CA:LO)  VA Jesse (					?
		(CA:RO)  VA Rano'f (				?


The 12 Command Officers are permanently stationed aboard the SSSD Sovereign
unless on individual assignment. The 12 Command Attache's serve as full-time,
personal bodyguards and assistants for their designated Command Officer and will
accompany their charge during all flight operations. Consequently, the Command
Squadron actually consists of two Squadrons for a total of 24 TIE Pilots...