Scout Troopers
(Taken from "A Guide to the Star Wars Universe", copyright 1994 Lucasfilm Ltd.)

Scout Troopers are lightly armored, highly mobile stormtroopers who are usually
assigned to Imperial garrisons. They use speeder bikes to patrol perimeters, perform
reconnaissance missions, and scout enemy locations. To assist them when traveling at the high
speeds speeder bikes reach, Scout Troopers wear specialized helmuts equipped with built-in
macrobinocular viewplates and sensor arrays. These feed into computers that analyze terrain
features instantaneously to help the scouts navigate at high speeds. They also map the areas
they explore, producing a continuous record of each mission they participate in. Scout
Troopers wear lightweight armor and padding over a black body glove, and carry small
automatic blasters.

Third Platoon (Scout Troopers)//LCF Falcon's Eye (PLAT-3/LCF Fal-Eye)

1 Platoon Commander (PC) - T6 - S37O (
4 Squad Leaders (SQLDR)
40 Scout Troopers (TPR)...(4 "squads" of 10 Troopers/each)
40 Aratech 74-Z Speeder Bikes
One Assault Shuttle

Squad ST 1
      Squad Leader: TBA				     
	Trooper XP-471 (
	Trooper XP-985 (
	Trooper XP-561 (
	Trooper XP-119 (
	Trooper XP-102 (
	Trooper ?????? (
	Trooper ?????? (
	Trooper ?????? (
	Trooper ?????? (zcrc20@ACCESS.EAST-TENN-ST.EDU)
	Trooper ?????? (Zac999)

Squad ST 2
      Squad Leader:
	Trooper TA-300 ( )
	Trooper TA-303 (
	Trooper TA-301 (B0BAFETT7)
	Trooper TA-302 (Gowron2)
	Trooper ?????? (Brmi)
	Trooper ?????? (
	Trooper ?????? (
	Trooper ?????? (
	Trooper ?????? (

Squad ST 3
      Squad Leader:

Squad ST 4
      Squad Leader: