The efforts of Wing I can only be described as a rousing success. Commodore Rear Admiral Jac

and Wing I Commander LG Talon planned and directed the campaign that was executed across

two theaters of operation. A full third of the Auroran defense capability is thought to have fallen,

and numerous capital ships and installations of strategic importance were captured. 

Although celebration is premature, Hammer command extends a "well done" to the commanders,

leaders and pilots of Wing I.



Mission 1:"Capture of Helicon" 

CMDR General Sabre led Beta Squadron in the successful mission against the Helicon

Munitions Factory. Beta eliminated the FAC's fighter defense, and then disabled the installation.

ATR Insult, with a platoon of Imperial Storm Troopers, arrived short thereafter. The ATR Insult

docked with the FAC and secured its capture.

The VSD Formidable, carrying a squadron of TIEs hypered-in. The TIEs, with their

Imperial pilots, re-garrisoned the facility.

In the midst of this operation, the Aurorans launched a surprise counter-attack, in an effort

to foil the capture. It almost succeeded, as GUNs of the Eos Defense Fleet targeted the unarmed

TIEs trying to make it safely to the factory. Thanks to Beta, their efforts were thwarted, and the

securing of the factory proceeded.

The new base commander, Imperial Navy General Xeno Ishatara, aboard the Tyderian

Shuttle Brand, first docked with the container containing the Factory pass codes, and then finally

boarded the factory, and assumed command.


Mission 2A & 2B: "Engagement with the First Fleet"

The attack on the Auroran First Fleet position near Eos was a pincer operation executed

by GN Marko, Commander of Alpha Squadron and BG Primum, commander of Lambda

Together, the two strike squadrons caught 2 Frigates, 2 Calamari Cruisers, their

squadrons, and numerous Corvettes. They pinned this fleet down for some time, making it

impossible for them to move to relieve their comrades in other besieged areas.

Capture operations were attempted with the aid of the ATRs Bismarck and Graf Spee,

which handled disabling chores, and the TRNs Jagstaffel and Stalag, who's storm troopers

secured the vessels.

Initial reports state that the captures included the CRSs Gaia and Terminus, and the

FRGs Mayor of Wye and Stars End. The Corvettes and most of the fighters were destroyed. The

captures will be confirmed after the battle assessments are concluded.


Mission 3: "Destruction of PLT Giskard""

Gamma Squadron commanded by GN Strife, launched its attack against the military way-

station situated between Eos and Aurora. Amidst the battle, the Auroran FRG Sark, carrying

evacuation personnel and equipment, tried to rescue those aboard the platform.

Reports state that their rescue attempts were stopped and that the Sark was disabled, but

this is unconfirmed.

We do have confirmation that the platform and its defenses were destroyed.


Mission 4: "Capture of Sunmaster"

In a mission mirroring Mission 1, CMDR General Andrew led Epsilon Squadron in the

successful mission against the Sunmaster Missile Factory.

Epsilon eliminated the FAC's fighter defense, and then disabled the installation. ATR

Injury, with a platoon of Imperial Storm Troopers, then hypered-in. The ATR Injury docked with the

FAC and its storm troopers captured the installation with little effort.

The VSD Monitor arrived, bringing a squadron of TIEs. The craft, with their Imperial pilots,

re-garrisoned the facility.

While this re-garrisoning was being done, the Aurorans launched a surprise counter-attack,

in an effort to foil the capture. It almost succeeded, as Gunboats of the Eos Defense Fleet

targeted the unarmed TIEs trying to make it safely to the factory. Thanks to Epsilon, their efforts

were thwarted, and the securing of the factory proceeded.

The new base commander, Imperial Navy General Noboru No-Tokugawa, aboard the

Tyderian Shuttle Stamp, first docked with the container containing the Factory pass codes, and

then finally boarded the factory, and assumed command. 



Task: "Interception of Liners"

The armada of passenger liners, suspected of being the instrument of escape for many a

hopeful Auroran dignitaries and their families, were destroyed by Tau Squadron. None of the

liners survived the turbo blasters of the A-9s, and no other resistance was encountered due to the

intense action happening elsewhere.


"Destruction of PLT Baley"

Brigadier General Sten and his Pi Squadron had little problem destroying the Platform

Baley, though they were surprised by the brace of Corvettes stationed at the PLT. The mission

was spirited, but the PLT, its defensive forces and the CRVs were eliminated.