Stage III

"The Hammer Strikes" Plot Line 

Mission 1:(Eos Quadrant Assault)

"Capture of Helicon"

(Designed for Beta Squadron)

There are two theaters involved in Stage III: The Eos Quadrant Assault, and Baley Quadrant Operations. The four missions of the Eos Quadrant Assault commenced simultaneously, and were launched a bit prior to the Baley Quadrant Operations


General Sabre, Commander of Beta Squadron, will begin his attack on the Helicon Munitions Factory at the same time as the attacks on other targets in the Eos Quadrant Assault begin. The Helicon Factory will prove useful to the Hammer in the future, and so the object will be to eliminate the FAC's fighter cover and capture the facility. The ATR group Insult, with standard Imperial Storm Troopers aboard, will then arrive after the FAC has been disabled. The ATR will dock with the FAC and secure its capture.

The VSD Formidable, will then hyper-in to the area and drop off a squadron (I-Helicon) of TIEs to re-garrison the facility. These TIEs will be piloted by standard Imperial pilots. An Imperial Navy General will be placed in command of the base.

Mission 2A & 2B: (Eos Quadrant Assault)

"Engagement with the First Fleet"

(Designed for Alpha and Lambda Squadrons)


In order for the rest of the Eos Quadrant Assault to be successful, the First Fleet, stationed in orbit around Eos, will have to be tied down and eliminated. Two strike squadrons (Alpha & Lambda) were chosen for the mission. They will encounter fighters and capital ships. It was agreed that those capital ships that escaped destruction would be disabled and captured. Hammer Command will determine if they should be kept or destroyed at a later date.

The two squadrons will catch the Auroran First Fleet in a pincer. Alpha will be under the command of GN Marko. Alpha will encounter the FRG Mayor of Wye, the CRS Gaia, and the Corvette group Compor.

Lambda will be led by its new Commander, BG Primum. Lambda will take on a brace of Corvettes, the Nebulon-B Frigate Stars End, and the Calamari Cruiser Terminus. 

Mission 3: (Eos Quadrant Assault)

"Destruction of PLT Giskard""

(Designed for Gamma Squadron)


Gamma Squadron, under the command of GN Strife, will attack and destroy the defensive PLT

Giskard, and any defending forces. 

Mission 4: (Eos Quadrant Assault)

"Capture of Sunmaster"

(Designed for Epsilon Squadron)


General Andrew, Commander of Epsilon Squadron, will begin his attack on the Sunmaster Missile

Factory at the same time as the attacks on other targets in the Eos Quadrant Assault begin. The Sunmaster

Factory will prove useful to the Hammer in the future, and so the object will be to eliminate the FAC's fighter

cover and capture the facility. The ATR group Injury, with standard Imperial Storm Troopers aboard, will

then arrive after the FAC has been disabled. The ATR will dock with the FAC and secure its capture.

The VSD Monitor, will then hyper-in to the area and drop off a squadron (I-Sunmast) of TIEs to re-

garrison the facility. These TIEs will be piloted by standard Imperial pilots. An Imperial Navy General will be placed in command of the base. 


Task: (Baley Quadrant Operations)

"Interception of Liners"

(Pertains to Dark Brotherhood)


An armada of passenger liners, which had been alerted to the events happening around the Auroran

System, was ordered to stand by to evacuated citizens from those locations. The Dark Brotherhood

was chosen for the task of intercepting those liners and destroying them.

They have no fighter escort, though some patrols might attempt to aid the liners. 

Mission 5: (Baley Quadrant Operations)

"Destruction of PLT Baley"

(Designed for Pi Squadron)


Pi Squadron, under the command of BG Sten, will attack and destroy the defensive PLT Baley, and

any defending forces. It is expected that this attack will go smoothly, since so much of the Auroran navy is otherwise engaged.