The formation of the Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion is being finalized by the
Fleet Commander. This elite unit within the Emperor's Hammer will serve to enlist
Stormtroopers into various Platoons initially and possibly develop into company and
battalion size units at a later date. It should be noted that the Hammer's Fist is a "Sub-
Group" of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. Each Stormtrooper Platoon (40 Trianti,
4 Sergeants and 1 Opito) will be stationed on a Lancer Class Frigate (a small
screening and assault vessel) and will serve on various covert and elite commando-style

The Fleet Commander wishes to point out that current Emperor's Hammer
Members may NOT also be a Member of the Hammer's Fist since they represent
two separate branches of the military. However, an EH Member may join both
clubs under separate AOL Screen Names...

Since Members of the Hammer's Fist will initially be "role playing" their persona's
actions, there will be no quantitative mission performance standards to achieve.
Consequently rankings and positions will be subjectively determined by the Platoon
Commanders, based on a Member's online activities and performance. However, it
should be noted that the Tactical and Flight Officers are fervently working on finding a
suitable, editable game platform for the Hammer's Fist...(i.e. Doom). In fact, it is my
understanding that there are Doom Levels on the Internet (i.e. FTP sites and WWW sites)
which feature Star Wars related "levels" and which are currently in the process of being

Finally, it should also be noted that the Hammer's Fist is an "Elite" Stormtrooper unit
which is attached to the Fleet in addition to the standard Stormtrooper Corps stationed on
the SSD Avenger or any one of the other capital ships in the Fleet. In addition, the Fleet
Commander is personally overseeing the appointment of all Platoon Leaders until further