The Dark Brotherhood of the Jedi is dedicated to the collection of knowledge and the pursuit of power, both through government and the military.
MAA/Adept Maehl
Brothers and Sisters of the BrotherHood,
This is just a check-up letter, a hello...a welcome into the new year. With the new year brings us many new things, new people. The Dark Voice, the Dark BrotherHood newsletter has come out twice now and promises to be great. Position changes and promotions are abundant. I have taken over the position of Master at Arms, while Master Havok (FA Havok) is now the Deputy Grand Master.
Remember, we are going by a Time-in-Grade policy, this means you remember when you joined and you refer that time to the promotion table (fig. 1-1). Yet, if you are still an Apprentice or Novice, you may wish to take the Shadow Academy Test (see your Dark Side Compendium for further details).
Now remember all you have to do to join the Dark BrotherHood is submit a Jedi Name to myself at RA Goatboy@aol.com, or to the Grand Master at Mstr Jdi@aol.com, and if you would, please fill out the profile sheet. The profiles will be added to a on-going list and will be always added into the next Dark Voice.
Figure 1-1
Grand Master
Master (Appointed)
Dark Side Adept [Council] (Appointed)
Dark Side Adept [non-council] (1 Year)
Sith Warrior/ Krath Priest (10 months)
Dark Jedi Knight (7 months)
Jedi Hunter (6 months)
Guardian (5 months)*
Protector (3 months)*
Acolyte (1 month)
Novice (2 weeks)
Apprentice (N/A)
* - Ranks also attainable by graduation from the Shadow Academy.
Please enjoy this letter, and if you have any questions, would like a copy of the profile format, or would like to submit a jedi name (which you should all do soon), please contact me. My office is always open.
Master at Arms, Adept Maehl
HRLD/FA Melan Pyr
Dark Brotherhood Battle No. 4 Posted by the Herald!
Baptism of Fire
HRLD/FA Pyr (RBKugel)
Part II: The Missions
Author's Note
The reader may correctly detect a continuity glitch between this document and the last (already published in Dark Voice II), regarding Master Havok's location. The reader may assume that Havok and all other characters except for Pyr and Pendragon (the two Krath) are located aboard the Dungeon Ship Lichtor V, and that the two Krath and Guardian Cow are at Dark Hall. The problem is that Havok walks into Pyr's chamber through a secret door, thus seeming to be in two places at once.
Since I can't rewrite the already released Part I, let's say that the events regarding the Pyr-Cow-Havok scene occurred prior to the others, and that Havok subsequently left Dark Hall to meet the others on the Lichtor before initiating any meetings with them. It was only after Sindar and Pappy completed their missions that Cow was sent out to clean up the last of the Raja.
My apologies to the reader. I hope this seems a logical fix for the error: Thanks.
The TIE Mission Player's Point of View
The player of these TIE missions will be assuming in succession, the personae of five recent graduates of the Dark Brotherhood's Shadow Academy. Although these five have been awarded the rank of Guardian upon completion of their courses, there is still much for them to learn. These missions will teach them the value of their negative emotions when coupled with the Force.
Through the players successes in combat, the Guardians will be understood as having gained new insights and greater power, and the player will be able to take a peek at the Brotherhood's usual expectations of its members.
1. Ruthlessness (Whysper)
Sith Warrior Mateo was waiting for Guardian Whysper in the briefing room. The Guardian was shown a map of a small space colony, and instructed to destroy it. If the Guardian had any reservations, he didn't reveal them. He listened to his orders, and embarked on his mission.
The mission that was designed for Whysper was a complete sham. He was told that a boyhood enemy of the Grand Master lived within this colony (vid Part I, Dark Voice 2), and that the GM wished everything and everyone to be destroyed. In fact, the colony was nothing more than a automated hoax, designed to make Whysper believe he was actually attacking innocent people. Special transponders were rigged to return false sensor signals. Whysper would believe he was slaughtering the GM's foe and every living thing that lived there, when in fact, the whole colony was devoid of life and function.
The Guardian took his craft into the colony area, and began his massacre. Additional craft were made available to him since some of the targets were rather large. Even so, his soul, or what was left of it after his training, would bear the responsibility of the atrocities he was willingly committing.
The mission had a couple of snags. The first came when a squadron of rebel X-Wings happened by. They saw Whysper's ruthless attack on a civilian, albeit Imperial, settlement, and felt compelled to intervene. Strengthened by his own hardened heart, Whysper made short work of the Rebel effort.
The second challenge came when an EH patrol of trainees stumbled onto the scene. They really weren't sure what was going on. Whysper knew that if they interfered as well, he would have to disable them rather than destroy them. He knew his masters would not want the murder of EH officers on their hands.
With his bloody mission completed, the Guardian returned home.
The nature of the deception will never be revealed to the Guardian. He will live in the Dark, knowing he committed the foulest of deeds. He will belong to the Dark Side forever.
2. Rage (Sindar)
Guardian Sindar, still dark with rage, stood motionless before the holo-map, as Dark Knight Stelek began to brief him on his mission, one which Sindar hoped would relieve his pent-up frustration (vid Part I, Dark Voice 2).
The Raja, an Imperial splinter group under the control of Moff Woshaka seemed to be preparing to move into the Phare System, earmarked for exploitation by the Hammer. They had to be stopped. Sindar, in his rage, would be the tool employed to accomplish this. In a heavily armed missile boat, he would be pointed at a medium sized force heading towards Phare. He would have to eliminate this threat.
Sindar hypers-in on the enemy force. As he begins to target the nearest M/FRG and fire the first salvo of heavy rockets, he notices a group of escort shuttles closing in on him. Before he has time to reset his weapons, they're on him. His MIS is caught between 4 E/Ss, all battering his shields with their articulated turbo cannons. The Guardian cleverly weaves in and out of the attacking E/S, causing them to catch each other in their own cross fire. Using a combination of missiles and laser gun, he eliminates them in time to face the M/FRG's approaching squadrons.
The battle grinds on, with Sindar taking shots of opportunity at the capital ships, while fending off the Raja Imperial starfighters.
To the surprise of the Guardian, Pi III, led by General Geddes hypers into the area to assist him. Apparently, Master Pyr had spoken to his old Squadron Commander, Brigadier General Sten, asking him to lend a hand. Although Pyr had every confidence in Guardian Sindar's abilities, he knew that the destruction of this enemy force was important to DB and EH interests. If the enemy could secure the Phare system, how long would it be before they discovered neighboring Aurora and Eos, the home of the DB?
Sindar thought of ordering Pi III home, but thought better of it when a squadron of enemy missile boats joined the fray.
Sindar felt the minutes go by like seconds, lost in the intensity of his well controlled anger. One enemy craft after another burst into flames before him, until there was nothing left to kill.
The Guardian returned to the Lichtor V. He had never felt weak in times past, but now he wondered why; now that he felt so much stronger than ever before.
He sought out Master Havok. It wasn't hard. Havok was waiting for him in the Lichtor's hand-to-hand combat chamber. Without hesitation, both men ignited their light sabers, and touching the shafts briefly together, resumed their duel. Havok was still the master, but Sindar's new-found control pushed the powerful Dark Jedi to the limits. Guardian Sindar's honor and pride were restored, and Master Havok had taken yet another student further into the Dark.
3. Greed (Rene le Gar)
Guardian Rene' Le Gar, known to friend and foe alike as "Pappy", made his way to the Lichtor V's briefing room. Master Sths Tor illuminated the holo-map projection as he conducted this supposedly clandestine briefing.
Pappy was informed that he would have to rely on a TIE Defender for this mission, in place of his beloved Imperial X-Wing, since he would have to disable his targets instead of destroying them.
The new Guardian would face a series of cargo vessels, in ascending order of value. Each vessel would be guarded by more and more challenging starfighters. Those starfighters had to be swept away, and all cargo vessels disabled. Guardian Rene' would then hyper back to the Lichtor V while Master Havok would arrive at the scene with boarding crews, taking posession of the cargo
Pappy could not have suspected that this was another ruse orchestrated by Master Havok. The real reason Pappy wasn't permitted to take his X-Wing on this mission was that Havok had tampered with the sensors of the TIE Defender assigned to the Guardian. They would read a false IFF code, identifying the target as "Privateers" instead of "Imperial Raja". The convoy Pappy would be attacking was actually a supply effort en route to a Raja staging area. This staging area was intended for a second attempt to invade the Phare System.
Pappy's sensors would also register freight of immense value. It was hoped and expected that once the Guardian saw how much there was to gain, the resistance marshaled against him would be inconsequential. The Dark emotion of greed would empower even this expert pilot to exceed himself.
As expected, Pappy encountered an increasing level of resistance as he made his way through what he believed to be, targets of unimaginable wealth. No starfighter sent against him was going to stop him from getting a piece of this treasure. The Raja even sent some reserve CRVs in to help save their convoy, but they too were no match for this Guardian powered by the dark force of greed.
Obeying orders, the warrior hypered home when his task was complete, with thoughts of a new life before him.
Master Havok was more than relieved as Pappy bellowed loudly with laughter, as the truth behind the mission was revealed.
Pappy had to admit that greed was a powerful motivator, but also reminded himself that wealth is of only limited use to one who derives his purpose from combat. What does the pure warrior need with riches?
4. Vengeance (Cow)
Guardian Cow received a message to report to the Dark Hall Complex's hidden hanger bay. He sullenly made his way from his new quarters in the Sith Wing, up to the underground landing pad area. He arrived just as a TIE Defender was being readied for launch. Krath Priest Pendragon, who seemed to be chatting with the ground crew, motioned for the Guardian to follow him. The two men left the hanger area and entered the adjacent briefing room.
Pendragon informed the Guardian that the T/D was intended for him. The Guardian was being given leave to hunt down the perpetrators of the crime against his family.
The Guardian's mood changed dramatically. His countenance transformed from a brooding melancholy to one of pure malice. Pendragon, sensing this, reminded him that he was expected to exact his price only on those who deserved it. He was to disregard all others.
In reality, Cow, like Pappy and Sindar elsewhere, was being deceived as to the nature of his target, as well as being tested without his knowledge. The test was designed to teach the Guardian to focus his power against the correct targets. Vengeance is another powerful Dark Side motivator, but it is only useful if the wielder employs it against the proper victim.
Compounding the deception, this test was also orchestrated to bring an end to the Raja threat. The Raja, whom Sindar had crippled and Le Gar had starved, were in retreat. However, among their number were some who wished to ally themselves with the Hammer. Cow was being used to winnow the wheat from the chaff. To motivate him, his mind had been touched just enough that he would believe these Raja to be among those who killed his family. The long range sensors of his T/D would register the Raja only as those enemies. He would have to do a close-range inspection to determine friend from foe. He would have to fight his urge to destroy the defectors, and concentrate only on the others.
We don't know the details of the mission. We do know that Cow successfully destroyed the last of the Raja forces in this sector, and allowed the EH sympathizers to rendezvous with Emperor's Hammer forces, but unfortunately, Guardian Cow never returned.
Perhaps he has taken his newly realized powers and gone off to carve a piece of the galaxy for himself. Perhaps at the last moment, he realized the nature of the deception and turned to the Light. We may never know.
5. Using Fear (Klip)
Guardian Klip listened attentively as Dark Knight Nemesis outlined the mission.
New Republic Vice Admiral Kail Eleam was bringing a NR fleet together in preparation for a fool's folly; a strike deep into the heart of Emperor's Hammer territory, in hopes of finding and capturing Grand Admiral Ronin. He intended to make good his promise to the Senate to bring Ronin to Coruscant in chains (vid Part I, Dark Voice 2) . Eleam was planning this strike without the official consent of the New Republic Senate or Chief of State Organa-Solo.
It was the intention of Master Sths Tor and Master Havok that the Vice Admiral and those who listened and followed him be taught a humiliating lesson. The Rebels must be reminded from time to time that any movement against the Emperor's Hammer can bring them nothing but embarrassment and destruction. It has been a while since the destruction of their Hast Shipyard. The time for another lesson has come again.
ISB reported that Eleam had 3 M/FRGs with more capital ships on their way. Klip would hyper in alone into the staging area. He will find Eleam, fight off his forces, disable his vessel, and board it. He will most likely be boarding a frigate and have to fight through its entire garrison to get to Eleam. Once through, he will simply rip the VA's rank insignia from his uniform, and return home... a nearly impossible mission.
If successful, the Guardian will have faced almost insuperable odds, experienced fear, and overcome it, thus learning that a fear overcome is more valuable than mere fearlessness alone.
In addition, Eleam would be so shamed by the deed that he would no doubt abandon his ill-conceived ambition of capturing the GA. Even if the Vice Admiral were too stupid to quit, his credibility with those who follow him will be ruined. If nothing else, the Rebels will know that their security had once again been breached, and they will busy themselves in other parts of the galaxy, leaving the Outer Rim to the whims of the Hammer.
Guardian Klip approached the staging area. He found three modified frigates. He zoomed in on the one closest to his hyper in point and inspected it. It was the flag ship M/FRG Zenda. The ships began scrambling their squadrons. Klip had to fight off a stream of well-piloted X, A nd B-Wings.
Klip had been one of the most confident of all students at the Academy, but as he saw the forces sent against him, knowing that even if he survived, he would have to fight hand to hand throughout an entire capital ship in order to complete his mission, his confidence wavered.
He reminded himself that he carried a light saber, the terrible weapon of a Jedi, but it was not one of his own making, and this only reminded him that, despite his accomplishments thus far, his Dark Jedi skills were not yet complete. For the first time in his life, doubt crawled down his back like a cold smooth snake. He knew fear! But he did as Master Sths Tor advised. He used the fear he felt and drew strength from it, until it was spent, and he was stronger than he had ever felt before. That fear lay as an empty slough at his feet: The power it possessed was now his!
As the DB Guardian cut through the fighter defenses of the frigates, the Zenda launched a trio of shuttles at the same time as additional X-Wings from the infamous Rogue Squadron arrived. Eleam was trying to make his escape, and had evidently called in Rogue Squadron to cover him. He no doubt saw how the Sith pilot was obliterating his forces and was prepared to leave them behind to save himself.
Guardian Klip, with two X-Wings pounding on his tail, swept past the fleeing SHUs, identifying them, and locating Eleam. He toggled on his ion cannons and disabled the vice Admiral craft.
He then turned on the Rogue X-Wings and eliminated them with ease. A smile came to his face when he realized what sort of horror this must be for those poor souls on the frigates, who could only sit helplessly by as their best efforts to stop him and protect themselves, were swept aside. He could actually feel their fear and hopelessness, and was strengthened by it.
When the fighter reserves of the FRGs were exhausted, Kilp hastily docked with the shuttle. He reached for the light saber that lay across the leg of his flight suit. Although regrettably, the confines of the shuttle would prohibit its effective use, it could at least serve to cut a hole through the locked hatched above him. He pulled himself through the steaming breech and drew his blaster, slaying guards and pilot. He then completed his mission. Leaning over to the petrified Vice Admiral Eleam, Klip reached out and tore the man's rank insignia from his uniform, saying "Grand Admiral Ronin likes to keep souvenirs of all the Rebel's he's been able to scare the h-ll out of"
Laughing, Klip crawled back into his TIE Defender just in time to see an entire fleet of vessels hyper-in. He set his course, and climbed to light speed; the vice admiral's insignia firmly in his grasp.
In the end, each of the new Guardians performed admirably. They each learned the lesson Master Havok and his peers intended for them. In addition, the Dark Brotherhood once again provided a chilling demonstration of power to the enemies of the Hammer.
It is unlikely that Moff Woshaka of the Raja will entertain the thought of encroaching on EH territory after his entire fleet was mysteriously destroyed by a handful of starfighters. The Phare System remains at the disposal of the Hammer.
And too... how soon will the New Republic return to this region of the Outer Rim after their complete humiliation?
The Guardians can now take their places in front rows of the Hall, secure in the knowledge that they have faced their demons, and embraced them.
Tips for the Player
Each mission has in-game briefing, de-briefing and briefing map sequences, so don't forget to click on those elements before a mission.
When you're instructed to push "Q", as you know, the TIE Mission will prompt you to end. Try to imagine that the events of the plotline that follow this action will commence once you've ended the TIE mission.
If you should have any problems, comments or questions, please contact me at RBKugel@gnn.com, and I'd be glad to help out.
All five missions of the Baptism of Fire Battle are attached to this Newsletter..The reader os directed to the File Archives Section of this Newsletter for relevant file names...
The Return of Satel Kato
A Brief Sequel and Conclusion to the Krath Haj
RBKugel@gnn.com, 1996
Dark Hall: Eos
"My Master", announced Pyr as he knelt before the Grand Master. The Lord of the Sith withheld his permission for Pyr to rise. The High Priest remained on his knee, head bowed, awaiting his master's orders.
"Master Pyr... you must know why I have summoned you?"
"Yes my Lord"
"Since your return from the Haj, There is a conflict in you that surpasses any before. No one else save I has sensed it, but you are changed. You are now something more, hmmm?"
"Yes Grand Master. More... and yet... less, I fear."
"Hmmm. Containing him has not been easy eh? The time of his reckoning draws near my friend and my moment of triumph is at hand. Are you ready? The Other! ...Pyr! I would speak to the Other in you!"
A shadow as black as ink seemed to spread across the robes of the kneeling priest, like the withered branches of an unholy tree. He rose. The yellow-whites of Pyr's eyes now seemed to glow green as a malicious smile crossed face. His lips parted and a hoarse growl of a voice seemed to fill the entire Hall, though his mouth never moved.
"Well Paladin... what do you wish to say to me then?" demanded the voice, booming against the walls. "Do you think I have come this far, made myself a stowaway in the body of your lacky, to chat with you? I have better things to do."
The Sith Lord smiled, and adjusting his robes, slowly began to circle the figure before him.
"You have not fooled me Satel Kato! Did you think that I would believe that one such as you would relinquish your treasured hopes of power to anyone! You are here because I wanted you here."
A chilling laughter filled the Hall. "No matter 'grand master'... I am here now, and the Brotherhood will be mine! My power within this body... all will be mine! I... the founder of the Krath, will..."
"I think not fool! It is I who am the Lord of the Sith. I have the Prayer... and I have Pyr as well. Look within him Old One. Krath or no... is he yours... or is he mine?"
The voice was silent.
Paladin continued. "Why do you think I let Pyr go to Cinnegar instead of me? I would not face you within your own stronghold, Priest! Therein, where your mummified remains still lay in darkness so dense even a Jedi Master could not penetrate, your power is unequaled... But here... here I am the Master! The vessel you've chosen is one I own wholly and completely. Pyr and all the Brethren belong to me! You, Satel Kato... now belong to me!"
Pyr's body seemed to sway as though buffeted by strong gusts, and his glowing eyes seemed to dim.
"Satel Kato, you will serve my will as does Pyr. You will, imprisoned in the body of your new master, take the only place to which you have right: High Priest of the Krath. No more than this will be allowed to you, not by me... nor I'm afraid, by Pyr.
You sought to use him to gain the Brotherhood, but he used you, as I have used him. You will do his bidding, allowing him to play the conflicting roles of Krath Priest and officer in the Emperor's Hammer.
Yes old man... from the very start, you were destined to serve the Brotherhood. You are the true treasure of the Krath Haj." mocked Paladin.
"Now kneel!"
"I'll not! I will not bend to you, pretender. You are powerless Paladin! Destroy me and you will destroy Pyr as well"
"Then... So be it" answered the Grand Master..
The Sith Lord held out his hand as Force Lightning surged from the center of his palm, encircling Pyr's body. The charge crawled over the Krath's robes like a shoal of frightened eels.
Between bursts of Lightning, Paladin shouted "Relent Old One... or you will have nothing... no host, no Krath, nothing!"
With a loud wail that resounded throughout the Complex, Satel Kato finally submitted. Pyr's body, curling with smoke, fell to the floor before Paladin's feet.
"You have done well, my friend. Now your mission is truly complete. You have brought me not only the secret, but the soul of the greatest of the Krath. He will serve us now, for he has no choice. You are his master... as I am yours!"
"Yes my Master", rasped Pyr. His eyes had returned to their normal bloodshot red-on-jaundice hue.
"Rise. Your conflict is resolved, and the daemon within you has been hobbled. Use Satel Kato to help you lead the Krath, a task for which he is well suited. Now you are free to resume that which this mission had forced you to abandon... your career in the Emperor's Hammer. I have revealed all to Grand Admiral Ronin, and he will welcome you back. Rise my friend, and weave the threads of your destiny together once more."
"I will, M'Lord"
Now, thanks to the aid of his Master, Pyr has dominion over the ancient soul held within him. He has returned, unalloyed, to the ranks of the Emperor's Hammer, and to his duties as Herald of the Brotherhood, but will share the office of High Priest of the Krath with its founder, Satel Kato, whom he may now bring forth at will, for the benefit of the Order and the Brotherhood.
Chancellor Crona
The Dark Brotherhood will now be holding weekly IRC chats as detailed below...
Guardian Crona writes...
The meetings will be held at the Undernet IRC server (i.e. us.undernet.org, irc.gnn.com) in the channel ##Emperor's_Hammer at 2 pm EST Saturdays. Yes, 2 hours after the beginning of the Emperor's Hammer IRC meeting. I hope you all can attend at this time. We will be talking about The Dark Brotherhood and the Force in general. Anyone with questions or any request about the Dark Brotherhood, the Sith and Krath order or anything else may ask them, if it canŽt wait until then... mail me.
Now over to the rules.
All attendants should log their activities. But the time that IŽm not present at the meeting must be logged by each individual and later mailed to me. This way IŽll receive any questions or requests if I shouldnŽt be able to attend a meeting.
Also, when entering the channel at the time of the meeting YOU MUST state your Jedi name, rank and order (if any). If your a member of the Emperor's Hammer your id-line would also be much appreciated. If you fail to do this IŽll have to kick you out and youŽll have to re-enter and state your name and rank properly. And you should use your Jedi name when attending the meeting. All this is just for that the logs will be easier to go through and IŽll see which persons that are attending the meetings regularly and whoŽs contributing to the meetings.
And about OP, only I and the Dark Council are permitted ops except Dark Brotherhood assistants and other aides. Or anyone that has received special permission from the Dark Council.
In the beginning of the meeting the channel will be moderated so that I can present you with the latest Dark Brotherhood info undisturbed.
Later, we may also have short RPG games where our Jedi powers can be used. Since the IRC conference should be considered like a real life meeting with other people, you can use your Jedi powers all the time during the meeting.
I hope that we will come up with more things as we go along...
I hope to see you all at the meeting this Saturday! And I hope you like the meeting so we can have one every week.
Guardian Crona, Acting Master at IRC
Sith Order, Dark Brotherhood