"Beta Elite Strike Squadron:" 

"We are about to embark on one of our most difficult missions. Today we enter the Eos Quadrant. I assume that you have all ready been briefed by the flight personel. Our attack on the Helicon Munitions Factory is of utmost importance to the future of the Hammer and thus, to the continuing existance of the Empire. We must capture this facility intact. The munitions produced here are vital for us to continue our campaign against the rebel outlaws who now call themselves the New Republic. As you might have noticed our weapon supplies have dwindled with the collapse of the Imperial Resupply Network. All this will change with the capture of the Helicon outpost. As an incentive just think of how nice it will be to fire off advanced torpedoes and concussion missles with the care-free attitude we had in the past." 

"Remember, You are the elite of the elite. The best of the best. That is why we have been selected for this mission. " 

"We are at the dawn of the New Empire. The Emperor will be with you as you fly."



Cmdr/GN Sabre/Beta -1/SSD Avr