Prefect of the Legion - Marshall Yoni (


(Taken from "A Guide to the Star Wars Universe", copyright 1994 Lucasfilm Ltd.)

The elite zero-G stormtroopers, or spacetroopers, are trained to operate exclusively in space. When the Emperor's Hammer needs to launch an assault on a spacefaring vessel, spacetroopers are sent in to do the job. Each trooper wears full body armor capable of withstanding the rigors of hard vacuum. This armor functions as a personal spacecraft and attack vehicle. With sensor arrays, magnetic couplers for adhering to ships, repulsor lift propulsion units, and a wide assortment of weaponry, spacetrooper armor makes these troopers fearsome to behold. Two meters tall and twice as wide as the normal stormtrooper, spacetroopers can unleash a devastating barrage on their targets. Concussion, gas, and stun grenades, miniarute proton torpedoes, blast cannons, and laser cutters are standard ordnance. Specially designed assault shuttles carry spacetroopers into combat.

First Detachment (Zero-G Stormtroopers)/LCF Excelsior (PLAT-1/LCF Exc)

1 Detachment Commander (DC)

4 Platoon Captains (PCPT)

36 Zero-G Troopers (TRPR)...(4 "platoons" of 9 Troopers/each)

SpaceTrooper Armor

One Assault Shuttle

Detachment Commander: H4-86YT (VERSEEDE)

Platoon Zero 1

Platoon Captain: TA-297 (

Trooper B5-T33I (PartysRFun)

Trooper G7-9HY2 (Gamer Ben)

Trooper F3-84TW (GrayPhenix)

Trooper H7-GT5H (WaReZpRoGr)

Trooper C3-302Q (Ace Petman)

Trooper ????? (

Trooper ????? (U9552367@Queens-Belfast.AC.UK)

Trooper ????? (

Trooper TA-292 (

Platoon Zero 2

Platoon Captain: TA-294 (

Trooper TA-293 (

Trooper TA-296 (

Trooper TA-295 (

Trooper TA-299 (

Trooper ZG-101 (

Trooper ZG-102 (

Trooper ZG-103 (

Trooper ZG-104 (

Trooper ZG-105 (

Platoon Zero 3

Platoon Captain:

Trooper ZG-110 (

Trooper ZG-111 (

Trooper ZG-112 (

Trooper ZG-113 (

Trooper ZG-114 (

Platoon Zero 4

Platoon Captain:


(Taken from "A Guide to the Star Wars Universe", copyright 1994 Lucasfilm Ltd.)

To deal with the problems of ice-covered worlds, the Emperor's Hammer sends in the cold-assault troopers, or Snowtroopers. Snowtroopers are elite frozen-environment combatants. These soldiers wear the basic white-and-black armor equipped with powerful heating and personal environment units, terrain-grip boots, and breathing masks.

Second Detachment (Cold Assault Stormtroopers)//LCF Frigga (PLAT-2/LCF Frigga)

1 Detachment Commander (DC)

4 Platoon Captains (PCPT)

36 Blizzard Force Troopers (TRPR)...(4 "Platoons" of 9 Troopers/each)

One Assault Shuttle

2 AT-STs

Detachment Commander: TBA

Platoon CAS 1

Platoon Captain: TA-298 (

Trooper Q4-UI7R (Target 79)

Trooper ?????? (

Trooper V6-K4YT (JVanWormer)

Trooper ?????? (

Trooper ?????? (

Trooper C4-D10A (

Trooper ?????? (

Trooper M7-T21F (MADMAX4000)

Trooper ?????? (

Platoon CAS 2

Platoon Captain: ????? ( Trooper 6711-588X (Sourmugg)

Trooper ?????? (

Trooper ?????? (

Trooper ?????? (

Trooper CA-101 (

Trooper CA-102 (

Trooper CA-103 (

Trooper CA-104 (

Trooper CA-105 (

Platoon CAS 3

Platoon Captain: TU-434 (

Trooper CA-106 (

Trooper CA-107 (

Trooper CA-108 (

Trooper G5-3M6E (

Trooper CA-109 (

Trooper CA-110 (

Trooper CA-111 (

Trooper CA-112 (

Trooper CA-113 (

Platoon CAS 4

Platoon Captain:

Scout Troopers

(Taken from "A Guide to the Star Wars Universe", copyright 1994 Lucasfilm Ltd.)

Scout Troopers are lightly armored, highly mobile stormtroopers who are usually assigned to Imperial garrisons. They use speeder bikes to patrol perimeters, perform reconnaissance missions, and scout enemy locations. To assist them when traveling at the high speeds speeder bikes reach, Scout Troopers wear specialized helmets equipped with built-in macrobinocular viewplates and sensor arrays. These feed into computers that analyze terrain features instantaneously to help the scouts navigate at high speeds. They also map the areas they explore, producing a continuous record of each mission they participate in. Scout Troopers wear lightweight armor and padding over a black body glove, and carry small automatic blasters.

Third Detachment (Scout Troopers)//LCF Falcon's Eye (PLAT-3/LCF Fal-Eye)

1 Detachment Commander (DC) - T6 - S37O (

4 Platoon Captains (PCPT)

36 Scout Troopers (TRPR)...(4 "platoons" of 9 Troopers/each)

40 Aratech 74-Z Speeder Bikes

One Assault Shuttle

Platoon ST 1

Platoon Captain: TBA

Trooper XP-471 (

Trooper XP-985 (

Trooper XP-561 (

Trooper XP-119 (

Trooper XP-102 (

Trooper ?????? ( these ?????? should be assigned designations and notified

Trooper ?????? (

Trooper ?????? (

Trooper ?????? (zcrc20@ACCESS.EAST-TENN-ST.EDU)

Platoon ST 2

Platoon Captain: TA-300 ( )

Trooper ST-110 (

Trooper TA-301 (B0BAFETT7)

Trooper TA-302 (Gowron2)

Trooper ?????? (Brmi)

Trooper ?????? (

Trooper ?????? (

Trooper ?????? (

Trooper ?????? (

Trooper ST-101 (Mr

Platoon ST 3

Platoon Captain: Trooper ST-104 (

Trooper ST-102 (

Trooper ST-103 (

Trooper ST-105 (

Trooper ST-106 (

Trooper ST-107 (

Trooper ST-108 (

Trooper ST109 (

Platoon ST 4

Platoon Captain: