ISB [EH OFFICE] Re. AURORA, DROIDS OF ATTN. EMPERORS HAMMER COMMAND BEGIN Aurora's droid design is significantly different from that found throughout the rest of the known Galaxy. The foremost distinguishing characteristic is in their programming. The Droids of the Auroran Civilization, called "Robo(es)" by the Aurorans, contain what is referred to as the 'Laws of Robotics'. These 'Laws' are at the core of every droid program, and govern the actions and reactions of all droids. The exact nature of the 'Laws' are unknown, but they have the effect of preventing the droids from harming human beings; a testament to the extreme paranoia of this people. Unlike droids of Imperial design, a 'robo' cannot be programmed for such tasks as medical, interrogation, or assassination. Their core program is understood to be so strict so as to prevent the Aurorans from utilizing the droids as anything but personal servants and mechanized labor. If a 'robo' does cause any type of injury, the core program will disable it in proportion to the amount of harm done to the human. A more disturbing characteristic of droids of Auroran design is that an unknown number are indistinguishable from normal human beings. This may indicate that their intended use is infiltration of our Galaxy. It is the recommendation of this office that once Aurora and Eos are secured, that these droids be either destroyed or reprogrammed in the Imperial manner. END TRANSMISSION