The Dark Brotherhood of the Jedi is dedicated to the collection of knowledge and the pursuit of power, both through government and the military.
All Dark Jedi are advised to review the File Archives Section of this Newsletter to find details on the new Krath Haj Battle (krathhaj.zip) created by the Herald of the Brotherhood (HRLD/AD Melan Pyr/Eos)...
Robes of the Brotherhood
Like any other military organization, the DB has a distictive dress. The specifications of this dress code are detailed in this document for the aide of all members. The herald of the Brotherhood, Master Melan Pyr (RB Kugel@AOL.COM) issues all uniform graphics to members of the DB and EH.
The Grand Master: The uniform of the GM is unique, and many of its features are limited to the GM only. As a matter of preference, the GM does not wear his council medallion.
Formal (DB) Uniform: For all DB events (the elevation of a council members, SA Graduation, etc.) the GM wears his formal robes. These consist of a hooded cloak, trimmed in gold, and a jet black Jedi Robe. The Grand Master also carries a Light Saber with a scarlet blade, and a staff of ebony. Only the GM and the Council are permitted to wear the hood of the cloak up at DB events.
Formal (EH) Uniform: For formal EH events, the GM wears a standard Admiral's uniform, buttoned to the neck. He also dons a standard (untrimmed) cloak. He once again carries his lightsaber and Staff.
Standard Uniform: For Standard wear, the GM once again wears a standard Imperal Navy Uniform, however, in contrast to other naval officers, his uniform is black (normally restricted to ISB officers). He wears the Standard Cloak, as well as his DB insigna. A sidearm and lightsaber are also standard parts of the uniform.
The Council Members: The Members are the dark council wear similar uniforms, showing their equality.
Formal (DB) Uniform: Uniforms are the same as that of the Grand Master, with the Exception of the Gold Trim, which is purple, and the color of the Lightsaber blade, which is personal choice. Also, the use of a staff is restricted to the GM.
Formal (EH) Uniform: Uniform is determined by rank and position within the EH, however. The members are entitled to wear their medallion, cloak,and lightsaber, as well as DB Rank Insignia..
Standard Uniform: Uniform is determined by rank and position within the EH, however. The members are entitled to wear their cloak and lightsaber.
Other Ranks: The Uniforms of other ranks are very similar, but the following conventions are in effect.
Cloak: A Cloak can be worn with STANDARD uniform by and member over the rank of Adept. A Cloak is worn at Formal DB Occasions by all members over the rank of Protector (members under the rank of Knight wear a white cloak).
Lightsaber: The carring of a lightsaber is restricted to those who have achived the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.
Jedi Robes: Adept: Black with plain black cloak
Warrior/Priest: Black w/ black cloak and dark blue trim
Dark Knight: Black w/ black cloak, white trim
Jedi Hunter: Black w/ one white stripe (around cuff)
Guardian: Black w/ two white stripes
Protector: Black w/ three white stripes
Acolyte: White with two black stripes
Novice: White w/ one black stripe
Apprentice: All White
COM-FA/RA Goatboy/ISD Col (Adept)
Below I have given you all a part of my past. Some things have been left out due to classification.
On a very desolate planet somewhere out in the Outer Rim a ship crashed. Not a very large or wonderful ship, just an ordinary prisoner ship, used by some of the local authorities. The ship pummeled into the side of small hill. Nothing moved until some pieces of the hull flew from the crashed ship landing some 30 feet away in all directions. A little movement…then a man appeared, a big man. Not big in the stomach, big arms, legs, chest. His clothes were the colors of forest green and black, but you almost couldn’t tell by the thick layer’s of dirt, sweat, and the occasional spots of blood. His eyes were gray, a very dark almost a sliver color, his hair, now tousled about yet the color of blond could be seen. His face smooth except for the scar on the right cheek. A took a few deep breaths, closed his eyes, held out his hand and something flew into it. He opened his eyes attached it to his belt, the object was of black, yet very badly scratched. He look around, and started walking. He walked for days, almost a week then he came upon a small housing. He stopped outside to look at it…a small, and very old dome shaped house, yet one could tell it was lived in by the cleanliness. He looked at the door and it flew open, he walked in.
He stopped once he had entered a woman came out of another room screaming, wielding a blaster rifle. The man didn’t even look in the woman’s direction, she flew against the wall, knocked unconscious…he grinned a little grin yet kept moving. After walking through a few more rooms he found the room that lead in an outside yard, it contained the one thing he was looking for a land speeder. The man smiled, it has been a while, he thought to himself. He hopped in and sped off in the direction he had been walking in. After a few more days the speeder had died, bad upkeep. He left it and kept walking. Two days later, he saw a town, or what used to be one. He headed into the town, signs, people screaming, people trying to sell him stuff everywhere, he ignored them all, and kept walking. He came upon a cantina, the sign out side said : Zigrtas Rom. Odd, he thought to himself. He walked towards the door, once again it opened on its own.
Music was playing, some odd remix’s of music he had once heard. Not many of the cantina’s customers stopped to look at the man coming in, some did. He walked to the bar, sat down, and the bartender came over, babbled something in another language. The man just stared at the barkeeper, the barkeeper turned away, fixed a drink and gave it to the man, and once again said something, the man didn’t care what the barkeeper had said, plus he couldn’t understand him. He drank his drink very slowly, taking his time studying the crowd in the cantina. The man then got up and walked over to a very young looking man and said, " Can you take me to Dathomir?"
"Dathomir, are you sure Dathomir, I mean there are some nicer planets out there," said the young man.
"Yes, I must go there at once and you will take me there, now!" Demanded the man.
"Okay, okay, don’t be rude, we leave when you are ready…"
"…Now…" interrupted the man.
"Docking bay three okay, it will cost you about 14,000 credits though." Said the young man.
"Anything, just get me there."
"Okay, let’s go." The young man smiled and with that the man followed the young man through the winding streets of this off the wall city to docking bay 3. A very nice ship, a few weapons protruded out but it was built for speed. Lovely, the man thought. They climbed aboard, the young man told him to strap in, he did. The young man went through a few things over the intercom, and then the ship lifted off. It speed up through the atmosphere towards the stars, then the stars became a blur, he closed his eyes…then hyperspace engulfed them.
Memories flashed back to him in an instant. He remembered his childhood, a happy home, family, friends, he remembered some of his schooling. He remembered being with his family, his real one, his mom, dad, and two brothers. He was the youngest of his brothers only 8 years of age. He remembered going somewhere for vacation, he didn’t know where, he was too young at the time, no one told him anything. Something had gone wrong with the ship, they had to drop out of hyperspace, they came out near a planet, unfortunately, a little to close. The planets gravity had started pulling the second they had appeared in real space. The ship kept falling his mother and brothers were screaming frantically, while his father fought the controls, but to no avail. He just sat there calm, happy…all of a sudden his stomach felt very funny, then darkness.
He remembers waking up in some kind of hut, or room…it was dark, and brown. He heard whispers, coming closer to him. He sat up and stared at the doorway. Two women, one with very dark hair, one with very blond hair, they came in and spoke to him. "Are you okay little one?" asked the blond hared lady, with a very soft and musical voice.
"Can you move everything…nothing broken?" asked the other female in a curious tone.
"I’m okay," he had said. He smiled and the asked where his parents were. Both of the women looked away.
The blond haired lady said, " Come, you must meet Farpond." The women took him by the hand, helped him up, and lead him out of the room, with the other women following behind him. They lead him into a large and beautiful room full, of women, everywhere he looked he saw women, he wondered where all the men were at. Most of the women stared at him, some made faces, some smiled. They brought him before a very beautiful women, and then left him there. He looked at the women in the throne.
" I am Farpond." She said. " Little one, what is your name…"she waited.
Fear filled him, he was actually afraid, but he stood up proud and said, " my name is Maehl."
"What a beautiful name…Maehl." She only smiled. " Your family was killed, all of them, and you should have been. Something is special about you, somehow you survived no scratches, nothing. You would normally have become a slave, for being a male, yet you have the power of a witch inside of you, hidden, I will help you find it." Some of the women in the room gasped at what she had said, but most respected his wishes. Years past, Maehl had become a very strong ‘witch’. Farpond had become his mother. He had constructed his own lightsaber, a very dark blue colored blade. He trained his entire life to become the best. He also felt in love with the woman. She was younger than him, by his own calculations he was close to about 26 now, and a younger woman cannot marry an older man, that is just they way it was. Her name was Ruzyia, they were in love, yet they were forbid to marry. The two of them always took walks in different directions. One day on an outing, the two of them stumbled upon a base. Troops circled the place, looking for trespassers, armed to the teeth. Maehl thought to himself, this base was not here the last time they had come this way. Something moved in the bushes next to them a troop saw them, screamed an pointed in their direction. One trooper not following his ‘get them’ order fired a shot at Ruzyia, and hit her square in the chest. She fell to the ground hitting the ground making dirt fly everywhere. The commanding officer shot the trooper who had shot Ruzyia. Maehl kneeled over her, tears came to his eyes, his anger grew, his face reddened, he could not stand the fury any longer.
Maehl jumped up, igniting his lightsaber, and attacking the troops who were all very close now. They never stood chance, a few blaster shots in odd directions and a few short screams, in seconds they were all dead. Blood covered Maehl, sweat poured from his brow, his chest heaved taking in air, tears still streaming down his face. He picked up Ruzyia and carried her home. The others were shocked at what they saw, some cried, others ran off. He carried her before his mother, who at the time was in her throne. He laid her body down. He looked into his mothers eyes, they too were full of tears. "Maehl, I have tried to teach you the good way’s, the ways of the light. Yet, I see this, I heard the blaster shots. I saw. The darkness consumed you, the one thing I always taught you was not to give into your anger. Yet, you did. You have failed me…son."
"Mother, I tried, I didn’t know who those men were…" Maehl pleaded.
"No, I am sorry, maybe I did wrong by keeping you alive all this time. I am sorry you must leave. There is a shuttle near that base, they came in it. Take it and leave me." Farpond had begun to cry.
Maehl stood up, looked around, and wiped the tears from his face. " Mother, I have failed you, but I will be back." His mother grinned, and only nodded. With that he turned and started walking out of the palace.
" Once you start down the path of darkness, their is no coming back," someone screamed behind him. He went back to the base to see that scavengers had already taken the trooper’s bodies away. He found the shuttle, he entered it. Began the lift off sequence, then the shuttle went up, and out in the darkness, the stars engulfed the ship.
He awoke with a startle. " I thought you were dead there for a while," said the young man. "We are about to drop out of hyper space now. Hold on." The ship slowed to come out of hyperspace, and the stars swirled about then went still. And dead ahead was Dathomir. Eight years ago he had left, and now to return. He was rather excited, but you could never tell by Maehl’s grim look on his face.
"Can I land her, I know where I want to go," asked Maehl?
"Sure thing, switch over…," Maehl took the controls,"…there you go." The young man looked happy to have a break. The ship flew straight on course, he knew exactly where he had taken off from all those years ago. The ship gently entered the atmosphere, and touched down as gentle as could be. " Think you could show me how to fly like that sometime," asked the young man. The landing bay was opening.
"Should I wait here for you, come with you, or should I leave?" asked the young man.
"I’m sorry, you won’t be going anywhere…", Maehl clinched his fist and the young man’s neck snapped. The young mans crumpled over into a heap on the ground. Maehl then turned and walked in the direction of the palace. He walked slowly looking at the base that was now covered in vegetation, one would not have noticed it if they didn’t know it was there. He kept walking, looking, grinning. He came upon the village, and the beautiful palace. It had not changed a bit he thought to himself. Some women looked at him funny, one or two recognized him and smiled. Maehl entered the palace, and went directly to the throne room. He saw the beautiful women crowded around a lovely woman sitting in the throne. The women moved out of the way as he neared the throne. The women on the throne rose, he her draped down around her, long and beautiful. He stopped a few feet away from her. " Mother. I have returned," he said.
"Maehl! I knew you would be back," she smiled as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. They hugged. He had missed his mother. "Leave us," she said to all of the other occupants of the chamber. They all left. " Tell me of your adventure’s, tell me of you," she begged of him.
"Mother. When I left here that day I went and joined the Imperial Academy. I flew on my ships, with many people and I have fought many battles. I am the Commodore aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Colossus. I have also been involved with and am now the Master at Arms in the Dark BrotherHood of the Jedi. Mother…I never went back to the ‘light’ side of the Force. I have become an evil man in many peoples eyes. I have killed many people. I have come back though as I promised. I had a bit of time. I am here, but I must leave you soon. I will be missed before long," Maehl told his mother. She asked him many questions about the outside world, he answered. She told him of the many strangers who had come and gone. A day passed. "Mother, I must leave." She took his hand and kissed his cheek.
"I am proud of you, no matter what you do. Now go," she said. She let go of his hand and he turned away.
"I will try to come back again mother," said Maehl as he left. He traveled back to the shuttle. He boarded the shuttle, leaving the boys body behind. The stars engulfed the ship. His leave was over. He returned to the Emperor’s Hammer Fleet at Aurora.
COM-FA/RA Adept Goatboy/ISD COL [MAA]