Stage II

"Introduction to Fear" Plot Line

The Missions of Delta and Tau Squadrons were launched in succession. When Delta crossed over Aurora on its final leg, Tau will have arrived in normal space, within striking distance of PLT Settler.  

The overall purpose of this Stage of the Battle is to demonstrate to the Aurorans how vulnerable they are to the operations of our fleet. They will be unable to prevent our recon efforts, and unable to adequately protect their own citizens. It is hoped that this will serve to demoralize the leaders and the people of this system, thus bringing the battle to an early conclusion. 

Mission 1: "Follow-up Recon"

(Designed for Delta Squadron)


Delta Squadron, will conduct a reconnaissance of both the Venabili and Seldon Factory installations. The presence of minefields suggests that these facilities are most likely military in nature If so, they will be secured in subsequent missions.

Factory garrisons will be scrambled, and near-by patrols will be summoned into the area in an attempt to thwart the efforts of Delta.

After completion of the recon operation of the FACs, Delta will perform the 'task' of a fly-over Aurora itself. The expected inability of Aurora to prevent this, will most likely prove most unsettling to its inhabitants. 

Mission 1: "Civilian Target"

(Designed for Dark Brotherhood and Tau Squadron)


A platform identified as PLT Settler is the chosen target. It is lightly defended, and civilian in nature. The attack upon this civilian target is specifically designed to demonstrate the horror of war to this long peaceful system. It is hoped that such an act will discourage and dishearten the Aurorans.

Then BG Melan Pyr, Commander of Tau Squadron, unsure that Tau would be activated in time for the missions in this battle, elected to ask the Dark Brotherhood to take over. The Tau squadron members who are also in the Dark Brotherhood, will be released from their regular duties for this special mission. RA Sths Tor, the new Commodore of the Dungeon Ship Lichtor V, will lead the attack

It is expected that an insignificant garrison is all that protects the colony. Once disposed of, the only threat might remain is from the Auroran Defense Fleet, which may dispatch fighters to the area in an effort to save its citizens.

The DB-Tau pilots will be flying the new A-9 Vigilance Interceptor. Its turbo cannons, high speed and maneuverability are only the most obvious of its assets. The most dangerous aspect rests with the pilot himself. The A-9 allows a Dark Jedi to use the Force in combat. This can have the effect of completely disarming an enemy. This asset more than compensates for the lack of shielding or warheads