Dark Brotherhood

Read Me!
		Grand Master
	Grand Master Jedgar Paladin/Mstr Jdi		Lord of the Sith

	Master Kreeayt Havok/FA Havok (Sith)		Deputy Grand Master
	Master Ronin/GA Ronin (Sith)			Headmaster, Shadow Academy
	Master Melan Pyr/RBKugel@gnn.com (Krath)	Herald of the Brotherhood
	+Master Maehl/RA Goatboy (Sith)			Master At Arms
	+Adept Crona/patrick.crona@mailbox.swipnet.se (Sith)			Chancellor of the Brotherhood

	Master Sths Tor/Sths Tor (Sith)	
	Krath Priest Pendragon/Pendragn (Krath)(ASST Krath)		
	+Adept Mateo/DarkJedi27 (Sith)
	Dark Knight Drizzt Nemesis/AD Nemesis (Sith)
	+Jedi Hunter Grendel Daniels/Md128m (Krath)
	+Jedi Hunter Klip/TDPBBS (Sith)	
	+Jedi Hunter Yoni/LTSaber (Sith)
	+Jedi Hunter Big Daddy/BIGDADY79 (Sith)	
	Guardian Kaine Whysper/BrentSims (Sith)
	Guardian Rene' le Gar/ADM Rene (Sith)
	Guardian Sindar/Alclosner (Sith)
	Guardian Dark Sektor/krett@.iafrica.com (Sith)	
	Guardian Dark Stalker/Gobucky (Sith)
	Guardian Quintar Anakin/RA Anakin (Sith)
	Guardian Black Death/Viper1251 (Sith)
	+Guardian Rancid/TIE JAM (Sith)
	+Guardian DeathWatch/deathw@dds.nl
	+Guardian Gita/Dark_Jedi_Gita@vt.edu
	+Protector Caesar/Jedi 007 (ASST HRLD)
	+Protector Lors Avakim/pyryl@freenet.scri.fsu.edu
	+Protector Adams/SAdm  Adams
	+Protector Jac Cotelin/RA JACtRip	
	+Protector DarkJedi/beard@ozemail.com.au
	Protector Casset/ Fish57	
	Acolyte Crandall/DarkToeJam
	Acolyte Outlaw/KSMJR
	Acolyte Thi Darton/ BG Gunner
	Novice Durron/Kyps
	Novice Jedi Toth/Jedi Toth
	Novice Walker/ Wasmyth@vt.edu
	Apprentice Gray Death/GRCarlyle
	Apprentice Karjaba/Tarjaba@visi.com
	Apprentice Tav Briel'la/AD Tav B			
	Apprentice MSMullen/smullen@indigo.ie
	Apprentice Saatchi/creative@indigo.ie
	Apprentice Tacoman/Tacoman@wahoo.netrunner.net
	Apprentice Malice Lloth/Ponyjes
	Apprentice Jahn Rezhnin Compton/LoveWilKil
	Apprentice F. Almaraz/ispy@bga.com 
	Apprentice Sabin/mtimonen@teleport.com
	Apprentice Evil/CEOBill P
	Apprentice Caradhras/MooneyD3
	Apprentice Crux Scutum/al589986@campus.cegs.itesm.mx
	Apprentice Itach Mesorn/chkdilba@islandnet.com
	Apprentice ????/s0173761@cc.ysu.edu
	Apprentice ????/mwperry@siu.edu
	Apprentice ????/BALLALTYNE@ghgcorp.com
	Apprentice ????/Kuptoman
	Apprentice ????/nv95maro@klippan.se
	Apprentice ????/TConnon
	Apprentice ????/LeeGn
	Apprentice ????/bef012@gab.unt.e
	Apprentice ????/kqzf62a@prodigy.com
	Apprentice ????/tdean@netcom.npsnet.com
	*Apprentice Xeal/bachmanm@ziavms.enmu.edu
	*Apprentice Stefan Pettersson/hp95stpe@klippan.se
	*Apprentice YoungJedi/alinger@ix.netcom.com
	*Apprentice Dark Dan/cvmi@uslink.net
	*Apprentice Itach Mesorn/chkdilba@islandnet.com
	*Apprentice Ferox/skern@voicenet.com
	*Apprentice Stryker/masten@rt66.com
	*Apprentice Atratus/Rbkugel@gnn.com
	*Apprentice Raemes Sarkis/ThierryXN
	*Apprentice DMaster/fairles@maple.net
	*Apprentice ????/.@dub-mail-svc-1.compuserve.com
	*Apprentice Syrian/dbarker@illuminet.net
	*Apprentice  Goth´Mog/a2515440@smail1.rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE
	*Apprentice Blue Fire/rshee@niven.imsweb.net		
	*Apprentice Sorian Broma/hillde@cougarnet.byu.edu	
	*Apprentice Yodavin/bonanno13@mhv.net
	*Apprentice DrkAce/lawana@netzone.com

	Total = 77 members				

		+ Promoted
		*New members
		???? Submitt Jedi Name to The Grand Master at (MSTR JDI@aol.com) or the Master At Arms at 
		(RA GoatBoy@aol.com).

Enjoy, Master Maehl