Mission 1:"Counter Attack?"

Admittedly, the EH was taken by surprise. The sensors of every Hammer pilot in the area

recorded a steady stream of blips rising from the surface of Aurora. Apparently, any and all

Auroran craft that had managed to escape the destruction of our last missions ended up together

on the planet. They approached in a manner that suggested that their best leaders were no longer

there to lead them.

Through the diligent efforts of a hodgepodge of EH pilots scrambled at the final moment,

this exodus was prevented. 

Task: "Securing Eos"

Details regarding the conquest of Eos are still not available. A report from the Hammers

Fist, who were supposed to have overseen the task, is hoped for in the near future.

There are rumors that Imperial Army Corps Field Marshal Hassan ibn Jebel took control of

the operation, but it remains to be seen. 

Task: "Siege of Aurora"

The SSD Avenger arrived in orbit around Aurora as planned. FA Stelek's OBTF moved to

join them, and the attack commenced. The Grand Admiral himself led the glorious siege of the

enemy's homeworld.

The big ships had little trouble eliminating all ground to space defenses on the planet's

surface. Still, the Aurorans refused to surrender.

The GA then ordered the systematic destruction of the cites. One after the other, the

Auroran 'metros' were laid to waste. Nearly half of the major population centers of Aurora were

completely destroyed.

Finally, the Aurorans sent word of their intention to surrender. To the Fleet Commander's

credit, the bombardment immediately ceased. The Grand Admiral admitted that this chore had

been unpleasant, but entirely necessary. 

Task:"Interdiction of Refugees"

With no hyperdrives, the Auroran last attempt at escape was a pathetic sight. Psi

Squadron handled the duties, and it was reported that all Aurorans were 'stopped'.