CMDR/BG Klip/Delta-1/SSD Avr
It is a time of Triumph. The REBEL
ALLIANCE, fresh from its victory
at Yavin, calls out to all the beings
of the Galaxy to join the fight against
the GALACTIC EMPIRE. Many join, but some
are torn between the Grand Empire
or the Defiant Rebellion. This is one such
Charn Narhalley looked out at the bright light before him. Some thought it was a super-nova, or a starship collision. Soon there was no doubt what it was. The long end of the Death Star. The Empire's ultimate weapon, its glory cut short. He sighed and sauntered on the hull of his freighter. "Why? How.....?" he asked himself. Hate for the Rebellion rippled and throbbed in him. They took the delicate peace and order, grabbed it by its threads, and ripped it apart. Utterly.
Amidst his thoughts a young teenage-looking boy entered the main area of the ship, where Charn was. He slowly walked in, attempting to hide his smile. "The coordinates are all set. We're ready to go whenever you are. I'll be in the cockpit." he said as he quickly exited. Despite all the anger Charn chuckled to himself. His young brother Klip, a trader, navigator, and a T-16 Ace. He would do well in this Galaxy. A Galaxy controlled by the Empire. He leapt out of his trance and briskly jogged to the cockpit.
He entered the cockpit. Klip was fiddling with something on the main board as always. "Well, lets go!" he bellowed and startled Klip out of his seat. Klip adjusted more controls and put his hand on the hyperdrive lever. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5....", the countdown always seemed like it would take forever. But then it happened. Klip pulled the lever down, and with a eager grin the streaks of hyperspace flashed before them. For a moment it seemed there ship would cause a tear in reality. They eased in their seats and Charn grabbed his datapad and studied it. He looked up and said, "Okay, we'll stop at Cyrn 2 first and drop off this cargo. Quiet place, shouldn't take long...."
Charn looked at the pad a little longer and then put it down, and proceeded to check out numerous dials and settings on the console. Klip fiddled with it also but looked into the distance. There was something on his mind. "Ya know, Charn....." he said cautiously. He continued, "Uh... its gonna be time to move on soon. I've been talking to Tiv.. he said he could get my signed up with Blue..." Charn shuddered and looked angrily up at Klip. "What did I tell you about that bloody Rebel? He's gonna get both of you killed. You listen to me. If you want to put your skills in a worthwhile place, put it in the Navy. Not in some rag-tag group who doesn't have a chance." Klip slammed his hand on the console, "Yeah right! Just look at what everybody thought was a 'nova!" Charn shook his head. "Its all luck, kid. The Empire has 'em on the run again. Its only a matter of time." An argument they had all the time ensued again as always, until they reached their destination.
Klip looked impatient as the timer clicked down. When it hit zero, a quick pull of a lever brought them to real space. The delivery of cargo was simple: Dock, let the droids take away the stuff, and get your credits. They were in hyperspace again in thirty-minutes. The rest of the day was irrelevant. Dropping off cargo here, there, and everywhere. Soon they were on their way home. It would take 5-10 hours to get home, so Klip took another chance.
"Tiv says an Alliance shuttle is coming during the week Charn.", he offered. Charn was quick with his reply. "I don't care Klip! I'm sick of arguing. You're stayin here until you agree to go to the Academy. Thats final. I'm sick of these useless arguments, waste of breath and time." Klip admitted defeat finally. In silence they sat, until they were home. Klip pulled the lever. He did not see his "boring" home but something astonishing. 3 Imperial Star Destroyers over his planet. "What?!" they both yelled together. Their eyes were fixed on the battle before them. Finally a crisp accent from the Galactic Core broke their trance. "Ghtroc Freighter 'Shikor', this is ISD Vengeance. Stop immediately! Can't you see there is a battle going on here?" Startled, Charn lunged for the comm button. "Copy ISD Vengeance, holding position." He flipped a switch, while Klip proceeded to shut down the engines. They waited, how long was it? They did not know. Their eyes were fixed on the battle. Small specks flew around the Star Destroyers. 'Fighters... like parasites around a great beast. Explosions and laser bolts were seen frequently. Eventually the Star Destroyers moved into position. The Rebels were doomed. Giant green spears of death flew out of the Behemoths and fell upon the planet. All causing mass destruction. In a brilliant flare it was all over....
Followed by the explosion were large numbers of evacuating ships. Freighters, X-wings, and whatever the rebels could muster. Tie Fighters pursued them eagerly, bringing death upon them. Hours passed, and everything was quiet. Many ships left the Star Destroyers and returned. Soon another unfamiliar voice went over the comm, "Shikor, we have secured Sullo. You are cleared to land. Out."
Klip and Charn looked at each other, and in seconds the engines were at full blast. Their curiosity was killing them.
"Holy Maker!" Klip yelled as he looked down on the former Rebel base. It was blown completely apart by the orbital bombardment. Numerous military troops were spread over the landscape. Their were bodies, and parts of Rebel equipment and weapons. Imperial soldiers were huddled together, obviously waiting for further orders. Charn shook his head. "Too bad. Like I was saying before Klip. Now I hope you see what I mean." Klip replied distantly, and to particularly no one. "Yes," he shook his head, "You were right. Right all along. No one has a chance against the Empire. Death awaits them all." Charn looked oddly at Klip but went on, "Yeah, and look at that. That could be you. You would have been a burning corpse. I'm afraid Tiv wasn't so lucky though..." Klip screamed and yelled: "NO!"
The civilians around the Rebel base were not so lucky either. The blast spread out dramatically. Klip did not blame the Empire now though, ironically. They were doing their job. It was the Rebels who decided to place themselves within the city. Their ignorance killed many innocent people. Rage built up within him. Fortunately his home and parents were safely far away from the base.
He could not find any trace of Tiv. He either escaped, was killed, or captured. Sullo grew quiet after the put down of the Rebellion. Klip spent many days secluded in his room, deep in thought. Charn, realizing what Klip was going through, went on his trade routes by himself. His whole family wondered what his destiny would be.
Klip judged both sides extremely fairly. The Empire seemed to move in, savagely destroy, and leave as nothing happened. However the Rebels caused chaos and disorder, and brought the battle and horror to people who would rather not get involved at all. He thought of striking with a large force and totally eliminating his foes, or constantly on the run to save personnel and lives. He thought of Order, Loyalty, Power..... or Disorder, Defiance..... More time flew by. He hardly ate, never slept. Just one question "Empire or Rebellion?" He tossed and turned. It was like two angels. One on each of his shoulders. One was the Emperor calling for Peace, the other was Mon Mothma praising Freedom and Justice.
Two months passed. It was time for a decision. He approached Charn and in a hypnotic trance mumbled, "You win Charn. I'm going to trust you on this one. I will serve for the Glory.. of the Empire." Charn chuckled and slapped him on the back. "Great!", he said, "I'll get you signed up. A shuttle will come within the week, for sure. I'm glad you made the right choice Klip. You're asking for death with the Rebellion. But the Grand Old Empire... Ahhh!"
Charn almost forced Klip into celebrating. He took him from planet to planet. Visiting almost all the cantina's in the known galaxy. So they went on, talking to Charn's friends, drinking a little to much. Finally they returned home. The time of celebrating was over. Now Klip's parents, Kahra and Owen, mourned for their son leaving. They understood though. Every adolescent felt the call of the stars. Few were able to reach them, but Klip would.
The Imperial shuttle arrived. With hugs and saying goodbye, Klip stepped into the shuttle and was gone. He did not know what awaited him. A long and distinguished service, or short and glorious? He did not care.
The shuttle took off, and sped out towards the stars. Awaiting him was the Star Destroyer Vigilance. He looked out in awe at the great ship.
It was an amazing sight. He always viewed the Star Destroyers as free beasts, who roamed space sector by sector and crushed all opposition. Now he would see the true side. The workers, the gunners, the crew, everything and everyone who worked in harmony to make the ship one of the greatest technologies of the time. The shuttle moved slowly and methodically to the hanger of the Star Destroyer. The great beast swallowing its prey. Landing beacons flashed, landing klaxons sounded. With a hiss the shuttle landed.
A stormtrooper motioned to the exit, "Alright, move!". They marched in single file out to a large dome. An ominous figure rose above them. "Welcome, Servants of the Emperor." The man stepped down. "I am General B'yorn Sivaar. You have fortunately, been accepted into the Imperial Academy. As we speak the Vigilance speeds off to a far away planet. Here you will be tested physically, mentally and psychologically. We will make sure you are battle worthy, for the Emperor wants only the best to restore peace to the galaxy." Klip took a moment to look around. The General addressed hundreds of beings. It was strange as Klip didn't realized all that was around him when he entered.
"Some of you will become stormtroopers, the elite shock troops of the Empire. The truly talented, skilled and lucky will go on to become starfighter pilots who liberate worlds and crush the Enemies of the Empire. Only time will tell how you may serve the Emperor best. During your training you will do as you are told. Negligence, arrogance, and attitude will assure for you a short career. Serve well, however, and you shall be rewarded." The General looked down at the new recruits, paused, and continued. "Now, I realize some of you have traveled long and require rest. So be it. You will be split up in groups and sent to your temporary barracks. Be ready to leave as we will reach the training facilities in a few hours. Appropriate information will be given such as location of the mess hall, etc." The General stepped down and disappeared. Once again stormtroopers huddled them together and sent them to their barracks. Klip was tired, but did not sleep. He wanted to remain alert until they reached the facilities. He studied in silence the many manuals and maps. He even tried on his uniform, which had no rank. He was a fresh recruit. He wondered if he really would make the cut.
Time passed. He heard a muffled rumbling sound and his vision was dimmed only for a second. Obviously the hyperdrive powering down. Instinctively he began packing up and getting ready to leave. Surely enough, a lieutenant entered and had them moving. The marched and marched until they reached the hanger. Dozens of shuttles laid waiting to carry them away. Off again he was, this time to a new world.
It was rough from day one. The sergeant in charge pushed them to their limits. He wondered how he would last five more months. The months went on, however and soon he was on his way to take his class courses. They covered everything. From the History of the Galaxy, to the specifications of the Rebel Starfighters. Klip admirably passed and graduated from the academy. Next stop: Hands on training.
Coincidentally, he was stationed on the Vigilance, which was where it all began. After numerous tests on the simulators, he was taken out in a trainer fighter with his instructor. The trainer was a modified Tie Bomber. Everything was the same, except the missile launcher was turned into a cockpit. Here the instructor could give control to the pilot when needed or he could take control if something dangerous would happen.
Klip had an amazing ability overall with the fighter. However as always, the instructor was cynical. Despite his ability, Klip did learn alot such us with energy management. After weeks of more training, he was finally passed on to active duty as Flight Officer Klip Narhalley. The instructor congratulated all the officers and a there was a small party. Little did Klip know, that the ultimate test was coming up. In a week they were all called down to the hanger.
"This is it," the instructor said, "We try to get you accustomed as best as we can, but of course nothing can prepare you for this." The instructor put on his flight suit and demonstrated to the new pilots.
Klip was nervous; and he was one of many. He heard disturbing statistics, stories, and rumors. Tales that only the lucky few survived their first battle. Most were blown to bits.
"Alright" The instructor spoke as he patted on a nearby Tie Fighter. "We're flying these babies today. We found a Rebel patrol to test. The goal is simple. Destroy the bad guys, and survive. We'll go by Alpha squadron temporarily. The flight designation is as follows..." He looked around. "I'll be Alpha One. Kimba, you'll be Alpha Two. Narhalley! Alpha Three. Singe Alpha Four. Reem Alpha Five. Last but not least, Bonnn Alpha Six. When you're in the cockpit your old names don't matter. These are your names for the time being. Well, lets go. Get into your respective 'fighters and the hanger crew will handle the rest."
The instructor clapped his hands and yelled again. Everyone moved. Klip looked down the row and there it was. Alpha Three. He hoped Charn was right and jumped into the cockpit. A press of the button lowered the hatch. He laid back, and grabbed the flight stick. The instructor was going on about proper communications when landing and taking off. He followed the orders and they were off.
They formed up in a spread position. Klip looked around, but saw nothing. The Instructor's voice came across the comm. "Alright, move quickly now. Check your scopes, I read 4 hostiles. Activate long range scanners. Now check your CMD, I see 4 X-wings from group... Blue. Everyone acknowledge." They were quick to reply. "Good. Alright, 'bout 4 clicks and closing. Remember, if a hostile is headin' your way and is less than 2.5 clicks away... consider yourself under attack. Or in this case us! Everybody break off now!" Red laser blasts buzzed passed them. Alpha 4 waited too long and the bolts shot through him. Everybody else cleanly got away without a scratch. The X-Wings shot by, and began turning to engage. Klip jinked and spun in wild directions as the X-wings took occasional potshots at them. Klip was lucky and was in a lead pursuit position.
He fired two dual-linked shots into the X-wing, and then overshot by it. At that the X-Wing made a error, it seemed to be stunned and slowed by Klip's attack. Klip took the opportunity and turned the X-Wing into a fiery cloud. He yelled into the comm. Despite his small victory, he learned an important lesson. Bolts came dangerously close by him. He knew they were meant for no one else. An X-Wing swooped down behind his TIE, like a vulture. The X-Wing pilot never seemed to let go of the trigger. Klip felt himself in a deadly force field, the slightest miscalculation would have him 'fragged. He breathed heavily, and sweat even more. He finally realized he wouldn't be able to hold out and pleaded across the comm, "This is Alpha 3! I need help! Blue 3 is all over me! Can't get rid of this scum!" He waited for a reply, but just dead silence. He temporarily lost the X-Wing, but sure enough it was coming on to him. This time it was making sure the shots counted. By miracle, Alpha 1 swarmed on the X-Wing. Skilled aiming had the back of the X-Wing completely destroyed, while the cockpit shuttled slightly over Klip's head and was dust. Klip caught his bearings. "Thanks Sir. You saved my life..." He was surprised to hear a chuckle and then the Instructor's voice. "No time to get emotional Klip. Just make sure you can return the favor sometime." he said with more humor.
It wasn't over yet. Disaster struck. The Instructor stayed distracted too long. A rebel blast caught him, obviously two more X-Wings joining the party. Something shot out of the cockpit and the TIE exploded. Everyone was shocked as they dodged the new Rebel attacks. They managed to keep themselves alive, but did little else. Klip took control of the situation. "ISD Vigilance! We're in trouble! Alpha 1 has been taken down! Alpha 2 and 4 are long gone also, and we still have 3 X-Wings to take care of!" he yelled. A cold officer replied, "What do you expect us to do? Complete the mission Alpha group. Out." Klip was puzzled. He radioed to his flight members. "Alright, stay sharp! They're coming around for another pass! Alpha 6, take Red 2. Alpha 5 take Red 3. As for me, the leader is mine!" Everything turned into a red haze. Klip imagined himself in a epic battle as he flew into glory. "You Rebel Scum!" were his words as the X-Wing flew helplessly into his sights.
The rest was history...!
"Alpha 3, you done yet? The shuttle is almost done picking up your ejected Instructor." Klip had a strange look on his face. The craft around him were turning away. In front of him was a molten piece of an X-Wing. He was shocked. It seemed his mind wandered as his body proceeded to destroy the X-Wings. He joined up with the remainder of his group. "We're done here?" Klip said across the comm. Alpha 6 picked up. "Yes sir. Time to head back... no more fun." They all laughed. It was uneventful as their ships entered the hanger of the vigilance. Klip was ready to get out. It was like he spent years in that cockpit. He hopped out and quickly pulled off his helmet. He spent a few minutes remembering what fresh air smelled like. He turned around and saw the shuttle landing. A few stormtroopers exited, and then came a group of men pushing a hover-table. On it was his instructor, hooked up into may life preserving machines. Klip rushed up to them. "Is he alright?" he asked. "Yes, yes. Shock, and some minor burns. He'll be out in a few days. You can see him then." at that they hastily made to the turbolift. Klip then turned around and saw Reem and Bonnn talking. He decided to join in. "Whats up?" he mumbled as they turned to acknowledge him. "We're going to the cantina! I think we've earned it. Want to come?" Klip was quick to answer yes. Of course, he'd only join them after getting out of the flight suit. As they headed away, he turned and went for the lockers and showers. A cold voice stopped him dead in his tracks. "Narhalley. Wait." Klip looked up to find a robed man. It was the strangest garb he'd ever seen aboard a Star Destroyer. "Yes?" he said. The robed man spoke. "Klip, I am a servant of the Emperor. My name is not important. I am sent to see all trainees first missions. I recommend the brave and skilled to take advanced training.. for the Emperor's Glory. In this mission, you have shown me much. Would not it please you to serve Him directly?" Klip looked puzzled, but nodded his head. "Good," the robed man continued, "come here tomorrow ready to be transferred. A shuttle will be waiting. We look forward to you joining us." Klip looked off into the distance considering all the man said. When he looked back, there was no one there at all. Klip shrugged and made a mental note to be here tomorrow, and then he was gone. The next day he was off again. Sharing seats with people he didn't know. It seemed every shuttle ride took him to something new and different. He wondered what lied for him next.
But that is a story for another time................................
Images taken from X-Wing and TIE Fighter, both Registered Trademarks of LucasFilm Ltd. Star Wars is a Registered Trademark of LucasFilm Ltd. Opening Theme from the Empire Strikes Back Motion Picture Score, written by John Willams. The Empire Strikes Back is a Registered Trademark of LucasFilm Ltd. May the Force be with You :)
FM/BG Savage/Omega-1/SSD Avr
TF CD Home Page!
FM/BG Savage/Omega-1/SSD Avenger (bachmanm@ziavms.enmu.edu) reports:
...The Tie Fighter CD Home Page. Its at:
FM/BG Savage/Omega-1/SSD Avenger
CMDR/MG Caesar/Tempest-1/SSD Avr
Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Personal Background information
(Imperial Security Bureau)
Name: Caesar (formerly Primum)
Rank: General
Scandoc Transmission Code: Jedi 007
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Place of Birth: Unknown, presumably Macedon, in the Outer Rim
Marital Status: Single
Family: Unknown
Social Status: Wealthy
Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence:
Primum's earliest memories are of a training camp for young boys on the planet Macedon. Primum was raised and trained in the "Ways of the Warrior," which included rigorous physical training coupled with an accelerated education. Whenever Primum asked of his background, he was told not to "ask questions he didn't want to know the answer to." Most of the other boys at the camp came from wealthy families in the neighboring systems, and most graduates went on to become capable leaders of their houses.
At the age of eighteen, Primum began training with spacecraft, including starfighters, freighters, and basic capital ship piloting. It was also at this time that Primum was allowed to choose what courses he wanted to study in his final years of formal education; he chose courses heavy in philosophy and linguistics. At the age of twenty, just as Primum was to graduate into "Warrior" status, the training camp was attacked by pirates. Though the camp numbered only 300 warriors, they fought valiantly with the enemy suffering losses numbering nearly 2,000. Primum and a few other trainees each managed to escape in their personal starfighters.
Significant Events of Adulthood:
Following the destruction of the camp and Primum's subsequent escape, he drifted from system to system, taking up odd jobs. He eventually wound up joining the Imperial Navy. He had a brief stay in the Academy, as his piloting skills were far above average, as was his intellect.
He rose fairly quickly in the ranks and when he was promoted to General, he was also transferred to the Emperor's Hammer Wing. There, he was the Fleet Commander's Assistant, Wing Commander of Wing I, and rose to the rank of Lieutenant General. He also joined the Dark Brotherhood. But Primum was not entirely untainted by his power. He "let himself go" and following a scrape with death he took a long, hard look at himself. He was unpleased by what he saw; even his body had become flabby! Primum decided something had to be done and he retired from the EH, and went on sabbatical.
Primum returned to Macedon, which was now a wasteland. Alone, he worked at restoring his body and soul. Primum emerged from the time spent on barren Macedon a new man and took the name Caesar. Primum, now Caesar, recently returned to the Hammer without fanfare and is a General in Inferno Squadron.
Alignment & Attitude: Sees things distinctly and clearly, very little indecision in his life.
Former Occupations (if any): Soldier, drifter Hobbies: Linguistics, philosophy
Tragedies: His former corruption Personal views of the Empire (and Emperor's Hammer): Though he joined for less than noble reasons (he needed the roof over his head) now sees the Empire as a fit place for a warrior. Reason for applying to the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Fleet: Job security
I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Signature: Caesar
cc: Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) Liason Officer
CMDR/GN Sarkis/Dagger-1/ISD Rel
The Eyes Of the Empire
"Transport Deliverance requesting clearance to land. Over."
"Transport Deliverance, this is Daedalus. You are cleared to land at Hangar Bay 127 on platform Four."
"This is Transport Deliverance. I copy. Landing now." The pilot signalled to the co-pilot, who then nodded and left the cockpit. He went out to the main area of the transport to address the new batch of recruits.
"We are about to land on the Platform Daedalus, our base of Operations. There, you will be given your ship assignments. The Fleet has just added the ISD Relentless to the Escort Vessel line, so you are most likely to be positioned aboard. Flight Officer Yoni has been busy with the ship assignments, so you will probably get your assignment in two days. Until then, you are to remain on the Platform in the bunkers that you are assigned. That is all for now, prepare for landing." Then the co-pilot went back into the cockpit.
General Sarkis sat in the back of the transport. A decorated pilot, he felt cheated when he had to go through the "recruiting" process. After all, he had pursued the operation to trap and destroy Zaarin. He had saved the cloaking technology for Grand Admiral Thrawn to review, helped in Operation Bothan Eyes (a brilliant stroke of intelligence from the Emperor) to prepare for Endor, and finally helped Thrawn destory Zaarin. He was a General, and became one of the elite members of the Secret Order, being dubbed "The Emperor's Voice." Personally, he preferred the "Emperor's Eyes." That was more appropriate to his nature. Sarkis always entertained the idea of being a part of Imperial Intelligence, but his service to the Navy was more important. The other pilots gave him the nickname "The Eye of the Empire," because it was always Sarkis who found out what was going on. Sarkis always inspected craft before he destroyed them, giving the boys at Intel something to work with. He thought he deserved better treatment. But now, he has to go through the same process any recruit goes into.
As Sarkis looked out into the empty space, the transport shook as the platform used the tractor beam to bring it onto the platform. Soon, Sarkis heard the pilot yell out to the recruits for them to move out. Sarkis then grumpily moved out to his new life as a part of the Emperor's Hammer.
Sarkis kept to himself the first couple of hours on the Daedalus. He just spent those hours "observing" the platform, and how it works. Sarkis was surprised to find out that he was simply one of many Generals aboard the Hammer. In fact, a General was one of the lower ranks to be found among the Hammer pilots. "I guess with the Emperor dead, and Thrawn long gone, many other veterans turn to here," Sarkis mused to himself. As Sarkis was in thought, his eyes once again spotted something of interest:
A man in a white uniform. In other words:
A Grand Admiral.
He saw the Grand Admiral speak with a whole bunch of other command officers before the Grand Admiral went to his office aboard the platform. Apparently, his flagship, the SSD Avenger, was docking for a short while before its next assignment. If Sarkis was going to be aboard the Relentless, then this may be one of his only chances of seeing the Grand Admiral.
He took that chance. He boldly went straight to the office, which was flanked by Stormtroopers. He marched up to them, and said "I have some business to discuss with the Grand Admiral."
"Ever heard of the chain of command? Ask your Squad Commander any questions and that in turn will end up at the Grand Admiral's desk. Furthermore..."
"Look here, Plasti-boy! I am a General of the Imperial Navy. Not only that, but I am a decorated General of the Navy. I have marks of Commendation from Grand Admiral Thrawn, Lord Vader, and the Emperor himself! I have overseen the death of both the defector Admiral Harkov and the traitor Admiral Zaarin. Furthermore, I do not have my assignment yet, so the only person currently higher in the chain of command in the Grand Admiral himself. Also, this is private business, so this would not be good news to pass around through the chain of command. I will not take much time, and you will let me in NOW, or be reported for disobeying a superior officer! Understand?"
The stormtroopers looked at him. Sarkis was hoping that his boldness was enough to let him in. They looked at each other, and nodded. One said into his com-link, "A General Sarkis to see you," and proceeded to open the doors. Sarkis stepped into the door.
Grand Admiral Stephan Ronin was reviewing some information on his datapad when Sarkis stepped in. Sarkis saluted the Grand Admiral, the Admiral saluted him back. Then, Ronin spoke, "What can I help you with, General?"
"I wish to know why am I being treated like a new recruit? DOesn't my combat experience speak for me?"
"Yes, that is a question I commonly get. Here's how it works: the Emperor's Hammer is a elite strike force for the Emperor. One of the reasons for the strict entrance requirements. Furthermore, with the passing of the Emperor, many pilots are, how do you say, rusty. They need to get back in gear. If we just blindly let anyone in, then we would be easily destroyed."
"Fine, that is a fair response. I should have thought of that more. Forgive me for being so... arrogant. I have one last question for you..."
"What is it?"
"How is Imperial Intellignece in these parts? With the Emperor dead, what happened to them?"
"We have a couple small teams, primarily from the Bureau and the Analysis departments. They provide good enough intelligence for our current work. Why?"
"Because, I have always been fascinated with the field of Intelligence. I have heard that the Ubiqtorate has fallen apart, and that there is no strong 'central' institution of Imperial Intelligence. I would like to re-construct Intelligence. Make it a strong part of the Hammer. As you can see by my profile, I have some of the qualifications to match this field."
"I am aware of the current state of Intelligence. I have recently run into some members of COMPNOR, and I was thinking of utilizing them in the Aurora system. You sound genuinely into the field of Intelligence, but I need more than spirit. I need actual performance."
"Of course, sir. As soon as I get into my assignment, I will embark on missions for the glory of the future Empire."
"That is so. When you proven yourself a prominent member of the Hammer, contact me or my assistant about arranging this group. This group will be a major addition if added, and I need a strong leader for it. Prove it to me, and we'll talk later."
"Thank you, Grand Admiral Ronin. I will attempt to contact you when I need to."
"Always remember, though there is a chain of command, my door is always open."
"Once again, thank you, and farewell, Grand Admiral," and Sarkis saluted.
"Farewell," replied the Grand Admiral as Sarkis left. As soon as the door closed, he turned to one side. A robed man stepped out of the shadows. "What do you think, Master Pyr?"
"He is an eligible soul for the Brotherhood. His record checks out, just before the Emperor died, he was designated as one of the Emperor's Voices. That showed in his confrontation with the troopers. He was bold and fearless, and had the commanding voice of the Emperor behind him, even in his death. I also detected a lust for power, which relfects greatly for him in the Test of Greed."
"Just before he entered Naval service, he was a spy and assassin for that detestful crime lord, Jabba."
"That is good. He has resided in the scum of society, and he ascends to be among the few at the top. His eyes are truly good, for he has spotted many a conspiracy. His training as an assassin gave him a dark streak of ruthlessness and fearlessness that I detected."
"Well, if he proves himself worthy, I'll give him a shot."
And Ronin and Pyr continued talking about other details.
Meanwhile, Sarkis retired to his chamber, eagerly awaiting his assignment. He was ready to prove his battle prowress to the Grand Admiral. Soon, if he played his cards right, he could be the new head of the Ubiqtorate! He thought of what to named the new birth of Imperial Intelligence that he saw himself leading.
Perhaps it will be called, "The Eyes of the Empire."
GN Sarkis has been appointed Squadron Commander aboard the ISD Relentless and its complement of new recruits...