The Fleet Commander herein presents a list of all files attached to this Newsletter...
3) cdships.bat
4) corsanjo.wri
5) ds3.avi
6) eh.ani
8) epist01.wri
9) haven2.gif
10) imperial.ovl
15) pappy.gif
16) relntbnr.jpg
18) shield.jpg
19) smile.ico
22) title.lfd
23) bhg-man.wri
24) corp-man.wri
25) fld-man.wri
26) intelman.wri
1) A *.wav file ( submitted by for the NL... it's laser fire punctuated by radio chatter...This file is reportedly from Mechwarrior II: Ghost Bear's Legacy, Activision, 1996)...
2) The new Corporate Banner ( for Bloodstripe, Inc., as submitted by CEO Evan Jones (CorSec4)...
3) This is a batch file (cdships.bat) that will run CD fighters, when installed. Note: all ship file MUST be in the format "z_tie__.exe" with that exact filename, and tiecd must be installed to the directory \tiecd. Otherwise, this batch file will work with TIECD even if TIECD has not been "fixed" after being installed on a drive other than C. However, although as many ships as possible were PROVIDED for in the batch file (the directory structure can be installed easily through the batch), all of the listed fighters must be FOUND and PLACED in its specific directory. I have provided for as many fighters as I possibly can at this time, and if any problems are spotted, feel free to report them...Submitted by PRX-CEO/Prex Bill/DEC...
4) Attached is the rules (corsanjo.wri) and how to play correllian Sanjo, a card game i have invented. Please play and review, and let me know if there is anything I forgot...Submitted by COM/FA Renegade/MPLT Haven...
5) Two EXCELLENT *.AVI files (ds3.avi and sov.avi) created by CA:FO/VA Zlatan/SSSD Sov...
6) An animated, shining EH cursor (eh.ani) for Win95...Submitted by PRX-CEO/Prex Bill/DEC...
7) The fourth issue of the Dark Brotherhood Dark Voice ( by GM/FA Paladin/Eos...
8) The last writings of former Krath High Priest of the Dark Brotherhood, FA Pyr prior to his leaving the Dark brotherhood...(epist01.wri, epist02.wri, and epist03.wri)...
9) The new M/PLT Haven banner (haven2.gif) approved by FA Renegade, as submitted by LG/WC Dactyl/MPLT Haven...
10) The Imperial OVL File (imperial.ovl)...With this new OVL file, you can fly the following ships in the X-Wing CD: The Calamari Cruiser, Frigate, Freighter, container, TUG, Imperial Star Destroyer, Corvette, any TIE in X-wing, and the Assault Gunboat. All you have to do is copy the OVL file over your BFlight.ovl, and then create a mission for the X-Wing CD, where you fly any ship you want to in X-Wing....Submitted by COM/RA Katarn/ISD Rel...
11) A collection of 8 Star Wars animated cursors ( (Most of them are made from old EH icons) for all you with Win95...Submitted by FO/AD Jac/CS-4/SSSD Sov...
12) The new Battle Medal for Battle 28 ( by OPS/AD Anakin/CS-7/SSSD Sov...
13) The new Battle Medal for CAB 3 ( by OPS/AD Anakin/CS-7/SSSD Sov...
14) ALL 5 new EH TIE Fighter Battles ( (25 MISSIONS!!!) and corresponding batch file auto-installers..for release with this Newsletter (see the Battle Board and Ready Room Sections of this Newsletter)...Submitted by TAC/FA Havok/CS-3/SSSD Sov...
15) You ever wonder what Pappy (COM/FA Renegade/MPLT Haven) really looks like (pappy.gif)...? I'll let Pappy explain.."Time to scare the hell out of everybody who reads the NL."
16) The new ISD Relentless Banner (relntbnr.jpg), as submitted by WC/LG Blake/ISD Rel...
17) A new and interesting file...( like a screensaver. It is called "Fish" but there are no fish but Ties, StarDestroyers, Trans., etc.. It is a cheap
program so don't expect much. But its fun to watch as they fly around in your background.
To activate it: Before you decompress it, create a "Fish" directory on the C: directory, then decompress it to there. Move the Icon of the Fish (The Fish.exe file) to a
program folder on windows. After moved or copied there, then double click on
it. And if you close down all programs (not windows) you should see Imperial
craft flying around. If you need more help or more crafts then ask me...Submitted by...FM/GN Pierce/Spear-3/ISD Rel...
18) The new Shield Squadron Banner (shield.jpg), as submitted by WC/LG Blake/ISD Rel...
19) A new non-EH related smiley face icon (smile.ico)...submitted by PRX-CEO/Prex Bill/DEC...
20) The new Krath Talisman ( the Dark Brotherhood...Submitted by former Krath High Priest, FA Pyr...
21) Two new TIE sounds...for use in the TIE Fighter game...(I believe they are installed into the c:\tiecd\resource subdirectory...( and by PRX-CEO/Prex Bill/DEC...
22) A modifed start up sequence for TIE Fighter (title.lfd)...A self-praising title.lfd. :) Put it in c:\tiecd\resource...Submitted by PRX-CEO/Prex Bill/DEC...
23) The newly revised version (1.2) of the Bounty Hunters' Guild Handbook(bhg-man.wri) (SubGroup Manual)...As submitted by (former SEC of the EH)...
24) The NEW Corporate Division Technical Manual (corp-man), created by ExO/Dan/PLT Rev and PRX-CEO/Prex Bill/DEC...
25) The NEW EH Strormtroopers Field Guide (fld-man.wri), as submitted by MRS/LT Saber/ESC Iron Fist and Detachment Commander,
26) The new Interrogation Manual (intelman.wri) which will govern the operations of the newest and sixth EH SubGroup, the Intelligence Division...Submitted by