Preliminary reports indicate that all went well with Stage I of our campaign. The Auroan 2nd

Fleet, stationed in the Revetlov quadrant of the system, has been seen moving towards the area of

our recent attacks, thus leaving the Reventlov quadrant open to our next stage of operations.


Task 1: Recon Perimeters

Delta 1, under the command of CMDR GN Invader, performed a reconnaissance mission

along the outskirts of the Auroran system. The Auroran First Fleet was confirmed as stationed in orbit around Eos. Further information regarding fleet strengths and positions was obtained, though must remain classified until the entire battle has been completed.

Also of great importance was information regarding coordinates and statistics which will allow the Hammer to conduct precision hyperspace jumps, bringing our forces to the exact points needed in battle. It should be possible to preprogram the navcoms to execute short pin-point jumps within a given area of battle as well.


Task 2: Elimination of Eos Perimeter Sensors

The Eos Perimeter Sensor line was eradicated without incident, by Rho-1 under the

command of CMDR General Coelis.

It is intended that this action lead to an expectation of invasion from this area, causing the

Aurorans to deploy their fleets in this direction, leaving the opposite end of the system open for our

next stage of attack.

After having destroyed the sensors, GN Coelis met up with Rho-2 and Rho-3 to conduct

their attack on the Mycogen Bio-Chem Factory


Mission 1: "Destruction of Mycogen"

Reports from the Rho pilots indicate that the mission was successful. The FAC and its

defenses were destroyed and most if not all injured pilots were recovered.