Imperial Navy Pilot Record

Personal Background information

(Imperial Security Bureau)

Name: Thomas Wood

Rank: General

SN: Jedicharon

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Date Of Birth: Auggust 18, 2279

Place of Birth: Sol III, Milky Way Galaxy

Marital Status: Single

Family: Unknown

Social Status: Well-to-do


Signifigant events of childhood and adolescence: I was born on Earth during the reign of a racial purist regime. Everyone who was different or exhibited unatural talents was sent into hyperspace without chance of escape. At the age of nineteen, I began to exhibit extra sensory perception, levitation, mind control, increased coordination (typical Jedi traits). I was deemed unnatural and loaded into a hyper cell and fired into hyperspace. However, the firing tech misclculated and fired me into an unstable phenomena in hyperspace. I acted as a slingshot and skipped me across countless galaxies at speeds that no one ever has or will reach. As I shot through this galaxy I was caught by the Maw, a giant cluster of blackholes near Kessel. The conflicting gravities acted like speed brakes and stopped my pod on the edge of the event horizon in the center of the Maw. Luckily, Admiral Daala was making one of her "secret" voyages from the Gorgon, her personal flagship. using the tractor beam on her modified shuttle, she pulled my totaled pod back into the bay of her ship. When I came to, we were approaching the research installation; Daala knew I was dying and intended to interrogate me before I expired. With my remaining strength, I touched her mind and revealed my whole life in a burst of images and emotions. Daala immediately decided I was worth saving. The med techs did what they could but, alas, they predicted my death would occur sometime in the next fourty-eight to seventy two hours. The whole time I was semi-comatose but I kept muttering the name Magrody. Daala made the connection and sent for Nasdra Magrody. His current assignment was to create a force sensitive synthetic body for Palpatine. I mind spoke my request to him; give me the body. Officially, Palpatine's synthetic body was never built because it was not feasible. However, in reality I was given the synthetic body with all of Palpatine's knowledge and personal modifications. Daala reralized that I could not stay in the Maw because I was a civilian. So I joined the Imperial navy. Of course, Daala "unofficially" transfered me because of mitigating circumstances which compromised her objectivity. She did recognize my potential, however, and sent me in search of an elite force called the Emperor's Hammer. So I left the Maw in search of the EH. Daala gave me a modified freighter with plenty of food and defenses to expedite my search. Some two years later I came bow to bow with the Avenger. After sending Daala's personal code to the comm tech, I was contacted by GA Ronin himself. We immediatly sensed each other as force wielders. I sent him my transfer orders and he assigned me to ISD Colossus.


Signifigant events of adulthood: After meeting with GA Ronin I jumped to meet Colossus. I rendezvouzed with her and was given the indoctrination tour. After several months of distinguished service, I was given command of Mu squadron, which I still hold.


Alignment/attitude: I like to think of myself as an optimistic cynicist/ desperado/adrenaline rush/thrill freak. Of course most people just call me quiet. After my first battle as an EH pilot, I chose the name Charon because I forsaw in a Jedi vision that many would die at my hand. Since Charon is the "boatman of Death" in my culture, I thought it only appropriate that I assumed the name.


Former Occupation: None


Hobbies: Music, Kung Fu(ancient self defense art), and flying


Tragedies: I couldn't take my music collection with me.


Phobias and Allergies: I'll notify command when I contract one


Views of the EH: Any friend of Daala's is a friend of mine. The EH is a group that breaks the mold. It has the highest of ideals and the most efficient of methods. What pilot could ask for anything more? Personally, I believe GA Ronin is, as his name implies, the modern samurai.


Other Comments: Watch your six'!!! I can only be in one place at a time!!


I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signed: Charon

Date: November 23, 1995


FM/BG Anakin/Shadow-1/FRG Ins

ISB Security Photo: BG Anakin...
(Photo: E-Mailed by BG Anakin, 1995)

Imperial Navy Pilot Record

Personal Background information

(Imperial Security Bureau)

Name: Quintar Anakin

Rank: Brigadier General

Scandoc Transmission Code (Screen Name): BG Anakin

Sex (M/F): M

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 4523.12

Place of Birth (Please include Homeworld): On a transport to Coruscant

Marital Status (Single, Married, Divorced, Separated): Widowed

Family: Mother, Father, Son

Social Status (Destitute, Poor, Well-to-do, Wealthy, Nobility): Wealthy (Inherited money from late aunt)


Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence:

It was when I was about 16, yes, 16 I believe. I saw an amazing sight. I giant X-Wing swooped down over our home. I could not believe my eyes. I knew, from that moment on that I was destined to fly one of those most amazing starfighters. When I was about 18, I met my future wife. This was at a Rebel recruitment program. To fulfill my urge to fly a starfighter, and because she wanted me to, I enlisted in the Alliance. As I would soon find out, this would be the single most idiotic thing I've done in my life.


Significant Events of Adulthood:

I was 23. I was home from another great battle. I once again saw the X-wing and B-wing swoop down gracefully toward my home. But this time, the 'fighters were firing at our house!!! My wife, who had just given birth, was shot and killed immediately. In this attack, the rumbling of the house caused acid to be spilled on me, scarring my face badly. I had heard of a play where the man's face was scarred by acid. I modeled my mask after his. My son was safe at my mom and dad's house. This, at the time, I was fortunate for. I came back to the Alliance for a short time, but the memories haunted me and my conscience told me the Rebels were inconsiderate fools. I became so mad. I quit the Alliance immediately. I kept getting the urge to fly 'fighters again. I enlisted in the Imperial Navy. I flew the TIE craft for awhile, but I once again wanted to fly the graceful Rebel starfighters. This is when I heard about the Infiltrator Wing of the Emporer's Hammer. Immediately I joined. My son was about 16 at the time. All his buddies were joining the Alliance, so he enlisted also. I tried as hard as I could to talk him out of it, but he would not listen. After that I disowned him. Right now I have no idea what he's doing, and I don't care. Someday, I hope to see him floating in space after a nice laser from the gun of my X-wing took him out. Maybe he'll get the loyalty picture then. Now, I've been in the Emporer's Hammer for a long time, and I'm very happy there. I plan to stay there my whole life.


Alignment & Attitude: I once was a Rebel. I was never loyal to the Empire seems to be the only thing that I can be loyal to and trust these days. Not even my own son is loyal to me.


Former Occupations (if any): Alliance Pilot


Hobbies: Card games (specifically Rummy), playing drums


Tragedies: Loss of wife in Rebel raid

Son traded to the Rebel Alliance

Face scarred by acid


Phobias & Allergies: none.

Personal views of the Empire (and Emperor's Hammer): So much better than the Alliance. The quality of personnel is so much better than the Alliance. I feel safe every time I'm out there with someone.

Reason for applying to the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Fleet: See above

Other comments or information (optional): none


I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of

my knowledge.

Signature: Brigadier General Anakin

Date: 4265.34


FL/GN Claw/Raptor-3/ISD Col

From: GN Claw/ Flight leader-Raptor III/IDS Vanguard

To: ADM Veelon/Operation Officer/SSD Avenger



These are perilous times we live in. The death of the Emperor has had repercutions

throughout the galaxy. The rebels have managed to form a "New Republic". With

no imperial presence to keep them in check, petty warlords have taken control of

entire systems which they rule like their own private feudal domains. Piracy of

legal commerce is at such a level that whole economies are collapsing, bringing

it's own chaos.


It is at times like these that the Emperors creation, the Emperors Hammer, must

stand as a shining example of what once was. And what will be again. But to

bring the dream to realization, the Emperors Hammer is in need of resources to

meet it's objectives. The recent activation of Raptor Squadron is but one part to

making that dream reality.


It being my privilege to be part of Raptor Squadron, I submit the enclosed

reproduction for consideration as the official banner of Raptor Squadron.

Included in the banner are the words "In Hoc Signum Vincit"-translated-

"By this sign we conquer". I submit this as the official motto of Raptor Squadron.

I believe that these words best signify the attitude and loyalty of my Sqn. We do

not seek personal glory. But work to ensure that the empire will one day rise again

not to it's former glory, but to a level unheard of in history.

It is my hope that myself and the other members of my flight and Sqn will be able

to bring honor to the Hammer, and order to the galaxy.



D. Claw

General/Flight Leader/Raptor-III/IDS Vanguard


Raptor Squadron Banner, along with several other new Squadron Banners are attached to this Newsletter, as detailed in the File Archives Section of the Newsletter...


FM/GN Nazgul/Epsilon-3/SSD Avr


Imperial Navy Pilot Record

Personal Background information

(Imperial Security Bureau)

Name: Mooney, Christopher M.

Rank: General

Scandoc Transmission Code (Screen Name): MooneyD3

Sex (M/F): M

Race: Corellian

Date of Birth: 10/11/72

Place of Birth (Please include Homeworld): Selonia (In the Corellian System)

Marital Status (Single, Married, Divorced, Separated): Single

Family: Nanny

Social Status (Destitute, Poor, Well-to-do, Wealthy, Nobility): Poor

Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence: Originally born of noble birth on the Corellian world of Selonia, his family was important in the field of energy production. As the Rebellion spread and Corellia's ties to that rebellion increased, Mooney's family became highly critical of the Corellian leadership. While he and his mother were visiting a resort as an infant, a rebel assassination team murdered his family. Knowing that the death squad would be coming for them soon, she gave Mooney to his nanny. The nanny left Selonia and jumped around the galaxy before finally coming to Coruscant. Once there, she got a job as a a servant in the Imperial Palace. Mooney grew up in the shadow of the glorious Palace and came to love the Empire. When he turned eighteen, his nanny told him the story of his life. From then on, he became determined to crush the rebellion that deprived him of his family.


Significant Events of Adulthood: Joined the Imperial Navy at eighteen, became Guide for his training platoon during basic training. Scored well enough to qualify for additional training at the Raithal Naval Academy, where he rose to become a Senior Cadet while still an underclassman. He graduated fifteenth in his class of five hundred fourteen. Transferred to the FRG Inamo for additional TIE pilot training. TIE training cut short by the Battle of Yavin. Transferred to Admiral Zaarin's Fleet, he saw action in numerous theatres of war, including the pursuit of Admiral Harkov, the Sepan Civil War, the conflict at Mylock IV, and the rescue of the Emperor during the conflict at Ottega.

After seeing action in the Parmel system, he was transferred to Admiral Thrawn's fleet, where he was an important part of preventing Zaarin's treachery from succeeding. After the destruction of Zaarin's TIE Defender facilities, he was awarded the Medal of Horror.

He is currently engaged in reclaiming the wealth and royal title he is entitled to on Corellia.


Alignment & Attitude: Mooney is very driven by his faith in the Empire. He wishes to do nothing more than serve it, and by extension destroy the Rebel Alliance. He feels that the Force is a tool to be utilized to the maximum for the benefit of the Empire and his Emperor.

Former Occupations (if any): None (Imperial TIE Pilot)

Hobbies: Designing 3D models and animations, Golf, Computer technology

Tragedies: Loss of biological parents, loss of wealth, loss of title.

Phobias & Allergies: No phobias. Slight problem with allergens on some planets. Correctable with light medication.

Personal views of the Empire (and Emperor's Hammer): Is completely devoted to the ideas and precepts of the Empire. Will devote himself to the advancement of Imperial law and will serve any given component of the Empire with zeal.

Reason for applying to the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Fleet: Wishes to serve the Emperor and advance the glory of the Empire. The Emperor's Hammer is the most direct route to those goals.

Other comments or information (optional):


I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: [Mooney, Christopher M.]


cc: Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) Liason Officer
