SCO/RA Nemesis/CS-10/SSD Avr


The Hog Heavy Assault Fighter

The Hog is the winner of a contract competition by the Emperor's Hammer Corporate Division. Created by Imperial Microsystems, Inc., the Hog is an answer to a contract for a heavy assault fighter, a ship that can take out a Nebulon B in one swift strike.

The Hog has responded to that request with flying colors.

This new ship introduces two new technologies. The first is the High-Energy Ares-class PPC. This PPC is similar to the Vulcan PPC on the TIE Dragon, but burns with a yellow flame instead of purple. It has the same rate of fire as the Vulcan, but is slower and has a devastating effect on its target. The warheads strike with a force equivalent to one Heavy Rocket, at a rate of fire comparable to laser fire.

The second is relatively simple. It is called Temporary Weapon Enhancement. This technology allows for several weapons to be added on to existing systems, but without the ability to recharge. What this means is that the Hog starts with a total of six turbolasers. Gradually, though, the two TWE t-lasers lose their energy charge. They start out as perfectly function turbolasers, then become orange turbolasers (although they still do the same damage at this stage, they look and sound exactly like Rebel turbolasers), then they cease to function. After their charge is completely dry, the 2 extra turbolasers cannot be used at all. Just to point them out, the TWE turbolasers on the Hog are the two outer lasers.

To enhance performance ratings, the Hog has four ion engines - one at the top and bottom of each wing. This allows the Hog to achieve an acceptable speed and imparts incredible maneuverability and acceleration.


Stats are:

Standard speed: 71MGLT

Acceleration: Off the scale!

Maneuverability: Again, off the scale!

Engines: 4 Continuum Enhanced Ion Engines


Weaponry: 4 Microsystems Constant Damage Turbolasers

2 Microsystems TWE Turbolasers

1 Ares-class High Energy PPC

2 Continuum Warhead launchers - small loads


Comments: Mag pulse load recommended.


(request graphic from OPS - need something similar to TIE Dragon, but more formidable)


The Hog Fighter, produced by Imperial Microsystems, Inc. has been authorized for use in the IMI Picket Fleet, as detailed below. Based upon a review of flight tests provided by the CMDR of Cobra Squadron, it is generally felt among the Command Staff that the TIE Dragon will continue to suit the needs of the main EH primarily in the heavy assault objectives. However, the Hog has been approved as an auxiliary fighter more than suited for Corporate Escort and associated Assault missions...

The Hog Heavy Assault Fighter file (hog_sde.ovl) has been attached to this Newsletter for Member review - Please see the File Archives Section for further information...