Bounty Hunter Grand Master Roll Call

Screen Name				Caste		Total Bounty Credits		Ship

Boba Fetts				ASST		3,000,000			-
Lord Los				ASST		2,500,000		Blackhole Sun
KreshNalir				APP			0			-
Bossk1138				APP			0			-
Neal Japan				APP			0			-			APP			0			-			APP			0			-
DarkJedi27				APP			0			-
Manal1829				APP			0			-			APP			0			-
Karlon/			APP			0		Starstorm IV

* - The Caste Position of Grand Master of the Bounty Hunter's Guild is held only so long 
as the current Bounty Hunter in that position maintains the highest total accumulated 

The below is the minimum credit standings for the postions within the Guild.	

Position		Minimum Credits		ID Line Designation

Grand Master		Appointed Position	GMSTR
Master			10,000,000 CR		MSTR
Journeyman		5,000,000 CR		JRNY
Assistant Journeyman	1,000,000 CR		ASST
Apprentice		0 CR			APPR