Stage VI

"Victory is Ours" Plot Line


No longer needed, the Orbital Bombardment Task Force under the command of Fleet Admiral Stelek, and the ISD Colossus enter hyperspace en route to their next missions. 

Task:" "Destruction of Extraneous Facilities""

(Pertains to Emperor’s Hammer)


Some facilities, such as platforms, and civilian industrial units, which are not essential to the Emperor's Hammer or do not serve the occupation will be destroyed.

Most such facilities have been abandoned, or are garrisoned very lightly. Various elements of the Emperors Hammer will undertake the destruction of these places. Fleet Admiral Adams will oversee this operation . 

Task: " Capture of Useful Facilities"

(Pertains to Emperor’s Hammer)


Those areas and facilities which may prove useful to the Fleet, or which may serve the purpose of this occupation, will be secured and garrisoned.

The Hammer's new Tactical Officer Admiral Tav Briel `Lya will be placed in charge of the operation. 

Task: " Accepting Aurora's Surrender"

(Pertains to Grand Admiral Ronin) 


The Aurorans have declared their surrender. Unfortunately for them, several of their metropolitan areas were completely obliterated before they saw the wisdom of this decision.

Their head of state, First Minister R. Naelead Vilowa will be summoned to the SSD Avenger, to appear before the Grand Admiral. The First Minister will hand Grand Admiral Ronin the badge of office, and will sign the documents of surrender.