The Dark Brotherhood of the Jedi is dedicated to the collection of knowledge and the pursuit of power, both through government and the military.

New Herald Appointed

With the recent sabbatical of Master Melan Pyr, the Grand Master has been forced to appoint a new herald for the Dark Brotherhood. It is with the greatest of pleasure that VEELON is given that position. Congratulations! In addition THX GoatBoy has been appointed as the first assistant herald. Best of luck to the both of them in the future.


A Word on Knighthood

Following my announcement of the Envoy positions, I have received a number of communications regarding their exact use and position. I wish to clarify this to prevent any further misunderstanding. The position of Envoy is similar to that of FC's Honor Guard. It is held in addition to the members normal rank in the DB. So far, this great honor has been bestowed upon two members of the Brotherhood:


Knight Commander of the Brotherhood: LordStelek

Knight First Class: THXGoatBoy


Grand Master to Recieve Title

In the turmoil immidiately following the fall of the Emperor, many of the Noble families of the Universe fell. However, protected deep in the core region, the House of Paladin managed to survive. With the death of his father, the Duchy of V'Armonde and the title that goes with it have both descended to the Grand Master. It is his intention to launch an expedition to the Galactic Core to reclaim his ancesteral home. The plan for this battle ("Fight for Honor") is included in this NL. The missions are to follow.


DB Mission Released

In order to gain supplies and men for a costly expedition against the rebels, the EH has decided to turn to piracy (which we will more tactfully refer to as making a "Midnight Requisition"). The first mission is to capture a Carack Cruiser containing captured pilots. This mission is included with this NL, as well as the plan for the remainder of the battles.


May the Darkness defend you...

Grand Master J. Paladin, Fleet Admiral

Govonor Plenepotentary of Eos

Duke of V'Armonde


Midnight Requisition

The Grand Admiral, followed closely by the XO and the Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood, walks into the briefing room, where the members of the command staff are seated. They all stand at attention.

"At ease." prompts the GA. The staff settle into their seats with a heavy sigh, ready for the logistics officer to give another lecture on attrition and how we should conserve water.

"For today's briefing, I would ask the Grand Master to speak." At that, Fleet Admiral Paladin walks to the podium.

"A great man (FDR), when asked how to give a good speech, once said 'Be sincere, be brief, be seated'. I intend to follow his advice. Toward that end, I will give it to you straight... The EH is broke. We are short of men, supplies, and valuable material. Conquering Aurora was cheap, managing it has been increasingly expensive... Therefore, we must turn to "Privateering"... What you might know better as piracy. Here is the basic plan of attack...


Phase I: Pilots

One CRCK, the LEONARDUS, will be stopped with its escorts, for a navigation check. Two T/D from TAU Squadron will hyper in and disable it. Expect resistance from light fighters, mainly T-W. This one is cake walk... (Enclosed Mission PAL1.TIE)


Phase II: Supplies

Two Strike Cruisers, Group XERXES, are awaiting the arrival of a Light Calamari Cruisers. You are to take out the escorts and allow a flight of T/D to disable the two Cruisers. A flight of two TAU MIS will take point on this one. Watch out for the arrival of the SPARTA (the Light Mon Cal).


Phase III: Information

In an effort to capture valuable bullion for Aurora, we must disable and capture a single shuttle containing the course information on the Rebel Supply Train. Easy. Did I mention that this perticular shuttle is inside a Calamari Cruiser? No problem for pilots of our prowess. Fortunately, this convoy also contains building supplies which will prove valuable to the Engineers building Imperial might on Aurora. Omega Squadron will take this mission because of its extreme importance.


Phase IV: Eliminate the Point Defense

This is a pure and simple slug-fest. No strategy is involved here, a flight from Alpha Squadron will hyper in, destroy everything in sight to secure the area, and then leave. The objective is to secure this area in order to allow the capture of the incoming convoy.


Phase V: The Mother Load

Beta, Omega, and Delta Squadrons will be utilized for this mission. The New Republic convoy holding the taxes it has collected will be coming through, and we intend to capture it. The convoy holds billions of credits in bullion that we can use to manufacture ships and weapons, as well as pay off contractors, etc. In fact, we could use the contenets of the convoy to build a PLT/5 entirely out of Gold... This mission is of supreme importance.


...any questions? No... Very well, the first mission launches in 15 minutes. Good luck!"


With that, the briefing broke up and the members of the EH rushed to their craft. Soon, the stars would bear witness to the fury of the Emperor's Hammer!






Scene 1: The Pyr Estate; The Master's Chamber

(Note: As is suspected of many command officers of the Emperor's Hammer, past and present, former EH Admiral Melan Pyr maintains an undocumented estate at an undisclosed location. Some such retreats are often gifts by unknown benefactors, while others, as in the case of Pyr, are the spoils of clandestine profiteering.)


"It's the Force" whispered his valet, "I've heard it effects the mind first".

"The Dark Force!" corrected the Master's footman.

They both turned their eyes cautiously towards their master, who sat motionless by the fire. "He just sits there looking into his flames! He's been like that for days. He's eaten nothing, and will not speak." remarked the footman in dismay.

"It is said that he has resigned his rank and everything... Everything he was...Officer, pilot, even his positions as a Dark Jedi... he just gave it all up!" the valet added, his voice both amazed and perturbed.

"He must have cracked to have done such a thing! As powerful as he is, he is fortunate not to have lost his life! It is said that many stronger in the Force than he, have died for less." replied the footman.

"Yes," agreed the other "That must be why he has come back home to brood"


The robed figure by the fire turned his eyes toward his servants. "You speak of me as though I were not in the room. Am I not in the room?" hissed the Dark Jedi Master.

Both men jumped to attention. "Master Pyr! We though you were lost... in... in your thoughts sir." stammered the footman.

Pyr turned his eyes to the fire again. "Lost... yes, I suppose I am. Ironic... I can snuff out your lives with a wave of my hand, and yet control over my own mind has begun to elude me. I cannot lead the men and women of the Emperor's Hammer nor serve its leader in such a state."

"Admiral... if there is anything we can..." but Pyr's gaze cut the footman off in mid-sentence.

"The honor of 'Admiral' is unfortunately no longer mine churl! You will not address me as such again... understood?" The two men nodded their heads vigorously. "Now Leave me!" he snapped. The servants backed out of their master's chamber with a bow.

As the heavy plasteel door slid shut, Pyr's attention turned again to his fire. "The fool is right! It is the Force. Can no one else see that these flames are black? Am I the only one to hear the voices of the dead chattering in my ear? Well... perhaps I am no longer sound enough to lead a fleet in combat, but my hunger for mastery of the Force gnaws at me more than ever. It must be sated."


Scene 2: Dark Hall, ?

Master Pyr had not visited the Dark Hall since his breakdown. No one was sure what had happened. Why he had resigned his rank and position and left the Brotherhood.

Every Master was immediately alerted to Pyr's approach. The guards to the doors of the Hall, not sure if they were expected to halt Master Pyr, were relieved to hear the Master Ronin's voice in their heads: 'Let him through' With Pyr's approach, the guards to the Hall's entrance parted, heads bowed, allowing him to pass.

Pyr entered through the threshold, his robes billowing, as he approached the chair of Paladin, Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood. With his hooded head bowed, the former Herald kneeled and spoke. "My master... "

The Grand Master leaned forward, drumming the tips of his fingers together. "Well... Master Pyr! We thought you'd left us. What brings you back...hmmmm?"

"I seek readmittance into the fold, my Lord. That which I sought to control alone has become less manageable outside these walls. I must be permitted to return"

"Hmph! 'Must' you? Although you have chosen an unfortunate turn of phrase Pyr, these doors have always been open to you. Rise Master Pyr."

"So then...what is it that drove you away and yet drives you back, my friend?"

"Voices, my Master. Voices that will not let me be. I must go.... somewhere..."

The Dark Lord of the Sith allowed his back to rest into his seat. His black hair, which had partially covered his face, mystically gathered together and pulled itself neatly to the side. "Yes Pyr. I have heard these voices too... like whispers in someone else's ear. They have summoned you to a sacred place, just as I have summoned you here before me. It is a place of great power. There lies both your destiny, and that of the Order of the Krath."

"The Krath? But what have I to do with the Krath, M'Lord?"

"Everything Master Pyr! Did you think that the recent misfortunes that have befallen you were by chance alone? Your career in the Emperor's Hammer, your rank and position were all obstacles to the task before you. Now that you are no longer a member of the Order of the Sith, you are free to fulfill this destiny I have foreseen."

"The Sith is strong, and has always been the backbone of the Brotherhood. But the time has come for the Krath to take their place by their side, for the good of the Brotherhood. You and the priests must make a pilgrimage..."

"Yes...I see now...A pilgrimage... but to where my Lord?" asked the former Sith.

"To the ancient birthplace of the Krath: The Empress Teta System, deep within the Galactic Core. There you will find your spiritual center, and that of the Krath. It will be an arduous journey, and time is running out. There is a window that is closing for us, my friend. I have felt a movement in the Force towards this site, which will place it out of our reach forever. You must drain that place of its worth before that window is shut. You and the Krath will be transfigured... made stronger, and the Dark Brotherhood will be more powerful than ever."

The Grand Master shifted his position and held his palm out to the Dark Jedi before him. The center of his palm seemed to glow, and a ragged bolt of energy snarled across the distance between the two men, landing on unexposed arm of Melan Pyr. The former Herald pulled back his sleeve to find a mark, still glowing, upon his forearm.

"To this end Master Pyr, I hereby anoint you as High Priest of the Order of the Krath."

"...My Master..." breathed Pyr, as he once again fell to his knee.

"Rise High Priest." said Paladin in a tone both friendly and imperious. "You have much work to do, eh? You will iron out the details as soon as possible."

"Yes... the voices become ever louder. I feel their urgency. Thank you Grand Master."

"Good! Go then, and make your preparations my friend"

"Yes Master"

Bowing, Pyr exited the Hall.