The Dark Brotherhood of the Jedi is dedicated to the collection of knowledge and the pursuit of power, both through government and the military.
A Short History of Tau Squadron
as of 1/4/96
originally compiled by CMDR/Melan Pyr/Tau-1/ISD Col
updated by COM/RA Deathwatch [SW]/DGN Lichtor V
Originally, Tau Squadron was a part of the Imperial Navy, and not the Hammer specifically. Its pilots were incorporated into the Emperor’s Hammer (Newsletter 2), and Tau was disbanded as a separate fighter squadron.
It was later resurrected (Newsletter 15) and deployed on the SSD Avenger. GN Murtha (DK LRD VDR) was appointed as its first Commander. General Exar (Vader 96) was its first flight member.
By Newsletter 16, GN Murtha had been replaced as Squadron Commander by General Paladin (Mstr Jdi). Trainee Stone (Q tip 22), later to be recognized as General, also joined the squadron at this time. However, due to the small number of recruits assigned to Tau, it has remained officially inactive.
With Newsletter 20, BG Havok (Gen Havok) assumed command. The squadrons new home was aboard the INT Harpax II.
A sweeping restructuring of the Emperor’s Hammer Fleet on 25 July, 1995 necessitated, once again, the relocation of Tau. The squadron was placed aboard the ISD Colossus, and GN Melan Pyr (formerly FLT LDR of Pi-2) succeeded the recently promoted Brigadier General Havok, as the new commander of Tau Squadron.
By late August of 1995, the Grand Admiral, the Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood, and the Dark Council decided that Tau should be moved once again. This time it was relocated aboard the Dark Brotherhood's Dungeon Ship Lichtor V, thus making Tau the de facto combat arm of the DB.
On 9/1/95, CMDR Melan Pyr was promoted to Commodore of the DGN Lichtor V, and LG Sths Tor, Commander of Lambda Squadron was chosen to be Tau's new commander. CMDR Sths Tor was favored for this position due to his rank of Master within the Dark Brotherhood. These moves further solidified the link between Tau and the DB.
Tau and the A-9
A close association between Tau Squadron and the Dark Brotherhood of the Jedi, had been rumored for sometime. Tau was to be the first squadron to get the proposed A-9 Vigilance Interceptor. On 8/1/95, the Fleet Commander ordered the delivery of the A-9 prototypes to the squadron for testing.
CMDR BG Melan Pyr reported to the FC :"I have tried out the A-9. It's working fine. With lasers off, its closing speed is just under 200, which IS quite fast. It should serve well as a light interceptor" The final improved version was delivered to Tau a few days later.
The A-9 was given to Tau since its members are usually Dark Jedi as well. The A-9 allows a Jedi to use the Force in combat.
Tau and the Future
Although the battles have not yet commenced, Tau will most likely be participating in the Fleet's first and second Combined Arms Battles of The Hast Shipyards and then Aurora.
Tau Squadron Banner
Banner Name: 'The Tau Hammer Jack'
Motto: L'Outil de Douleur (The Tool of Woe)
Nickname: "The Wrecking Crew"
The New Tau Squadron
After Melan Pyr left the Squadron, it became one of the least active Squadrons in the fleet. Most pilots thought (and think) of Tau as a weak Squadron, flying old, unshielded craft. A while ago (end 1995, begin 1996) Crona was promoted to the COM position of the Lichtor V. Melan Pyr, who was the FO at that moment, changed the status of Tau Squadron to Elite, which meant that only active Dark Brotherhood pilots may enter the Squadron. The inactive pilots were transferred out, and new, active pilots were placed in on their request (Pyr and Crona began asked pilots to join Tau).
Deathwatch entered the squadron when he requested the Tau Squadron Commander position. Crona and Pyr wanted Deathwatch to make the Squadron really elite, the most active squadron in the fleet. After a short period, Deathwatch had contacted all of his pilots, and began to get them active. Most pilots, such as Curraalt, were very active, and were keeping the Squadron active. Deathwatch also started a contest between the other elite squadron, Omega, and Tau. (WE WILL WIN! :) He changed the nickname of Tau to Dark Avengers and changed the flight names ( Flight 1: Demon Knights, Flight 2: Death Bringers, Flight 3: Black Death). He requested the Squadron to name their A9, just to show
what bond excist between the ship and pilot. "You know that the ship is one of the thing a pilot must trust, so why not give it a name" Deathwatch said to Melan Pyr. Deathwatch also recruited the Squadron Commander of Theta Squadron, because he wanted to be in an active Squadron, so he didn't mind to be a Flight Member again. The whole Squadron got an envoyship ranking from the Grand Master.
In march 1996, Deathwatch was promoted to COM of the Lichtor V, because the current COM was inactive. Curraalt was promoted to Tau Squadron Commander.
Tau Squadron under LG Curraalt
It is not sure if Tau is going to be the most active Squadron, but with pilots as Curraalt and Deathwatch, it will be. Deathwatch will keep helping Tau Squadron, even if he isn't on the Lichtor V anymore. The contest between Tau and Omega isn't decided yet, but Deathwatch is fairly sure that Tau will win.